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Colorado MMJ License ?'s



I was there for the first hour. and i went back to at 3 for about 45 mins.
They went on break as i was leaving. The mood seemed very optimistic.
I spoke with mason tevert and Brian Vincente, they both seemed to have a positive out look on the situation.
there were only 11 people for the proposed changes! that has got to send a message to the board. One member i know who will be voting against it is Julie Riddle, from La Plata Co. I voted for her when i was in Durango, where i gathered her signature for amendment 44. She is one levelheaded person we can count on.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Are people adhering to the minute time limit? Doesn't sound like it...


What's the latest the deliberations can run? If passed will the change come into effect immediately?


The board can let the public comments run as long as they like, or cut them off at will. Their own deliberations and vote were expected to happen directly after the comments, but that's up to them as well, they could continue them another day if they chose.

As for when it would be implemented, I'm sure it wouldn't be right away, but it doesn't require further review so it would likely be scheduled for something like 30 or 60 days. That's assuming plans to ask for an injunction aren't granted.


Rob Corry and brian vincente have all of the paper work in order to sue the board of health, if this passes, tomorrow at 8am.
thanks for the info Jwh.
Are you going to stay until the board has passed its decision?


It's about a 50/50 split between people taking about a minute and people running well over 3. We were planning on staying until the board voted but at this point I'm not even sure if that'll be possible or bearable ^^.


I am moving out there in december, I have ties to C3 initiative.

luckily my ties are a licensed nurse and caregiver, I am not hip to all the goings on with the hearing or whatever, but my understanding is regardless she will still be qualified.

good luck to all you guys, and hopefully you will be smoking some of my gear very soon.

take care all.


Thank you for sharing JWH. Me and a few other patients tried to listen to the conference call, but between folks not turning off mute and technical problems they seemed to be having, we couldn't hear the testimony very well. Some of the stuff seemed ridiculous... I thought I heard them say one doctor had signed off 200 recommendations for mmj in one day, and some guy was giving all 4 of his preteens the thcsuckers like they were lollipops. I just assumed it wazs all hyperbole.

I thought a riot would be taking place if they voted this in at the end of the day.... i think they're trying to tire everyone out before they get excited with this long of a meeting!

We're all praying this doesn't pass! It can't, it won't, I refuse to believe it :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:!!!



thanks for stopping by mexi. this has turned into a great thread for CO patients, ihope when you gethere you will be a great contributor.


on the fence about charging folks for medicine to be honest.

I have mailed seeds for donations already. They are around.

would be nice to not have to hide behind screen names anymore.


Oh it's not free to grow. It should definitely be charged for. But $15 a gram for med patients who use 5 grams a day is out control. Over $2000 a month for medicine? That's a mortgage payment for a niiice house.

Anyone know they cost of production per gram?


Some of the stuff seemed ridiculous... I thought I heard them say one doctor had signed off 200 recommendations for mmj in one day, and some guy was giving all 4 of his preteens the thc suckers like they were lollipops. I just assumed it was all hyperbole.

Yup, both those things were said, but neither were substantiated or questioned. The registry's presentation was the one that reported the 200 recommendations in a day, but it's impossible for anyone else to verify due to the privacy controls of the registry. Interesting that 500 doctors have signed 8000 recommendations in 8 years now, but this unknown fellow could have done them all working M-F for only two months :/

The woman from the child protection foundation that spoke of the guy giving his medicine to his children was an interesting case. She was sitting right behind me as she prepared her notes and discussed the case with a LEO that didn't speak. He pointed out to her that in that case no charges had yet been filed, was still under investigation and the acts were alleged. Didn't seem to bother either of them to mention it anyway, dropping the alleged parts :/

We're at about #100 now at 5:30. Going a lot faster now that about 2 out of 3 people that signed up to speak have left.


Thanks so much for the es JWH, the on-line blog from westword was leaving me on the edge and the journalist blogging just left.

Glad to hear it's almost over. Any updates on when they want to release the decision? Is it definitely supposed to be today?


The staff I spoke to in the morning said that it was definitely planned for today, but at this point I'd be surprised if it isn't pushed to at least tomorrow. Unless they already know that the process will only take a few minutes, which could be the case.


There were actually only 169 people that signed up to speak, public comment closed a few minutes after 7pm, followed by a few more questions for the registry chief medical officer.

Apparently there will be a vote tonight. However before that happens the board moved to convene an executive session to discuss the lawsuit that is planned if the board votes for the proposal with the Attorney General. Unfortunately this also closes public access to the proceedings and gets around the sunshine laws. The board president Glenn Schlabs promised they'd return to public session soon, presumably for a vote.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I think they're shitting they're collective pants about getting sued. Time will tell. Thanks again JWH, for those of us who couldn't make it. You've kept us well informed. :yes:

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