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205w LED vs 400w HID Let the battle begin!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Seems as if chemical treatments aren't doing it for you, then predator mites should be a no-brainer. Why throw away that much work when there is a viable solution?

no brainer? not sure about that - given that predator mites stop breeding and try to hibernate when there is less than 14 hours light. ive tried them recently and they were pretty useless. unless you introduce them at the first sign of mites then they dont tend to catch up. also all the poisons being used will enter the food chain and the predator mites will be much less resistant than the spider mites i would imagine.

or have i missed something??


hey old friend

I don't post much but I'm here every day reading the progress of peoples grows. I'm actully growing after problems discussed in pm's. I just missed it too much to let it go.
anyway I've had my share of problems with the borg.In any case I always knew I introduced them to the grow. No preditors and good condition almost make it inpossible to rid without heavy pestiside, Avid works wonders with one application. It is a systemic and is toxix to humans so care must be taken when appling. mask and suit are a must, but it will solve your problem. Used at the stage of growth you are at it will have time to rid the poision, approximently 4 weeks for the plant to rid of it. no worry of eggs the stuff will still be around. I have always grown for profit, time is money. if you want to me supply a link iI will, not in public though it can be abused used in late flower, The mites will stay thru almost anything

As always I wish you the best, ledgirl knew what she was doing when she choose you for this test I would post more but past run ins with leo have me scared.

grow hard

I believe the predator mites reproduces about 4 times as fast as the mites and do not have a hard time catching up to them. I personally just dealt with an mites issue using straight neem oil and then introducing lady bugs, I haven't seen any sign of them since! I think the predators are meant to be even more effective. You just want to create as hostile of a environment for them as possible, lower temps, higher humidity(I just misted the plants a few times a day for ph'd water), and some form of predator that thrives in those conditions.

Hope something works for you! Good luck!
I just fought off a borg infestation pretty successfully. I got this spray called Dr. Earth home & garden from a nursery in my area (100% organic, made with all sorts of diff. herbal oils- $8.99), and it worked wonderfully. Smells pretty good as well, like eucalyptus. They were at 4 weeks of flowering and in pretty bad shape, pretty much left em untreated for just under a week. I sprayed each plant liberally including under the leaves 45 mins before lights out. The next day there wasn't a sign of any mites or any other critters or mold. There at 37 days now and no signs of the borg yet. I might do a light respray in a couple days to kill off any possible new young.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
he cant use the predator mites, as he has said more than once, the predator mites only breed when they have 16 or so more hours of light to be able to reproduce, so talking about the predator mights is just beating a dead horse.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Got a update for everyone, Day 7 12/12 things seem pretty close to even to me, Both sides are stretching and soon will begin throwing pistils.

Here are the pics, I was a little late on the watering this week, But that happens from time to time.



In search of Genetics
Another thing that killed mites for me another time was the sulpur burner.
I think there was a member on here named pirate he has a little how to very very easy and it works.

But if all else fails live lady bugs are cheap and extremely effective.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
the unit is no louder than a good computer fan,its way quieter than a vent fan,behind a door you cant even hear it at all


blazeoneup how loud are the fans on that LED? Do they run constantly or what?
Keep up the good work!

Excellent question!!

If the LED's are reducing less heat and thus making it possible to eliminate things like LOUD Inline fans, which I believe to be the reason for more "security breaches" than people realize.
I've heard of plenty of warrants issued due to fan/exhaust noises:angrymod:

Karma for the question and answer...



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
if i had to put a number on it,around 10 decibels,its quiet....and it's bitchin cool looking,i know that has nothing to do with anything performance wise,it is also very well made...


if i had to put a number on it,around 10 decibels,its quiet....and it's bitchin cool looking,i know that has nothing to do with anything performance wise,it is also very well made...

Are we talking about the same LED's that arrived broken and poorly soldered to BlazeOneUp??



wow blaze no talk in a long while I know this is a specfic thread and for a good purposebut I sort of thoght that tahat I'd get a hello.

the grow seem to be even so far that says alot a bout the LED, I have a open mind but still wonder about the size of the finish produt. I have grown monster buds with HID, no shit. Buds threetimes the size of 2 liter botters with ognicic with 50wps let hope the buff up some.



The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
wow blaze no talk in a long while I know this is a specfic thread and for a good purposebut I sort of thoght that tahat I'd get a hello.

the grow seem to be even so far that says alot a bout the LED, I have a open mind but still wonder about the size of the finish produt. I have grown monster buds with HID, no shit. Buds threetimes the size of 2 liter botters with ognicic with 50wps let hope the buff up some.


Whats up billbo, Glad to see ya hop in I've said hi a few times :) I dought I can grow any monster nugs to match that of what you have done in the past, Specially with this strain and the method I am using.

I have seen those monster nugs, I know the work you can do, Infact your one of the main guys that inspired me to be the grower I am today. You personally helped me years back I have never forgotten that!:tiphat:

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