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205w LED vs 400w HID Let the battle begin!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
but if you are interested in power efficiency and better quality product then they should be worth considering.

First time I've heard someone say you get better quality from LEDs, care to explain how you came to that conclusion?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
NT- I am doing a 950 watt CFL v 90 watt LED, supplemented with 50 CFL watt equivalents.

Shocking to me is the LED side has double the trics! (Maybe double the calyxes, too. I have to check)
I've read pretty much every thread on LED girls lights I can find on this forum and one thing i have noticed is that there is getting less and less criticism as the months roll by....I wonder why? Perhaps the old dogs are finally learning new tricks!


Active member
My major complaint regarding LEDs is that those currently offered to us have a HUGE problem. What happens when the bulbs fade/blow? Mfgs need to rethink their designs so that the bulbs are modular and user replaceable. That way we could buy and install the replacement module, then return ythe bad ones for partial credit.

Hmm, we've sold hundreds and hundreds of lights and only one person has reported back having a single LED go out. I guess if your product is dropping LED's left and right then the company who designed it didn't do a good enough job at keeping the LED's cool, or selecting a quality LED to start with. In most scenarios it is not something you should worry about. In the one case we saw, we sent the customer out a replacement light right away. So to answer your question, when a diode fails you send the product back and get a new one. Then we take the panel and re-manufacture it, whether that means replacing the LED, a power supply, or what have you. As per light fade, again if they didn't do a good job at cooling it may be something to worry about, but not with our panels. You have 10% fade at 15,000 hours (2 solid years) and 70% fade at 50,000 hours (6 solid years). It's just like HID where you replace the light once it falls below a certain efficiency rating, and in most cases that won't be necessary for 10+ bloom years. By then LED's will be 2-3x as efficient as they are now anyways, so you'll probably want to get a new panel for that reason alone.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
First time I've heard someone say you get better quality from LEDs, care to explain how you came to that conclusion?

hi nitetiger, not a conclusion yet, but a strong suspicion. ive grown my MMG cut under a HG LED and thought the smoke was stronger and more aromatic than when grown under hps. ive grown outdoors, under hps, cmh and LED and im always interested in the differences.
im pretty sure Hazy also thought his sugar shack was stronger under LED.



Active member
First time I've heard someone say you get better quality from LEDs, care to explain how you came to that conclusion?

Hey NT. I smoked some sour diesel earlier grown under a 400 watt light and it was all that sour diesel normally is, which is very nice indeed. A few minutes ago I started this bowl of sour diesel grown under an LED and I am higher now than I was earlier. More colorful bud, much more dense, smells a bit stronger too. Not as big, but much more dense, and more importantly, and this was a big unexpected surprise to me was nicer high. I've tried three strains grown under both and I keep testing, as it were, to make sure it's not just me willing it to be so.
In fact, there is a blind test being done in my thread, you might find it interesting. I have no control over the results, they'll be posted when the recipients are finished with their judging. A third party will divulge what the judges samples were after they publish the reults.

Sorry Blaze, not meaning to jack your thread there, bro.

Looking at how amazing the vegging is going for you under the led makes me want to run the next one start to finish under the bloom lights instead of veging under the floros like i usually do.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Hey NT. I smoked some sour diesel earlier grown under a 400 watt light and it was all that sour diesel normally is, which is very nice indeed. A few minutes ago I started this bowl of sour diesel grown under an LED and I am higher now than I was earlier. More colorful bud, much more dense, smells a bit stronger too. Not as big, but much more dense, and more importantly, and this was a big unexpected surprise to me was nicer high. I've tried three strains grown under both and I keep testing, as it were, to make sure it's not just me willing it to be so.
In fact, there is a blind test being done in my thread, you might find it interesting. I have no control over the results, they'll be posted when the recipients are finished with their judging. A third party will divulge what the judges samples were after they publish the reults.

Sorry Blaze, not meaning to jack your thread there, bro.

Looking at how amazing the vegging is going for you under the led makes me want to run the next one start to finish under the bloom lights instead of veging under the floros like i usually do.

Damn, I thought I'd already tagged in on your thread! Damn stoner :bashhead:


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Update Time :tiphat:

It's been close to 2 weeks since installing the new mh bulb, It appears the LED is still keeping up the pace and growing at a faster rate. Doesnt seem like the HID is catching up.

I took some pictures of the largest plant from each side with a picture of the stalks.

LED side with the LED turned off!

HID/MH side

Largest plant on the LED side on the left, Largest from the HID side on the right!

Stalk from the largest plant on the HID side!

Stalk from the largest plant on the LED side.


Thanks for the good update. Pics tell the story well!!

Wow, now I really really reallly know I would never waste my time with a 400w hid.

All that heat to vent, replacing bulbs, and alotta extra electric for smaller plants...


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Man those are some great comparisons, Man the LED are kicking ass, they look to have more internodal maturity.. Love it, love it, love it.. I will bbl to peep some more.. peace n pufs.

sackO :tiphat:


New member
Looking Awfully sweet on the LeD side :plant grow: I can see you rolling some really fat ones from those plants already :smokeit:
Thanks for the update blaze, keep up the good work


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
every update i am just amazed more and more. time to start filling the piggy bank.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
When is 400 HID watts not 400 watts?

When is 400 HID watts not 400 watts?

When the bulb, hood, and ballast are not top of the line. There is as 20-30% light gain just having the best hood, and ballast to go along with the best bulb, which may be a 10-20% increase as well. Add all that up and maybe the comparison shots from today (4/27) would be a lot closer.

I looked on the first page here, but did not see where the bulb, hood, or ballast were referenced.

Now, IMHO, a 400 is far from a good choice as at best you're looking at 50K lumens, whereas a 600 outputs 90K lumens, which is closer to the ideal spectrum our girls thrive on.

Maybe a 205 is not sufficient to compare to a top-of-the-line 600, but whatever wattage LED that is, is the LED v HID/HPS test I want to see.

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