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2019 New Zealand 30lb Backyard Attempt


Haven’t seen many people who know this😉
King Country fertiliser 😂😂😂

I've heard that a few times round my ways, prob coz my old mates used to go out fishing all the time and smoke and grow lol.

Very nice man. I myself have a few plants going, still in veg. latitude is about 15degrees north and it's about 12h from sunrise til sunset. how long is the day there right now?

Still vegging with 12 hrs? We're just dropping below 15 hrs I think. Some plants are a lot further through flower than others but most of them have made the switch.

I'd be wary of burying fish, I tried it in my tomatoes one time. The next day the tomatoes were gone except for a couple leaves and there was dirt everywhere. Nothing a varmint loves more then a rotten stinky treat to roll in and eat. I'm a believer in fish emulsion and fish meal and I haven't had problems with it getting dug up, yet. There's a type the local stores sell that's high in P, I've been feeding my plants with it at the start of flowering. I don't want to go late with it, don't want smoked salmon buds but now could be a good time for you. I'm wary of feeding high N fish emulsion near the start of flowering because it's so potent. When you've got a jungle of overgrown green leaf and stem you don't need it. It's a different story if your plants are yellowing or lagging, then I'd consider it.

I notice your problems with Autoflowering, it may not be a problem because you'll have early buds to harvest. I'm guessing next year you'll know which ones will produce the big buds and which ones won't. I always grow from seed, very rarely put out clones because they don't have the same vigor. I'm sure you're noticing this, if you want a big crop seeds are the way to go. Outdoors you can start seedlings two months before you can put clones out. It's not just the seedling vigor, it's also getting them out in the sun two months earlier.

Yeah I've watched some YT vids on using fish with tomatoes and it's mixed results. We just use Seasol, saves having to scab fish off mates and we're seeing great results.

And yeah it's been a bugger with the early flowering and subsequent re-veg. Some of the Jacks we planted a month or so after the big guerillas are nearing the same size now, so I think if we had of held off by 15-30 days in planting, the difference may have been drastic. But this is how we learn to grow for local conditions - mistakes and experience :)

I feel ya on the clones vs seeds issue. I think each serve their purpose in different areas well. If we end up doing a big grow like this again and want to go from seed, I think we'll have to figure out how to produce femmed seed - aint got time for males!


Well-known member
Still vegging with 12 hrs? We're just dropping below 15 hrs I think. Some plants are a lot further through flower than others but most of them have made the switch.

I've been wondering why your plants are flowering so soon. My observation has been that most strains start to show visible signs of flowering when day length goes below 14 hours. It might be that some of your stuff, local strains for instance, may be 'photo sensitive'. I've notice these will trigger when day length goes below 15 hours. I call strains that finish at the end of September-mid October 'main run'. That's late March-mid April down south. The photo-sensitive types will finish in late August-mid September. This is probably a good thing for you. Your yield won't be as large but I'm guessing April gets cool and wet. Below 20 degrees C which isn't great weather for flowering ganja. I wouldn't be surprised if the local growers know this and select for early finishers.

It's hard to find great, really potent, photo-sensitive strains. Most of the ones I've grown were good stuff, good taste and stone, but a bit one-dimensional. After two or three days of smoking it doesn't get you nearly as baked. I'm always looking for ass-kicking early strains. Some of the best tend to form one main cola with very little branching.

We just use Seasol, saves having to scab fish off mates and we're seeing great results.

I use Alaska Organic Fish Fertilizer.


I'm an organic gardener, this stuff is easily the most bang for your organic buck. I don't know how eco-friendly it is, just ground-up salmon, but the Veg growth rate is impressive. Only thing I've seen have more of a noticeable effect is the gnarly chemical type stuff. I've been growing in the same dirt year after year, I want to build it up as much as possible.

I feel ya on the clones vs seeds issue. I think each serve their purpose in different areas well. If we end up doing a big grow like this again and want to go from seed, I think we'll have to figure out how to produce femmed seed - aint got time for males!

I agree, both have their niche. With both seedlings and clones I'm selective. Only the strongest, most vigorous end up in the ground. Any weakness and nope, there's only so much room and I want my plants to be strong. I think you're seeing the effects of planting numbers versus selective planting. Your plants are all over the place. Most people don't have room or time to take 50 cuts and only plant out 15, if you can use them for indoors or give them to a friend it's better. I've seen the best growers yanking perfectly healthy clones for the slimmest of reasons. They always take 3 or 4 times then what they need.

I've got a trick for planting out regular seeds. If you plant them early, for you it'd be late August or September, raise them with sunlight using no artificial light. The short days will make them trigger just enough to pre-sex. By November-through mid December almost all the females will show and if you're lucky some of the males will. I'm guessing you're at the right distance from the equator for this trick to work. At this point they're still small enough you're not wasting a lot of room and dirt with males. The ones that don't show sex by the middle of December get shuttled off to 'boys club'. Almost everyone will turn out male.

I don't want to have to buy seeds all the time, I like to do my own breeding. Feminized seeds and clones are great but I always want a decent amount of regular seed. Otherwise you lose your best plants. I've tried taking cuttings but almost every time something goes wrong. I gave my buddy a bunch of rooted cuts from my best outdoor strains last year but the ass hat he gave them to killed them all. I'm not happy, one of them was 'strain of the century' type material. I made seeds though so all is not lost.


Yeah man we're definitely finding many difference between strains and flowering times.

Since most of our seeds are of unknown origin (some from tinnyz, some from seeded oz, some plucked from mates ash trays etc), we're really at the mercy of randomness and you'll see from the next lot of pics.

There's a bunch still vegging, a bunch pre flower, some full flower and some almost ready for chop. All seasons in one day!!

Ahh okay the Alaska Fish Fert looks like it could be the better of the two - Seasol is seaweed derived so may not pack the same punch,, although many growers in AU swear by the stuff, and have the results to back it up.

Yeah we're definitely seeing the disadvantages of planting so many without much thought, but this has always been a bit of fun for us from the start and hey, it's a grow show for all you guys, enjoy the madness haha.

We've got a few weak plants in the ground, none are the larger plants, but unless they hermie we're going to keep them going so I can study them and how they grow/harvest etc.

We'll be looking at doing some seed plants next season or something. It's hard to do something that's no where near the house so wont pollinate the outdoors and indoors grows.

Thanks for the tips re the seeds - we'll take clones of the best plants and keep the genetics going, then when we get a chance seed em out. And yeah cuttings can be a bastard, you've really gotta have a dedicated setup for consistent success.


29 January Update:

Smaller Plants






Well-known member
Awesome man you're in the dog days. I love rubbing the stalks and smelling the different types of ganja. I'm not knocking going the Heinz 57 route, some of my favorite crops were when I planted all sorts of different strains and watched what came out of it. Unfortunately those days are over up here, no more seeded ounces, people don't keep their seeds and you don't ever find seeds in your ganja anyway. On the one hand you can be much more selective, easier access to better strains and bigger yields but not as much experimentation which is a big part of the fun.

The one thing I regret is that I didn't do more breeding, keep more stuff around, when I started. I know you're not keeping labeled clones or using labeled pollen to pollinate your best plants. It's too much to think about when you're starting out but it's a rare opportunity when you have that much unknown genetics to play with. There's always plenty of stuff that is good but not worth it but I'm sure you'll have keepers you'll regret not keeping 5 years from now. I'd trade one of my testicles to go back in time to trade and take cuts from my first good grow.

I'm a believer in seaweed, I like giving it to young plants. Young seedlings and clones. Has a lot of micro-nutrients. For Veg I use a lot of manure because it's free or extremely cheap in my county. All I need is a truck to haul it in. And I get cheap bags of organic chicken at the local nursery. For Veg I used an organic bloom mix for a number of years, Fox Farms has a good one. I've been switching to cheaper alternatives, the cash crop days are over and buying the expensive liquid mixes is getting to be cost-prohibitive.

You might want to hit your plants with molasses, I've used it every year for a while now with good results. Good for micro-nutrients and feeds the beneficial soil bacteria. It's an affordable way to boost your yield and quality. Some people swear by it and use tons of it, other people think it's snake oil. I'm a believer but not a fanatic, feed it 2 or 3 times during flowering.


What a jungle Pahut, you will pull 30# from that lot.

Here's hoping! Hopefully all the pruning will make the nugs fatter and denser

Awesome man you're in the dog days. I love rubbing the stalks and smelling the different types of ganja. I'm not knocking going the Heinz 57 route, some of my favorite crops were when I planted all sorts of different strains and watched what came out of it. Unfortunately those days are over up here, no more seeded ounces, people don't keep their seeds and you don't ever find seeds in your ganja anyway. On the one hand you can be much more selective, easier access to better strains and bigger yields but not as much experimentation which is a big part of the fun.

The one thing I regret is that I didn't do more breeding, keep more stuff around, when I started. I know you're not keeping labeled clones or using labeled pollen to pollinate your best plants. It's too much to think about when you're starting out but it's a rare opportunity when you have that much unknown genetics to play with. There's always plenty of stuff that is good but not worth it but I'm sure you'll have keepers you'll regret not keeping 5 years from now. I'd trade one of my testicles to go back in time to trade and take cuts from my first good grow.

I'm a believer in seaweed, I like giving it to young plants. Young seedlings and clones. Has a lot of micro-nutrients. For Veg I use a lot of manure because it's free or extremely cheap in my county. All I need is a truck to haul it in. And I get cheap bags of organic chicken at the local nursery. For Veg I used an organic bloom mix for a number of years, Fox Farms has a good one. I've been switching to cheaper alternatives, the cash crop days are over and buying the expensive liquid mixes is getting to be cost-prohibitive.

You might want to hit your plants with molasses, I've used it every year for a while now with good results. Good for micro-nutrients and feeds the beneficial soil bacteria. It's an affordable way to boost your yield and quality. Some people swear by it and use tons of it, other people think it's snake oil. I'm a believer but not a fanatic, feed it 2 or 3 times during flowering.

Well todays a good day already coz I learnt a new phrase. The 'Heinz 57' route. I guess since Heinz isn't a big brand in NZ that's why I haven't heard of it? It'd be more the 'Watties 57' route lol

It would seem that NZ is one of the countries not yet molested by a commercial cannabis industry, so can still find all those things you talk about. Old school bush growers growing with the same strains for 20 or 30 years will find their strains disappearing as the commercial entities take over with their dutch genetics. I'm going to save as many seeds as I can.

And we are going to be taking cuts but yeah no pollen this year. I'd love to as well haha but if we keep the good ones going via clone then we can play with pollen next year.

We've done a couple hits with mollases - you can just see the bottle of it in the under canopy pic. That could well be a contributing factor into their health at the mo.

Yes, molasses is good, I use it on all my plants not just cannabis.

Do you get ants crawling over everything too?


Evening lads

Have had another day amongst the canopies pruning away. Only after a few hours did I notice the filthy ball bags that had started to cover one of the small/medium sized plants. No pics sorry had to get straight into action, fuck I hope I got it in time. Will monitor the plants that were around it but I think I'm okay. The good thing is that it was a plant in one of the more crowded areas, bad thing was it was neighbours with the big AK. I don't want the garden going down like Wuhan

Have started another dose of liquid potash this arvo, got about 20 plants done before it got dark, finish tomorrow. Will do another sprinkle of super phos in a week perhaps when I can't see the old pallets. Plus Seasol Purple Powerfeed and some mollasses feeds. I think that should cover it.

Oh and here's a pic of the hermy ripped out today in red, and under the blue line is the big AK.



Well-known member
That's a risk you take growing unknown bag seed. I haven't had anything worse then a few nanners in a long time, it's from years of growing plants from purposeful breeding. Besides looking for balls, which a lot of times dangle off the undersides of plants in hard to see places, I look for premature hair color change. If I see a patch of peach-colored or orange hairs on a plant that has all white hairs I curse and start inspecting. Storm damage or disease, stem rot for instance, can cause premature hair change but most of the time it's because the flower's been knocked up with seed.

If you've got to remove a male or hermaphrodite that has open flowers, spray it down with water first. The water will neutralize the pollen and stop it from 'poofing'. Same thing with grey mold, if you're worried about clouds of mold spores drifting across the garden. Of course adding more moisture to a moldy plant isn't a good idea.


Active member
Every time I check back on this thread I end up with a smile. Seems like a labor of love. Great show pahut!


That's a risk you take growing unknown bag seed. Besides looking for balls, which a lot of times dangle off the undersides of plants in hard to see places, I look for premature hair color change. If I see a patch of peach-colored or orange hairs on a plant that has all white hairs I curse and start inspecting.

Yeah it was always a risk - looking back what we should have done is mutilate the AK and GSC plants we had into as many clones as possible and filled it up with them instead. Knowing what I know now, we most likely would have had plants the same size but name brand strains, alot more resinous weed.

But now I think of it, that's taken all the fun out!! So I'm glad we did it this way, a mixture of clones and seed with all different methods of training etc. It's been a good learning exp.

If you've got to remove a male or hermaphrodite that has open flowers, spray it down with water first. The water will neutralize the pollen and stop it from 'poofing'. Same thing with grey mold, if you're worried about clouds of mold spores drifting across the garden. Of course adding more moisture to a moldy plant isn't a good idea.

I vaguely remember reading about that trick a while back and luckily remembered to give it a mist before hacking it down. Was a very careful process that involved a rubbish bag lol.

Lookind goood

Every time I check back on this thread I end up with a smile. Seems like a labor of love. Great show pahut!

Haha thanks mate glad you're enjoying the show! Definitely a labour of love, we really love weed!! And it's the perfect opportunity to apply some of the philosophies and methods I've learnt through prior work training in areas of efficiency and maximum utilization.

If anyone's interested in those methodologies that most companies these days use to stay competitive and productive, google '5S' and 'Kaizen'

Anyways, got the tape out and measured the tallest plant (the Jacks). Not quite an 8 Foot Sativa but almost there!! (2.3 metres = 7.5 feet)

Something to be said for a consistent garden but what an adventure.. And you guys have some quality old school genetics over there you just might find some gems. Looking large =]

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Anyways, got the tape out and measured the tallest plant (the Jacks). Not quite an 8 Foot Sativa but almost there!! (2.3 metres = 7.5 feet)

Haha, love the reference bro. :headbange Shits looking excellent man, sucks about the hermie but happens to the best of us at times. Everything is looking on point man. Cheers for showing off a big outdoor grow in our lovely little country. After these last few posts you're making me want to move out to a little house in the bush and just grow my life away. :D