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Flowering update part 2 day 43(36)

Flowering update part 2 day 43(36)

Can't help but post a couple of the Ace Fatty Bubba. I hope she smoke like a champ, she has tight rock hard nuggets, smells very dank and musky with a very dark bold coffee undertone.

That's it for this week. Over the hump and starting the countdown, I figure about 3-4 weeks left. Will start checking trichomes next week.


Can't help but post a couple of the Ace Fatty Bubba. I hope she smoke like a champ, she has tight rock hard nuggets, smells very dank and musky with a very dark bold coffee undertone.

https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=58928&pictureid=1423447View Image

https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=58928&pictureid=1423448View Image

That's it for this week. Over the hump and starting the countdown, I figure about 3-4 weeks left. Will start checking trichomes next week.

Frosty! :dance013:


hi bro,
I saw your post in the Italian session and I came to see your garden :) nice set-up, :respect:
Ciao :wave:

Thanks for stopping in. Sorry about the lack of updates. Been super busy with yard work and getting my boat ready for fishing. Important stuff. Going to skip this weeks update till Sunday night. Things are moving right along. Going to be an epic run for sure.
Anyway bad news and good news. Lost a whole tub full of clones from the above run. Going to have to reveg a lot of plants. Including the Fatty Bubba, the G13/HP, Tangie and Double Glock. Not too worried about the last ones, but the Fatty Bubba is so squat and dense, don't know how she will take to revegging.
On a stranger note. Finally got my lost order of Herbies beans, they showed up one day before the reorder arrived. 45 days in transit. I popped 8 beans, only 2 made it. All grew tappers and then went to shit, I'm sure it has to do with them being in the postal system for so long. Luckily I had the re ship order. All popped and I will post some pictures next week along with a flowering update. I feel bad that Herbies had to reship an order cause the postal system is so fucked.
On a good note, was selected for the Greenpoint Polar Bear OG test group. Landed Yeti OG x Polar Bear OG. I also ordered a few other test packs to run Golden Goat and the Tres Sister. I will start that mid to late June. Hope everyone has a wonderful week I am going to enjoy the nice weather we are having, you know you've been inside way too long when you can't wait to start working in the yard!

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Hi WPP, your grow diary is very nice. Nice variety of strains too! Looking forward to your smoke reports.

Best vibes!




Well looks like my luck is changing. So I noticed what looked like a second tap root on one of the East Coast Cookies. Didn't think much. When I checked the pellet this morning, sure enough twins. I managed to extract one so they each have their own place. Hopefully didn't damage the root. Took some pictures. The cool thing will be watching them grow side by side and comparing them to each other.



I always liked the twins, but I never had the good fortune to have ... let's see how these two little sisters grow :D

Ciao bro :wave:

Edit: sorry for my english :)


Flowering update part 1 day 57

Flowering update part 1 day 57

Gotta love the surprises of pheno hunting. I am about 2 weeks till harvest so things are going to get super busy. Have to start prepping for it now. So I'm not going to do any updates till I'm done. I will take pictures of everything before I cut it, outside the flower room so I can get some really good shots. Some of the plants turned out great some not, I will document all. I will also do the veg update when I move them into flowering that week. It will be a massive update, most likely over 2 days. With the cloner, seedling debacle I have 15 girls for the next run. Transplanting the East Coast Cookies tonight. So the next run will be East Coast Cookies, SSSDH, OG Ghost train Haze#1 and Loud Seeds Sour Diesel. 7 of the seedlings have just moved into the veg room, hoping I can get a couple clones of each one I'll be happy, 2 weeks may be cutting it close. Just gotta roll with it. Here are a few bud shots till harvest. See you in a couple weeks.

G13/HP #4 This one smells like candy and hash, her sister #3 smell like garlic/body odor. I have the garlic one as a clone but I will be revegging this girl.

Here is the Fatty Bubba she is at 50 days. Creamy, coffee, hash. Dense nuggets, very hash like structure on this pheno.

Ripper Double Glock. This pheno is short very northern lights like, has a grape/hash smell.


Flowering update part 2 day 57

Flowering update part 2 day 57

Here is the final pics.
Starfighter/Stardawg really candy like smell. Wasn't going to keep this but if the nugs get dense I will reveg.

The Loud Headband as long as the smoke and taste work out this is my superstar and just what I am looking for. Rock hard dense nuggets, looks to be a great scrog plant, hopefully my pictures do her some justice. This plant has 8 tops that look just like the first picture, the stalks are covered with buds that look like the last picture.

And last the RP Tangie. This is my keeper, smells like orange baby poop, got some on my stache and it smelled for an hour. Will be revegging this girl.

To be continued in a few weeks!!


Flowering update part 1 day 70(63)

Flowering update part 1 day 70(63)

Well I got all the ladies chopped down. Lots of great plants and a dud. Besides dealing with a bunch of different genetics the grow went pretty smooth. Should be a pretty good yield for a pheno hunt too. Lets get to the pictures.

First girl up is Ace's Fatty Bubba. What a great plant. Already had been running the more Katsu leaning pheno, the second one is the more kal/china leaner. Both very nice. They smell like creamy coffee when chopped. These went 63 days. Both plants have really dense nuggets. Rock hard and covered with trichomes. Great job by Ace.

Here is pheno #1 not a great yielder about average. Way weaker stems then her sister. Couldn't get a really good full picture but she is a pretty typical bubba.

Here is pheno #2 much sturdier then her sister. More weight too, both plants were the same size.



Flowering update part 2 day 70(63)

Flowering update part 2 day 70(63)

Okay here is the mystery bean and my Nirvana NL.

First up the mystery girl. Well she sucked. Only way to say it. The stalks mutated growing really big knots. Her smell is great, but def not a keeper. Maybe just bubble hash her. The buds are dense but not rock hard and she has a funky smell too her. Only dud in the batch. She took the full 70 too finish.

And my NL finally gonna retire this girl after years in service. She smells like rotting blueberries, rock hard dense buds. Takes 63 to finish and is easy as pie to grow. She yields really good to. Not massive but above average.



Flowering update part 3 day 70

Flowering update part 3 day 70

This is the Ripper Double Glock. Didn't keep either pheno. Thought about revegging #2. Both of them smell have a peppery kind of smell then underneath it's almost like epoxy resin smell. The test smoke was very body heavy. Both took the full 70.

Double Glock #1. As you can see this plant is massive. That part is great and the yield should be too, but the buds are just too fluffy for what I am looking for.

Double Glock #2 much shorter, large dense solid colas. What you think a bx ghani would resemble. Nice plant.



Flowering update part 4 day 70

Flowering update part 4 day 70

Here is the G13/HP. Not keeping a cut of either. Both grew very tall and lanky, but didn't need a bunch of support. Only real difference was the smells. Yield looks to be about mid level. Really easy to grow.

Hazeman G13/HP plant #3, 1 and 2 were males, she is identical to her sister in every way but one, smell. She smells like cotton candy and then the garlic, body odor smell takes over. Almost makes you gag. These are very tall plants too not what I thought they would be. Lot's of fist sized nuggets but no colas. Might have to run this again when I can baby her more.

Hazeman G13/HP plant #4. Again just like her sister above as far as growth and structure. Super stable genes. This one just has the candy smell. Little sweeter. On both the buds just aren't dense enough for a keeper at this point.



Flowering update part 5 day 70

Flowering update part 5 day 70

Resereva Privada Tangie. Had 3 different phenos of this girl. I have a cut of #3 but I may order some more seeds from Crockett Farms so I can get some regulars instead of fems.

RP Tangie plant #1. Monster plant. Giant colas that filled out really nice. Just not super dense. The smell on this one was not what I was looking for either. This pheno had a more skunky, smell then orange or tangerine. Looks to have a pretty good yield too.

RP Tangie #2. This plant was very close to the keeper. one. Great smell way more like oranges. Her buds are very dense but the yield was not there. Much smaller then her sisters. She looks like incredible smoke though.

Tangie #3 continued in the next post.


Flowering update part 6 day 70

Flowering update part 6 day 70

RP Tangie #3. My keeper pheno, maybe. Lots of support for this girl as she grew very dense rock hard buds. I think I can work on yield with her too. Her smell is by far the best of the group. Smells like someone ate a bunch of tangerines and shit them out and then they got stepped on right away. If you changed a babies diapers you know what I mean. Don't get to close when you smell it, if it gets on your nose it will stay around a while.

Next up the Green Point seeds Starfighter x Stardawg. Out of 6 beans popped this is the lone female. I did keep a cut but will pop the other beans to hunt for more. Very lanky plant. She did finish in 70 days. Her buds are dense but not super dense, this plant will need staking though as you can see. The smell is incredible, smells like chemical cherry pez.



Flowering update part 7 day 70

Flowering update part 7 day 70

And finally the Loud Seeds Headband. 2 very different phenos. Both finished in 70 days. Not really stinky but they have that chemical diesel fuel smell when chopped.

Loud Headband #1. This plant produced the biggest colas I've ever seen in my life. Not super dense just giant. Very nice plant. May be a problem if you run high RH. Make sure your air flow good.

Continued in the next post.


Flowering update part 8 day 70

Flowering update part 8 day 70

And finally the Loud Seeds Headband #2. This pheno was the clear winner in all growth phases. She vegged really good. Took well to pruning. Was the star of veg and for sure in flowering. This was the keeper plant and what I have been looking for. The yield looks to be really good and the buds are super dense. In fact if I through one I'm pretty sure it could break a window, okay maybe not but you catch my drift. If the smoke is good she will be around for a while.

She had 6 colas that all looked like this. Oh and she will be easy to trim! So that is a bonus.

Well those are the pictures and some brief info. I will do a complete wrap up on the the veg and flower tonight. Then in a few weeks the smoke report.

Didn't move my veg plants yet so those pictures will come next week when they move.


Wow, I just read my updates I posted and want to apologize, lack of sleep and smoking scissor hash had set in. I hadn't planned on the photos being so difficult to take and time consuming. Didn't help that I was up at 2am that Saturday morning to go fishing. I am going to do 3 three posts that will include details on a few things. First I will do a brief rundown my criteria for a "keeper pheno". I know in the first post I said I would keep every plant till it was smoked. I have a very good friend who is a biologist and breeds turtles give me a good lesson in finding elite specimens, he used to grow and had a knack for picking great plants. Second will be a more complete report on each strain including the different phenos. I will do a smoke report as I randomly smoke each strain. Third I will reveal plans for the future of the pheno hunt and testers.

Criteria for a keeper pheno. I'm not just looking for good smoke. I need more than that out of my keepers. I use a 10 point system. Plants get one of 3 grades.
A=above average
F=below average

Veg and propagation
1)How did it do in veg? This includes root growth as well as plant growth.
2)How did the plant take to pruning? Including recovery.
3)How did it clone?

4)How did it take the flip? Including nutrients, light change and when it started flowering.
5)How does it grow? Floppy, long and stretchy, short and squat. Basically the plant structure.
6)What are the buds like? Size, density, trichomes, node spacing. Everything about the flowers themselves.
7)How it handles my environment. This is one of the most important categories, in my opinion. Some plants just like to be grown in certain ways to excel and show their true potential. I think some growers take this too personally.

Final product
8)Yield. This means nothing to some growers and I understand that. I grow for more than myself. Gotta feed the family first!
9)The smoke category. Pretty much everything after it's dried and ready. Taste, smell, potency, length of high, type of high, bag appeal. I know my peeps pretty well and their tastes. Everyone likes their own thing. Very subjective category.

10)The God category. I run the show, I decide what grows. That is the reason I try to keep everything. (Hopefully that goes smoother this next round.)

I also want to state that just because a plant I GREW didn't perform well isn't any slam on a breeder. In my opinion if that seed pops and grows out of the soil it's up to me how it goes from there. The breeder has done their work.

Next post...
Final grow notes. Pre smoke.
I'll just go over some of the basics from veg through bloom. List the phenos and any traits I noted.