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2013 Holiday Cooking Contest...

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Coffee yum yum

Coffee yum yum

For my next entry I would like to submit an adult drink that is perfect for the cold holidays! Actually, a sipping liqueur. The beauty of this recipe is that you can easily adjust the bulk of the ingredients to taste. I like mine with enough alcohol so it doesn't freeze when I store it in the freezer.

Coffee Liqueur: A flavorful ice cold drink that brings warmth to your innards.. Best served straight from the freezer.

Hardware requirements:

1. Large sauce pan

2. Mason Jars


4 cups of water

1 to 2 cups of brown sugar

2 to 3 cups of white sugar
*note* there should be around (or less than) 4 cups of sugar total between the brown sugar and white sugar.

3/4's to 1 cup of your favorite instant coffee

3 cups neutral flavored grain alcohol (Everclear works great! I suppose you could use something weaker such as 100 proof Vodka too..) **With enough foresight, The high proof alcohol does present an opportunity to introduce THC into the recipe. You know... should you want to...**

3 Vanilla beans, split in half lengthwise


1. In a large sauce pan over medium heat, combine the sugar and water.

2. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

3. Remove from heat and add coffee.

4. Allow it to cool.

5. Once cooled, add grain alcohol and stir well.

6. Pour into a few large mason jars.

7. Add vanilla bean dividing up it up between the jars.

8. Close the jars and keep sealed.

9. Shake vigorously once or twice daily for first 2 weeks.

10. After two weeks, shake once or twice every few days for an additional 2 weeks.

It will be ready to drink in a month or two (or whenever you cant wait any longer!)

11. Pass it through a strainer to remove the vanilla beans and divide into jars for storage and gifting.



Active member
Here is the recipe :)
Banana cake with chocolate and macaroons(this says the translator :D)
I have used cannabutter made ​​by Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze x Jack Herer
Recipe :
Ingredients for the dough :
  • 5 eggs
  • 200 grams . crushed macaroons
  • 120 grams . chocolate
  • 120 grams . butter
  • zest of 1 lemon and 1 orange ( sprinkle them with sugar and let them stand in the refrigerator for 1 night )
  • 120 grams . flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • vanilla
  • 3 bananas
  • 80 g brown sugar ( I use this molasses unrefined )
  • 3-4 tablespoons cognac or brandy
Frosting and decorations :
  • 100 grams . cream
  • 100 grams . plain chocolate
  • 20 grams . butter
  • 1 banana
  • macaroons
  1. Beat the yolks with the white sugar cream. Add chocolate , vanilla , citrus peel and mix. Then add the butter and crushed macaroons . Finally, pour the flour mixed with baking powder , it turns a beat- up egg whites . Stir gently with a wooden paddle and not a mixer
  2. In a container with nonstick pour brown sugar and alcohol. Boil briefly. I recommend you on the dark sugar, as it is with a rich caramel flavor. Cut the bananas into thin long strips , circles or whatever you prefer. Caramelized them in a caramel sauce for 1 minute and remove from heat (I use this sauce with a little cognac or brandy and some water to water the cake :D). Allow them to cool slightly .
  3. Gently mix the bananas with the dough to prevent crushing. Spread bottom of baking dish with baking paper . Pour the dough and bake for about 35 - 40min . in a pre-heated to 180 * C oven . Leave to cool well before you pour the glaze .
  4. For the glaze , heat the cream, chocolate and butter. Stir until smooth.
  5. Pour slightly warm glaze and garnish with banana slices and macaroons .
  6. and this ball in the center of the cake is a marble hash of this variety again


To Have More ... Desire Less
Quick UPDATE.....

Contest Extended
lets see those recipes...


Original Editor of ICMagazine
I think it's time to get cooking... the holidaze are here and we all love to eat... :)


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
I'm having technical difficulties getting pics to where they need to be... but... something... soon....


Active member
APPLE PIE 2 :pie:

For the dough :
  • 500g flour
  • 125g butter
  • 1 cup powder chahar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 100ml . milk
  • 1-2 eggs

For the filling :
  • 1.5 kilograms . green apples
  • 40 grams . butter
  • 100g brown sugar
  • 100 ml . cognac
  • 2 pinches of cinnamon
  • you can add 100 g . crushed walnuts or hazelnuts
Method of preparation:
  1. Butter and powdered sugar dough is broken . Add sifted flour and baking powder , mix until the oil absorb the flour and break the egg. Stir , pour the milk and stirred until homogeneous.
  2. The dough is kneaded by hand on a floured surface, leave it sit in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes , then , rolled out on a floured surface, shape into a circle and put in a pre- floured tray so as to cover the walls .
  3. Take about 1 /6 of the dough for decoration.
  4. The oil was heated in a pot and the sugar is allowed to caramelize
  5. Apples are peeled and cut into large kupcheta and place in a lightly pokafeneliya caramel. Dot apples and sauté 10 minutes pour the cognac and sprinkle with cinnamon ( and nuts ) . Stir with a wooden spoon and spread over dough.
  6. Leave the dough is rolled and cut into strips , which are formed on the pie networks.


ICE Cream eater
I went to visit my grandmother for a traditional Christmas Eve dinner with the family.
We do this every year.
The food may not be the most gourmet or fancy, but its what you call comfort food and I love it.
By tradition meals on Christmas Eve are fasting ( or meatless ).
Here is a recipe for my favorite meal.

Dry peppers filled with beans


Dry peppers
Red pepper ( powder )
Cooking oil

You boil the Beans until they are ready. You the dried peppers in water to soak it up for 10-15 minutes. You stew the onion until it gets golden color and then add the red pepper powder.
After a minute you add the boiled beans, savory and mint.
You cook I a bit and then fill the soaked peppers.
After you fill them you lay them in a pan with a bit of cooking oil.
Place the pan in a medium heat oven for ~30 minutes.




ICE Cream eater
Here is our whole table with all the meals.
Traditionally the meals need to be 7, 9, 11 .. etc. an odd number.
This is my grandma saying some prayers for good luck and health.


And a few pics of one of the most adorable thinks you can ever see - little goats (;




ICE Cream eater
Here comes the best part.
After a night of fasting the morning always start with heavy meat and home made wine.
My best part for sure. I would take that simple stuff over a fancy restaurant every day.


You can see more pics in my albums.
My uncles dog and pigeons and some other home made stuff (;


Wish you all nice holidays, good luck and health for the new year :tiphat:


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
:respect: That meal looks awesome :eggnog:
Thanks for sharing, g0vnaa...

Happy holidays to you and yours...



Active member
Space Caramel Chews

Space Caramel Chews

Space Caramel Chews

Soft, chewy, delicious! You will love these!

This recipe was from a friend who wrote it down from a book somewhere. Sorry, I don't know which where or when. Ive added a few notes and obviously modified it...

Hardware: (I am assuming that you have measuring cups, and other basic utensils.)

1. Quality High walled sauce pan - Size 3-qt

Pot size and type is extremely important for making candy. You want a quality high wall sauce pan that is preferably steel or aluminum with a thick bottom.

2. 8X8 or 9X9 baking pan

3. Aluminum foil

4. Wax paper

5. Long slicing style kitchen knife

6. Candy thermometer


2 sticks of butter (1cup) plus a bit more
1 cup white sugar
1 cup dark corn syrup
1 cup of dark corn syrup
14 oz. Sweetened condensed milk (usually 1 can)
1 to 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1 and 1/2 to 3 grams hash oil, preferably broken up. Wax breaks up great btw.
(Now I know you are saying to yourself, we're using lots of butter, cant we use canna butter? You can certainly try! :) I haven't tried, but the reason I havn't is because I think it would be overkill on the flavor when the sugars and creams will be hot enough that you can easily use oil.)



1. Line the baking pan with aluminum foil.

2. Coat the insides and bottom of the foil lined pan with butter.

3. Set aside for later.


1. Combine 2 sticks of butter, corn syrup, and sugar in a 3 qt sauce pan.

2. Place on the stove and bring up the temperature slowly to medium heat. Stir constantly while it comes to a boil.

3. Once boiling turn down the heat a little and allow it to boil slowly for around 4 minutes. This is pretty much the only time you do not need to stir, so relax, grab a dab. Be back in 4 though!!

4. Remove from the heat and stir in the condensed milk.

5. Set the burner to medium low (4ish on a 1 to 10 scale) and place the mixture back on to heat. Stir constantly. You should never rush this, it will take a while. Do not increase the temp to speed the process.

6. Use a candy thermometer to keep track of the mixtures temperature.

7. As the mixture reaches around 220 to 225 degrees, add the broken up hash oil. Stir constantly.

8. KEEP STIRRING! Watch the temperature closely. When it reaches 236 to 240 degrees. remove from the burner. (if you want a firmer caramel remove it at the 245 to 250 degree range).

9. Add vanilla extract and stir

10. Pour the mixture into the foil lined pan and allow to cool.

Cut and wrap:

1. Remove the caramel by lifting the foil out of the pan. Try to keep the square shape and try not to squeeze too hard.

2. Flip the caramel over on a clean surface and pull away the foil. It may stick a bit. Don't worry if you have to dig and peal a bit.

3. Once the foil is removed, flip the caramel back over.

4. Use a long clean slicing style knife to square up the sides by pressing the side of the blade against the sides of the caramel.

5. Take the knife and lightly mark where you plan to cut the strips. usually 3/4s to 1 inch apart.

6. Set the knife blade down across the first line and push firmly down through the caramel.

7. Separate the strip slightly from the rest and continue slicing and separating until you end up with 8 to 9 rows.

8. Measure out 1 to 1 1/4 inch pieces and cut multiple rows at once.

9. Continue cutting until the entire slab of caramel is divided into small rectangles or squares.

10. Cut 3 1/2 to 4 inch squares of wax paper. you can do this by cutting multiple 3 1/2 strips from the roll and then stacking those together and cutting into 3 separate squares.

11. place a single caramel in on the wax paper, roll the candy and wax paper forward until the candy is completely and snugly covered by the wax paper. Twist the ends of the wax paper to seal the candy.


1. Room Temp: Carmel is sensitive to moisture. Sealing the candy in the wax paper wrappers will help. Store in an air tight container. Do not store in the fridge.
Lasts 2 to 4 days.

2. Freezer: Save any portion you want as a slab instead of cutting it. Seal it in an airtight freezer ziplock. remove as much air as possible. To thaw, remove from the freezer and allow to thaw inside of the zip lock over night. Do not open until thawed.
Lasts up to 6 months in the freezer.


Active member
Space Cinnamon Rolls!!! YES! SPACE ALL THE RECIPES!!

Space Cinnamon Rolls!!! YES! SPACE ALL THE RECIPES!!

This is a basic Cinnamon Roll recipe that I got from my grandmother a while back. I am fairly sure its not a family recipe but they are still AWESOME! We don't make them often but holidays are always the perfect time for a treat like this. I enjoy the recipe greatly and have modified it to make "Special" rolls. You can use canna butter at pretty much every step. The two steps that I use regular butter are when you grease the baking pan and when you brush the tops of the rolls right before baking. Also, remember that yeast does their job best and fastest in a somewhat warm environment.

Hardware requirements: (I am assuming that you have measuring cups, and other basic utensils.)

1. Sturdy stand mixer

2. High walled rectangular pan (9X13ish)

3. pastry brush

4. microwave safe cup for melting butter

5. mixing bowl

6. rolling pin

7. large lightly greased bowl to let the dough rise in

8. small cup with warm water



1/4 ounce package yeast
1/2 cup warm water

1/2 cup scalded milk (Milk that is heated at medium-low heat in a sauce pan until it boils lightly, stir a lot!)
1/3 cup canna butter melted (not hot)
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp salt
1 egg
3 1/2 cups flour


1 stick or 1/2 cup lightly melted (still thicker but easily spread) canna butter
3/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
2 oz. raisins chopped (optional)


4 tablespoons melted canna butter
2 cups powdered sugar
1.5 teaspoon vanilla
5 tablespoons of hot water


2 tablespoons regular unsalted butter melted.


Making the dough

1: Using a small bowl or cup, dissolve yeast into warm water with just a pinch of sugar and then set it aside for later.

2: Add the milk, sugar, melted canna butter, salt and egg together in the stand mixer's bowl.

3: Add two cups of flour and mix until smooth.

4: Add yeast with water to the mixing bowl and mix until it is completely worked into the dough.

5: Mix in remaining flour in small amounts until the dough is easy to handle.

6: Remove the dough from the mixing bowl and knead dough on lightly floured surface for 5-7 minutes.

7: Form the dough into a ball shape and place it in a lightly greased bowl. Cover the bowl lightly with a paper towel or clean cloth.

8: Put the bowl in a warm area (70 to 85 degrees should do it) and
allow the dough rise until it doubles in size (usually 1 1/2 to 2 hours).

9: Once the dough has doubled in size, punch down the dough.

Making the rolls

1. Spread some flour onto a large surface where you can roll the dough out.

2: Roll the dough out on flour surface into a rectangle. It should be around 15 to 17 inch wide and around 9 inches tall.

3: Spread 1/2 cup of melted canna butter all over the top of the dough.

4: Mix the sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl. Then sprinkle the mixture over the buttered dough. Use the back of a spoon to spread it evenly around the dough.

5: Spread the chopped raisins evenly across the top of the dough (optional)

6: Position the dough so that the wide side is facing you.

7: Slowly role up the dough along the wide edge. It should form into a 15 to 17 inch wide cylinder shape with all of the butter, sugar, cinnamon, and raisins on the inside. When rolling, take your time to ensure that the filling is rolling with the dough.

8: Pinch the outside edge of the dough together with the rest of the roll to form a seal.

9: With a sharp knife, Cut 12-15 rolls. Each roll should be cut about 1 to 1 and 1/2"'s off of the end.

10: Prepare the baking pan by coating the bottom and sides with regular unsalted butter and then sprinkle a light dusting of sugar across the entire bottom of the pan.

11: Place cinnamon roll slices into the baking pan. Keep the rolls some what close together. When the dough rises they will fill in a lot of gaps.

12: Cover the pan with a few paper towels or a light clean cloth, place the pan in a warm area, and allow the dough to rise. The dough should be doubled in size in about 45 minutes to an hour.

13: Melt 2 tablespoons of butter (regular) and use a pastry brush to lightly brush the tops of all the buns.


1: Typically you can preheat the oven at 350 degrees and then bake on the middle rack for about 26-30 minutes (until nicely browned). Because some people might be concerned about loosing THC and other preciousness, you can preheat the oven to the 295 to 300 degree range. Since you are baking at a lower temperature, you will need to bake longer. At 300 degrees, they should be ready in about 40 to 45 minutes.

2: Remove the rolls from the oven and allow to cool for 20 or 30 minutes.


1: While the rolls are cooling, mix melted canna butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla together in a small mixing bowl.

2: Add hot water (close to boiling hot) 1 tablespoon at a time. Mix each table spoon in thoroughly before adding the next. The glaze should reach a good consistency around 5 or 6 tablespoons of hot water.

3: Once the rolls have cooled for a little while, spread the glazing over the rolls and then use a spoon to ensure even distribution.

4: Finished!

Storage options

1. Room Temp: Cover with foil or use ziplock bags. Store at room temperature. Lasts 1 to 3 days.

2. Fridge: Cover with foil or use ziplock bags and store in the refrigerator. Lasts around a week.

3. Freezer: Wrap the rolls in foil and then store in a freezer bag in the freezer. To defrost allow the rolls to sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes to an hour. Then heat in the microwave for 10 to 30 seconds.

Most of all, Enjoy!!!


To Have More ... Desire Less
excellent entries..... getting better and better.... making the polls harder and harder....
nice JOB from everyone..........
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