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2013 Holiday Cooking Contest...

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Original Editor of ICMagazine
MateDave's brownies are the best I've ever had! Just woke up two daze later... :)

Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
Yeah, they sure are good Payaso, I just consumed half a one of those segment in the picture in a matter of minutes and now I have the urge to have a go at some more. It sure is tasty. I'm gonna knock another one up in a few days.


Active member
Another great contest from ICmag. Cooking isn't my strong suit, but I think I will at least give it a try. Thanks for another fun contest ICmag, keep it up.
For that quick sweet treat - with or without the herb supplement.


4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons cannaoil or cannabutter
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
A small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug (MicroSafe)

Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
Pour in the milk and oil or butter and mix well..
Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.
Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.
The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!
Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.
EAT ! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous).

I use a very large coffee mug with straight sides, I've found that a tapered mug will cause it to rise way over the top. I also add a bit of bakers chocolate on the top.
Top off with ice cream if you like.
I hope you enjoy.




Hey that's a great one Swamp Yankee! I gotta try this soon!
The batch I made was a bit too strong for me. Next batch will be 1Tbl of cannabutte r and 1Tbl of regular cannola oil. My cannabutter was made with white widow and I was on the couch for almost 10 hours, nice and alert but surely didn't want to do a whole lot for the day.

Finally got the pics in there.



ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Hehe yea, edibles often take me to the dark side of the force too. Harder to control the intake, with smokes you can just put em down and even if it's too strong, the effect goes away after some time.. Not with edibles tho :D Just eat half and if it doesn't do it for you, eat the other half :)


ICE Cream eater
I`m entering with this tradicional meal from my country.
This is a mans meal, don`t make this if you are on a diet or something ;D

Giuvech ( Гювеч )

First you are gonna need a clay pot in which you are gonna make it.

( quantity varies by the size of your pot and the number of people you are gonna cook for )

Pork meat
Green Onion
Hot peppers
White cheese ( something like Feta cheese )
Fat ( Bacon )
Salt, Black pepper, Red pepper, Parsley
Red Wine
Tomato sauce

You can also use all kinds of vegetables you like: Egg plant, Okra, Zucchini, Green Beans etc...

First you use a bit of fat or butter to grease up the pot.
Then you start to place layers of vegetables and meat.
The potatoes, carrots, garlic and onions go fist.
Season them with some salt and pepper.

You place the meat as the next layer.
Top that with some peppers. Mine are baked. You can use fresh ones too.
The hot pepper goes in here too. Or in all the layer if you are that guy :p
You can skip it if you dont like spicy food.
More potatoes. Some green onion and mushrooms.

Then goes the next layer of seasoned meat. You can use 2 types of meat too.
A few smoked sausages go great there. I shout have gotten some too ):

After that goes another layer of vegetables.
Everything is cut in big peaces.
Next layer is thick slices of White cheese.
Put some Parsley here. Or other green herb you like.
You top that with a fat layer of Bacon, or in my case a fat layer of fat :p

Here goes some home made tomato sauce I have. You can use something from the shop too.
Fresh pealed tomatoes will be great too.
If you use fresh put some of then in between the layers.
The last step is 1 glass of red wine.

After that you close the pot and cook it around and hour and a half, maybe 2.
Medium heat will be the best I guess.
You can open it then to check how are things cooking.
Last half on hour of cooking you remove the top of the pot.

You serve with a strong red wine.


There are more pics here:

The recipe is quite open for improvisation.
You can basically put what you like there.
You can get the plan only from the pics too :p

Is the contest restricted to 1 meal ?
I have one more I can add :p


To Have More ... Desire Less
thats the kind of recipe we need.... good food galore.... plz enter all U can and make the decision even harder..... this contest can grow into sumthing bigger , and bigger....
offering the best recipes from our members @ icmag....

I mean really let's face the fact....WE ALL EAT


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
I would like to humbly enter my:

German Chocolate Swiss Brownie Canna Cake...
GCSBCC.. If ya like...lol

1 box of cake mix
1 box of brownie mix
1 cup Canna butter (GSC~Lambsbread~Kong~BATF)
1 GC icing mix
4 eggs
1 1/2 Cup of water
1/2 cup sour cream
Shredded Chocolate flakes
Brown sugar
Vanilla flavoring

Simply mix per the box and substitute Veg oil for Canna Butter...
Add a 1/4 cup Sour cream to each.
1 tbsp Vanilla to the brownie only.

Butter the bottom of the pan adding Brown sugar and cinnamon.

Use a little over 1/2 the cake mix.
Pour the brownie mix on top of the cake mix and spread
as best you can. Make sure you get some close to the edges.

Pour 3/4 of the German chocolate icing with canna melted in it.
Add Pecans and shredded chocolate flakes.

Pour the rest of the cake mix on top and add more pecans,brown sugar and cinnamon and flakes.

Part 1 of 3...

Next: Cooking it evenly...

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Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
Pre heat the over to 375 F

Place Tin foil around the rim,leaving the center open.

Cook for 25 minutes

Lower the heat to 350 F and uncover the cake.
Cook another 20-25 minutes

Pour the remaining Icing over the top and cook 5 more minutes.

This will cook it evenly ALMOST every time...lol

Took a few try's to get this part right...



ICE Cream eater
An easy sauce, which taste amazing.
I was a bit skeptical when I made it the first time,
but everybody loves it and it tastes great with everything !

I have roughly the same quantity of peppers drying.
I`m gonna make some kind of dry rub of them.

Habanero-Pineapple Sauce



30+ Orange Habaneros
2 Pineapples
1 Orange
1 Onion
Sugar or Honey

Start with chopping the ingredients. Big chunks, there are gonna go in the blender anyway.
Peel and trow the Orange too, I used the whole fruit not only the juice.
Everything goes in the chopper except the sugar/honey, add it after the sauce is heated up.
After blending, put them in a frying pan and cook for about 40-60mins.
Depending on how you like your density.
You can use a blender again if you like a smooth sauce. I don`t mind my chunks.
Pour the ready sauce in cleaned jars.
Boil for 20 min to sterilize.

Enjoy and be careful this stuff is hot hot hot ! :p



Active member
Banana Cake with Chocolate and Walnut biscuits

Banana Cake with Chocolate and Walnut biscuits

Here is my "Banana Cake with Chocolate and Walnut biscuits" with cannabutter made from Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze x Jack Herer
later I'll show you pictures of the products, the preparation and the recipe cuz i dont have mutch time now...
PS: The buds are SSSDH x Jack also the Hash ball in the center is from this strain :)



Active member
Christmas Candy

Christmas Candy

So Id like to enter something fun and festive. This is a simple recipe that just takes a little practice. The base ingredients are very cheap so you wont break the bank with practice runs. I have been using this recipe since I was a kid (minus the special part!) and have a few tips to help you out if you have never made hard candy before. Be sure to read all of the instructions ahead of time.

Spacy Hard Candy

This recipe will make around 60 candies and scales fairly well so if you want more candy, double the ingredients.

Hardware requirements:

1. Quality High walled sauce pan

Pot size and type is extremely important for making candy. You want a quality high wall sauce pan that is preferably steel or aluminum with a thick bottom.

For the quantity of this particular recipe I would suggest using a 2 qt pan, If you double the recipe move up to a 3.

The reason you dont want to use too large of pan is that when this: when the sugar gets to boiling, the thickness of it will cause the bubbles to rise. If large air pockets are allowed to form at the bottom because the molten candy is spread too thin, the metal will heat up too quickly and cause the candy to burn. Trust me, that's not any fun.

2: Candy Thermometer

These are a special type of thermometer made to accurately measure the temperature of molten candy, fudge, and other goodies.

(Infrared thermometers will work but they measure the surface temp which might be slightly off from internal temps.)

Do not allow the tip of the thermometer to touch the bottom of the pan as this will cause it to give false readings, this may also damage the thermometer. also, If you remove the thermometer from the hot sugar, lift it out slowly so you don't get burned by the molten hot sugar that comes out with the termometer.

3: Hard candy molds or aluminum foil.

Hard candy molds are fun, they come in all types of shapes and sizes. To be a little festive, today we are going to use Christmas Trees! Do NOT use plastic chocolate candy molds, these will melt when you pour the hot sugar into them.

If you dont have special molds you can use a large sheet of aluminum foil sprayed down with a little pam or other spray type cooking lubricant. simply pour the molten candy onto the foil and allow to cool for a few minutes. Then using a knife, score the candy into squares. allow to cool further and then break apart.

4. Small Pastry brush (more on this later)


1/3rd cup light corn syrup

1 cup white sugar

1/4 cup water

1/4 teaspoon powdered sugar

1 dram of your favorite candy flavor (can be found at cake and candy making supply stores or online.) LorAnn makes an excellent flavoring that happens to be sold in 1 dram containers. In this case its watermelon.

1.5 to 2 grams of quality hash oil

Now that Ive covered the basics of what, here's the fun part, how!


1. Add the light corn syrup, white sugar, and the water into the sauce pan. Add the ingredients slowly to the bottom of the pan so that sugar crystals are not sticking to the walls of the pot. (more on this later)

2. Place the pan on the burner and set to medium heat.

3. As the temperature starts to rise, slowly mix the ingredients three or four times to get the sugar, syrup, and water to blend.

*tip* Once the sugars start to blend in stop stirring completely. Also, do not tip or tilt the pan until you reach step 10

*Repeated tip* NO MORE STIRRING!! This is important! Stirring from this point further will allow the bottom of the pan to heat enough to burn the sugar.

4. Raise the temp to medium high or high (depending on the stove and pan, somewhere in the 6 to 8 out of 10 on a number scale)

5. Wet the pastry brush with a little bit of water and use it to lightly brush down any sugar crystals stuck to the exposed insides of the pan.

6. Now the temperature has started to rise. monitor the temperature with a thermometer. Remember, don't touch the bottom of the pan with it, and don't try to stir. The bubbling will cause the sugar to stir naturally.

7. Here is where the magic happens. As the temperature reaches 250 the pace will quicken, watch closely, in the 275 to 285 range add the hash oil. If its waxy or easily broken up I suggest spreading it across the top of the molten sugar, the boiling and heat will melt and mix the oil, just let it do its thing. No stirring!

8. In less than a minute you will go from 280 to 300 degrees. At 300 to 310 degrees sugar reaches what they call the hard crack phase. We want to remove the pan as it reaches 300+ degrees. Lift the pan from the stove while keeping it as level as possible. Be extremely careful not to tip or tilt the pan too much.

9. As the bubbles start to go down add the single dram of flavoring. Do not stir quite yet, the flavoring will sometimes cause it to erupt in a small flurry of bubbles again.

10. Once the bubbles have calmed (less than a minute or two after being removed from the heat) you should be able to slowly stir the sugar ensuring that the oil and flavoring is well mixed in.

11. Use a large metal spoon to slowly distribute the molten candy to the forms in the molds.

*Big tip!* If you are using the same spoon you stirred with in step 3, be sure to wash the spoon thoroughly before hand. Sugar crystals that have not melted can cause the molten sugar to recrystallize too soon and make the candy a bit gritty (this is also the reason we washed down the pan with the pastry brush in step 5).

12. Allow the candy to cool for 10 minutes or more.

13. Remove the candy from the molds. Separate any extra bits of candy that didn't make it into the forms.

14. Place all of the candy in a large bag and shake with 1/4 teaspoons of powdered sugar. this will prevent sticking and in the case of the Christmas trees, provide a little more festivity!!


The suggested serving is based on the individual. 1 to 2 will do most people. Heavy medicators or people with the munchies might like 3 or more!
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