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2012- The Emergence of Higher Intelligence Beings



On the serious side IMHO nothing is going to happen unless it's started by some whacko who believes this is the end.
And if something significant does happen whether its manmade, an act of nature or by God himself face the facts theres not a damn thing we can do to stop it, so stop worrying about this 2012/doomsday stuff and live life one day at a time in the present with friends and family.


the other thing to think is how the internet plays a significant part of all this. With the internet allowing people from every square inch of this planet to be in touch with one another and the use of youtube where ANYONE can post videos, every john and jane doe can now post their beliefs no matter how deranged they are in video form for everyone to watch. And no matter how sick or vile someones message may be you will find those that believe what is being said.
Most of these vids show 'clips' of what they want you to hear not the whole thing of what was said or done. Mind conditioning, nothing more nothing less, its been done since mankind came into existence.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
how many of these end of the world b.s. dates are people going to believe in? Hell we already have bible thumpers who keep thinking god is coming in their time which has been the same old song and dance for how many years?

once we are gone we are gone, why not enjoy TODAY


Domesticator of Cannabis
Our word Royal(real) is composed of Ra, the sun god plus El, the legendary founder of the first civilizations (Assur). The name Israel means Isis Royal, the royal line of Isis. The name Israel is a compound of Isis, the mother goddess + Ra, the sun god + El, the ancient father god.
Although I respectfully disagree cork, I don't want to derail the thread and that is another topic all together really.. All the best mate :)

EDIT: All though one way it might be relevant is to mention that 99% if not 100% of this 2012 nonsense out there is being peddled by charlatans, one popular documentary on the subject is actually made by a group of film makers that calling itself 'The Disinformation Company' (I shit you not), and the planet X garbage which is closely related (but even worse) is based on the work of a fraudster named Zacherias Sitchin.



alot of the shit about 2012 is to misdirect peoples understanding, and i understand this.

you have to look at symbology behind 2012, which is CHANGE.

which alot of people are being misdirected too and judged for trying.

it only takes everybody to try and change, then change is created.


LHC - Dome of the Rock - Sacred Geometry

LHC - Dome of the Rock - Sacred Geometry

Domes and octagons appear in many ancient and modern sacred sites. For instance, The Dome of the Rock. Look at the similarities between the LHC and the place considered most holy by Islam, Judaism, and Christianity:


Interesting that we should find these themes repeated at the Large Hadron Collider. It's probably just a coincidence. Right? And the spokes radiating out from the core of the collider ring? That couldn't be a Templar Cross. Right? Oh, and the fact that the Templars were driven out of France and took up residence in Switzerland, while the collider ring happens to be situated on the border between France and Switzerland? Probably just all coincidence.


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Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
Sacred G...the voice in the wilderness...

Sacred G...the voice in the wilderness...

If truth can be manipulated and alters according to one’s perception then it is not truth.

Then it is only what you believe to be true- it is perception.

If this that we call real was true it would never change… But it changes constantly so it cannot be true.

The search for truth is the search for the bedrock of existence- that which does not shift… ever.

Everything observed with the mind changes in time. What we believe as real today is replaced by a new ‘truth’ tomorrow. All which is perceived and explored with the human mind has been shown to shift, either dependent on how you look at it, or how long you look at it.

Truth is not present and cannot be observed with the human mind. Truth lies beyond this.

When you practice to still the mind and put to rest the story of the world another view is revealed, like a landscape appears beyond a subsiding snowstorm. This other vision reveals an existence beyond the story of the human being. It is an existence which does not have death as a reference point, nor fear, nor loneliness.

Contrary to what is experienced here, the longer you look at this landscape beyond the snowstorm of your human mind, the more it stays the same. In observing the stillness and solidity of this which is revealed beyond your mind, you notice that the unchanging solidity and groundedness of this view brings peace and fulfillment.

Here is what you suspected but could never find, here you look upon the truth you searched for for so long.

It is not in the world, it is beyond the world.
Be still and know that you are God.


New member
I'm abolutly loving this thread. Mr Alkaline - George Kavassalis, your third video has opened my mind to what deep down I know to be true. Have watched his other videos now too. It's what is happening and it's amazing!

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor


Let me interject that I am barely old enough to drink. iow, I have grown up very fast, under tremendous stressors....Lots of death and dying.
I'm not as smart as anyone can be, on this site, though I try sooo hard to be honest. Glad you like the thread...it is just fiction...but it may end up beyond fairytale;) peace to All, your bro. in truth and light....Mr. A....


Greetings earthlings. I come in peace!

Just kidding, prepare to die!!



the truth is more interesting than fiction...if more people became aware of whats really going on 2012 would be a great excuse to demand change globally... unfortunately 2012 theories are generally used to spin unfounded fairytales that act as a distraction to what is really going on almost in parody like fashion.

I do find it surprising that hubbards peak (peak oil) coinsides with 2012 give or take a 5 years and so does astrology.

for example we the people could and should demand developing sustainable infrastructure permaculture which is such an enormous task that it could boost the economy out of all the bs being peddled currently. I think people need to question what it is they think they believe and inform themselves. HUmanity needs to reorganize itself in a way that alllows diversity to fourish. Essentially we are the part of the earth that forgot who and what we are the great irony of conciousness, as if we are born with amnesia in a world of clues pointing to the answer which seems so obvious but is so mysterious all the same.

science fiction and fairy tales are great analogies but they are fingers pointing at the moon. lets not mistake the finger for the moon.

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