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2012- The Emergence of Higher Intelligence Beings



I will tone down the "crazy" from now on I am really a very level headed person but without sitting you down and telling you what has happened from the beginning of time to the end of time you would have a hard time fitting my views into the current perception of what you see as real unless like I you have opened your eyes to the true nature of life which in that case you already know what im talking about.


cant stop wont stop
yes it is what I believe but when I say "real" I actually mean a holographic perception of what we believe to be real our imaginations will be able to form "real" objects on this plane because the barrier will be broken between our perceived reality and true reality. Meaning everything we see now is not really there it is light in a set frequency that our mind perceives as a solid object but in reality it is only really a reflection and once we grasp true reality with the great opening we can create those reflections because we will understand how that reflection was formed.

LSD much???
hahajust givin ya a hard time but seriously ive had similar thoughts while tripping my balls off


regardless of if anything actually happens in 2012, the people will be panicking and there will be some chaos and looting and crap.

y2k, nothing happened, but imagine if there would have (coincidentally) been a power outage, people would have freaked out, most people were on the edge of their seats that night. Even if you don't believe in the whole 2012 thing, alot of people do, religiously.

no one has magic powers. no one will gain magic powers.

time and time again history has showed us : Panic + religion = catastrophe, it's those fanatics that I'm worried about. :2cents:


Active member
I can hardly wait until 2013 so I won't be confronted with all this bullshit.:wallbash:

I hope you all come back and admit you were wrong.

Who said they were right? I've got my mind open to anything and everything. I am so over people casting their opinions as if they know what will happen. I hope 2012 brings some change weather people notice it or not. Good change that is I would love to see us step forward as a race.

Mckenna's words and I guess you could call them teachings are interesting I think a man such as himself had the correct mindset for us as a race to get along.


I can hardly wait until 2013 so I won't be confronted with all this bullshit.:wallbash:

I hope you all come back and admit you were wrong.

i send my love to you in your time of confusion, i hope you will soon come to understanding, as i did and many others here on ic and the thousands if not millions around the world.


Yea I like to let my wander into strange places, so far it's always found it's way home. The thought that every thing is a reflection begs the question; a reflection of what? Some solid object somewhere?


My weird belief is that, given an infinite and ever-expanding universe everything is happening simultaneously, with time and space being providing the separation that gives each stream of "reality" it's apearent uniqueness.

But then I think; "What the fuck is the difference?" and take a hit off my vape.


don't mistake magic and science it is already known that the human mind can control electrons and the scientists are watching the earths magnetic field revert it will zero out and then the magnetic poles will switch well during this zero out the earths magnetic field which blocks some 60+percent of ultraviolet light while our solar system is simultaneously aligned with the center of our galaxy which produces emp pulses and is where all matter was formed our sun is also going into a stage of increased intensity that will further pump more energy into everything . our brain only works at 14% capacity on average all of this extra energy will fill the synapses of our brains which will give us the ability to perceive energy in a new way and to manipulate it with thought.


honestly I hope everyday that I am really just nuts and need meds I don't want to see everything that is going to happen like my loved ones dying and my friends betraying me and I hope to all of existence that I will not die how I am convinced I will for the sake of all left alive.


Well-known member
Real life

Real life

"Those who control the past control the future, those who control the present control the past" -George Orwell

Remember this! The people who control the money, control the knowledge and the history that we have been told. They control the media. That's how they manipulate and deceive us. They control your point of view with slick news anchors that they hire just because they are masters at spinning the "News Story". Actors! The media wants their point of view to be your point of view. They want your mind, body, and soul. We are running on a wheel in their cage! They control every aspect of our lives because they control the money. And they do this with paper money. It's monopoly money. Somehow they convinced everyone it's not paper it's wealth. As for 12.12.2012, maybe something will happen because everyone was told something will happen.


ive started looking into mayans now, after seeing a crop circle that had depicted an image of the mayan calander.

anybody else see the binary code crop circle?

"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES.Much PAIN but still time.BELIEVE.There is GOOD out there.We oPpose DECEPTION.COnduit CLOSING"


Nuts or not...

Nuts or not...

honestly I hope everyday that I am really just nuts and need meds I don't want to see everything that is going to happen like my loved ones dying and my friends betraying me and I hope to all of existence that I will not die how I am convinced I will for the sake of all left alive.

You should write all this down someplace. You could be the next L.Ron Hubbard.


The mayans had it figured out I traveled to the mayan ruins of tulum and had a conversation with a very powerful mayan spirit in the tree of life temple he gave me a salamander flame to carry the burdens of these times and warned that like them the great civilizations of the world will come to a chaotic end.


Homo-Sapien was created by Genetic Engineering. A group of beings called the Annunaki mixed and spliced genes from Neanderthal and there own DNA.

It even says so in the bible, Man was greated in the Image of god. In scientifical terms, your DNA was comprised of your creator and others. Anyways, the Annunakis used man as slaves to create the many Temples on earth and mine for gold and precious minerals. The name 'Adam' means slave in Annunaki. Even with technology alot of these things must be created by hands, and they dont have the man-power, so they created it.

The egyptian pyramids are aligned to the exact center of the Earth. The Annunakis had the pyramids and other temples built so they would last the thousands of years of space and time while they travel the universe. Space travel still takes a long time even with the technology of Light-Speed, and the Annunaki know this.

Its rummored the Annunaki will return to planet earth sometime, some speculate 2012. Some say they come to Kill us, or enslave us again for resources.


i dont think there will be an end, just a dislodging of the vail of oppression that is conditioning every newborn generation, we call it life, i imagine extra terrestrials call it misdirection.


they kill off all but the strongest which is why our genetic code doesn't make sense and they have already been back several times but wait what do I know I can't believe I'm still on here. later


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Homo-Sapien was created by Genetic Engineering. A group of beings called the Annunaki mixed and spliced genes from Neanderthal and there own DNA.

There ZERO neanderthal DNA mixed w/ ours according to recent science.

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