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2012 Legalization Effort Starts


If they are smart then this time around they might want to use the following language instead...


SECTION 1. Section 11357.1 is added to the Health and Safety Code, to read:

11357.1 This section shall be known and may be cited as the Cannabis Freedom Act of 2012.

(1)The people of the State of California hereby find and declare that the purposes of the Cannabis Freedom Act of 2012 are as follows:

(A) To declare in accordance with Article 22 of the United Nations Nations Single Convention on Narcotic drugs that prohibition is the least suitable measure for the control of cannabis in the State of California in the United States of America. To provide notification in accordance with Article 3 of the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic drugs to the United Nations and World Health Organization that cannabis needs to be descheduled.

(B) To ensure that Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for their own purposes.

(C) To ensure that Californians who obtain and use marijuana are not subject to criminal prosecution or sanction.

(D)(1)To authorize the state legislature to tax cannabis products at the same general retail sales tax rate per tobacco products.

(2)Regulation and Licensing

(a)Authority to regulate and promote the commercial cultivation of 100 cannabis plants or more shall be given to the California Department of Agriculture. (1) The cultivation of 100 plants or less and less than 500 square feet total cultivation area ) shall be considered out of the scope of government regulation and control. (a) Plants & their remnants cultivated under this provision shall not be sold for retail consumption but however shall be freely exchanged as gifts.

(b)Authority to regulate wholesale and retail transactions shall be given to the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control. (1) Entities which can show good cause they provided non-profit cannabis prior to the adoption of the Cannabis Freedom Act shall be granted automatic licensure with a 5 year waiver on fee's. (2) Licensing shall be granted without discrimination unless the applicant has a history of crimes involving minors. (3) After a four year period a cap on the number of licenses shall be established. (a) The cap shall be the sum of current number of licenses plus fifty percent. The cap shall be adjusted upward annually at a rate of atleast 5% not to exceed 20%. (4) Persons convicted of crimes against or involving minors shall be prohibited from employment by license holders.

(c)Regulations on transactions and cultivation of cannabis shall not apply to collectives and cooperatives as authorized in SB420.

(d) SB420 entities shall be prohibited from public advertisement and direct over the counter retail sales.

(e) The State of California and all of its political subdivisions shall be prohibited from licensing foreign entities, persons, corporations, partnerships, ect. for purposes of this act. A person shall not be considered foreign after 7 years of verified continuous California residence.

(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede legislation prohibiting persons from engaging in conduct that endangers others.

(a) Persons driving under the influence of Cannabis shall be subject to the provisions and penalties in California Vehicle Code Section 23152. (1) Testing for behind the wheel impairment shall be done by using "Frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR)" devices.

(b) Employers shall retain the right to screen employees for cannabis use so much that it does not discriminate against those with a legitimate medical use under the Compassionate Use Act and does not impair job performance.

(c) Persons must be of legal age to join military service in order to lawfully purchase cannabis.

(4) Removal of Criminal Penalties for Cannabis

(a)Section 11054(d)(13) Classification of marijuana as a California controlled substance, Section 11357, relating to the possession of marijuana, Section 11358, relating to the cultivation of marijuana, Section 11359, relating to the sales of marijuana, Section 11360, relating to the transportation and distribution of marijuana, Section 11362, relating to classification of marijuana as a crime shall be repealed from the California Health and Safety Code and the legislature and local governments are hereby prohibited from imposing any criminal penalties relating to cannabis.

(b) All persons previously arrested and/or convicted of the offenses listed in 11357.1 (4)(a) shall have the record of their arrest and/or conviction vacated. All persons whom incarcerated solely for offenses listed in 11357.1 (4)(a) shall be immediately released from custody.

(c)The words marijuana and cannabis and all its surnames shall be removed from the penal and health and safety code.

(1) Section 11362.5 The Compassionate Use Act, Sections 11362.7 through 11362.9 as approved by the California State Legislature in Senate Bill 420, Section 11357.1, Section 11361, Section 11361.5 and Section 11361.7 of the Health and Safety Code shall retain the words marijuana, and cannabis.

(5)Industrial Hemp

(a) Cannabis that is cultivated, sold, refined, transported, and/or processed for industrial purposes shall be exempt from excise taxation.

(b) Automotive, Jet, Diesel, and other fuels produced from industrial cannabis shall be exempt from excise taxation in the State of California.

(c) The University of California and California State University systems shall establish materials research programs to facilitate the development of advanced industrial material made out of non-psychoactive cannabis.

(d) The California Department of Agriculture shall be responsible for the regulation of the cultivation of Cannabis for industrial purposes.

SECTION 2. Section 420.9 is added to the Government Code, to read: Marijuana (Cannabis Indica) is the official state herb..

SECTION. 3. If any provision of this measure or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the measure that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this measure are severable.


A lot of change can be had simply by collecting signatures. Find enough people who agree with you and you can make changes. I for one am grateful that we have the ability to regain the liberties that we have lost without having to resort to violence, you just need information and support.


I can understand their position, but to keep Cannabis illegal so they can make more money? That is just no good, don't they care about all the Cannabis arrests and what it does to families and so many good people? And remember, I don't live in California, this will have no effect on me, I have not lived there for over 25 years.

It is. Most people I know that are sam's age want the industry to hold out, they aren't making enough on pensions, social security is a joke, they were forced out of jobs to make way for younger folk. Not Sam though, sounds like he's sitting pretty.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Anyone who thinks it should remain illegal is probably growing (and selling) in a med state. Come out to one of the 35 states where it's still a butt-pounding-jail crime to be caught with some plants in your home and see how you feel about the risk-to-reward of legal marijuana.

I grow in a very very small box because I want to at least try to defend myself as a personal-only grower if I ever find police in my home and I wind up in court. Much easier to find a sympathetic juror if I don't appear to be slanging (which I'm not).

If I lived in California I would have a much larger operation and I would sleep better at night.

Legalization would change all of that. I doubt it would give us everything we want, but it would take the pressure of being caged out of the picture. And that would be a very good step.


How juvenile to attack my login name... Get a life PJ.

I agree.. It makes me sick how we are all suppose to be here for a common cause. Instead greed has taken over. Its really sad when you think about it. IMO a lot of the people against are lazy ass growers that cant think of one other way to make a buck other than grow weed so out of there own sense of "Im worthless once this gig is up" they fight it till the end. Nothing like having all the marbles in one bag.


How juvenile to attack my login name... Get a life PJ.

I agree.. It makes me sick how we are all suppose to be here for a common cause. Instead greed has taken over. Its really sad when you think about it. IMO a lot of the people against are lazy ass growers that cant think of one other way to make a buck other than grow weed so out of there own sense of "Im worthless once this gig is up" they fight it till the end. Nothing like having all the marbles in one bag.

A lot of different people, a lot of different opinions. It is hard for countries of our size/ population to find common ground.


To Have More ... Desire Less
I'd have to agree w/ Sam......WE need POT..........to go MainStream..........and become readaliy available,. and cost controlled,.....complete measure to regulate....are fine...to......
every thing needs alittle control.......

if pot went mainstreanm, the cost would fall much more in line w/ normal produce......2-3 bucks per pound.....

hell even HIGH end Truffles......go for 100-200 per ounce......
so thats 1600-3200 per pound........

and POT is way easier to produce than truffles...............

so I'm all for IT............if only the day ......mainstream...:jump:


2012 Legalization Effort Starts

I have noticed those commentors who can't make good clear sense with their argument soon drop to complicated non-sense, then next drop is to name calling.

I just think it's funny seeing old people who made a good amount off the cannabis trade have this ethical come to Jesus moment before they swim across the river into double rainbow land. Sam was fighting hard for big brother business in the 70's & 80's ... I just dont buy it, does that make sense?


I just think it's funny seeing old people who made a good amount off the cannabis trade have this ethical come to Jesus moment before they swim across the river into double rainbow land. Sam was fighting hard for big brother business in the 70's & 80's . Does that make sense?

you assume that he wouldn't have voted for legalization had the opportunity been there.


2012 Legalization Effort Starts

Let's just say common sense tells me not to shoot myself in foot financially, no matter how awesome you or anyone thinks it might feel to walmart the weed. Im pretty damn far from utopian.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
Richard Lee is a joke someone needs to roll that handicapped motherfucker right into traffic. Keep the shit illegal and call it a fucking day.


Let's just say common sense tells me not to shoot myself in foot financially, no matter how awesome you or anyone thinks it might feel to walmart the weed. In pretty damn far from utopian.

Well it is probably best to start preparing for the future, because this is where things are headed, be it 2012 or later. You might as well use this time to be prepared if that time comes. Knowledge and the know how are never a bad thing. Survival of the fittest has nothing to do with strength or finances in this situation, it all about adapting.
Whats the deal? If I could use my talent legally I would grow my own mj at home but living in a non med state prevents me from that(dont want to cause my fam any trouble). Its not like everyone will be growing pot. Im sure many will try but a lot of ppl just dont seem to have the ability. Legalization will bring in corp. but if you grow your own it wont matter and if you any good at it Im sure friends will come to you and not pick up the bullshit at the corner store.


Well-known member
the Prop 19 arguments continue without Prop 19
don't know what will be in the new proposition
but whatever it is, don't bother to try to appeal to the grower that voted 'no' on prop 19
pretty plain they will vote 'no', no matter what is in the proposition
some are more honest about it, others will nitpick any proposition to death and claim it was worse than keeping MJ illegal
We want to let big biz in to normalize the trade.
Sure medical is great for the growers, but what about the majority of smokers that are not medical users? Do we just throw them in jail? Or make them pretend to be patients to protect the growers income?
Uh... YES! For $100 you can get your medical... it's that easy.
And when you say "we" I don't think that is fair considering your patents ect... "we" are not exactly on the same team hmmm?

Anyone that thinks Cannabis should be kept illegal so they can continue to make money is not a friend of any Cannabis patient/smoker.
BS Sam, that's just not true. But I won't argue as your statement is borderline flaming... and I prefer a civil discourse.

I look forward to full taxed and regulated Cannabis, and I know the price will drop dramatically when it happens. Cannabis can be grown for the same costs as other agricultural crops, name any that sell for over $1000 a pound? Legal Cannabis will be a few hundred dollars a pound un-manicured, at the most.
Hey Sam! We all know you have patents, pharma-cannabis and money to boot, but most of us NEED this income, we have no back-up plans. So please try to take an outside perspective.

Anyone that says illegal Cannabis is better, is a self serving person that most likely cares more about money then people, I say shame!
Well shame on you for not supporting where you came from. What if the federal illegality of cannabis results in a SMALL FARM DOMINATED INDUSTRY, LIKE OUR CURRENT SYSTEM!!!!!! SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SMALL FARMS AND FUCK BIG BIZ & BIG AG.

Sam, the current system of medical cannabis production/distribution in California is 100% in favor of small farmers, this makes it a unique and rare situation, where anyone can make a living with some dedication to this plant. This is perfect for supporting legions of home growers. You know, the folks who bred most of the worlds best lines and live in the hills of California. I'm not sure if you care about small farms and organics ect but most of us do.

Not that they care, as long as they are all OK.
I am not accusing anyone of being a self serving person, you know if you are or not.-SamS

Well, that's a funny way to end this post, as you most certainly are accusing us of being self serving. I would simply like you to take an outside perspective, pretend you don't stand to make millions off of the legalization of cannabis in the US... pretend you don't own patents ect on cannabis. Think about the history of california, and the legion of home growers who have nothing else. Then consider that Lee (and therefore legalization efforts here) are specifically designed to wipe out the home grower (from Lee's mouth).
I just think it's funny seeing old people who made a good amount off the cannabis trade have this ethical come to Jesus moment before they swim across the river into double rainbow land. Sam was fighting hard for big brother business in the 70's & 80's ... I just dont buy it, does that make sense?

yes. i am not so sure we are on the same team. it's been a long time since sacred seeds. i have the same concerns. and being an actual californian, who teaches for OU and lunched with Lee... I'll tell you right here and now that any legalization efforts in CA are going to come from him and be anti-homegrower.
Just wondering if you buy any big biz products like food, alcohol, automobiles, gasoline, clothing, travel in airplanes, use pharmaceutical products, phones, computers, or any of the other commercialized products or services?

You want to play this game. I'm all in. I do not buy commercial food, I only shop at farmer's markets and the co-op. I do not drink commercial alcohol, only microbrew. I drive a effing prius. I wear hemp/organic cotton clothes. I do travel in airplanes, but hate it. I REFUSE to use any pharmaceuticals... I have cannabis. Guilty as charged on the phone and computer, gotta stay in touch.

It is not about a utopia like you imply, it is about beginning the path that will lead to full legalization nationwide and worldwide, if you think it is better as it is that is most likely because you are young and do not understand the effects the laws against Cannabis have caused, in California, the Nation, and Worldwide. It would have to be better legal, period. The arrests must stop.
Yeah, agreed. This would be a lot easier to swallow from someone NOT poised to make a fortune from legalization.


You want to play this game. I'm all in. I do not buy commercial food, I only shop at farmer's markets and the co-op. I do not drink commercial alcohol, only microbrew. I drive a effing prius. I wear hemp/organic cotton clothes. I do travel in airplanes, but hate it. I REFUSE to use any pharmaceuticals... I have cannabis. Guilty as charged on the phone and computer, gotta stay in touch.

Yeah, agreed. This would be a lot easier to swallow from someone NOT poised to make a fortune from legalization.

just a side note, a Prius is not environmentally friendly, as the manufacturing process for the battery is more hazardous than driving a used car until it is no longer useful, also Toyota is big business.

sorry to interrupt:wave:

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