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2011 Outdoor 50 200gal smartpots


did all of it by hand too. took about 2 weeks to knock out 50 . 25 200s, 24 100s, and 1 400gal. all by hand. unloaded and filled, settled and loved. if you can't man up and do that work, you're not cut for it.


No offence icu812 but your obviously in cali most likely growing as "legal" as you can out there. Now imagine doing all the work you did on your grow in a non med state. It makes it a million times harder. I could lug bails of soil and dig holes and fill em up all day, thats not the hard part. The hard part for people like aeroG is the access to the spot, getting everything to the spot with NOONE seeing you, and maintaining everything without the cops, rippers or the fucking animals fucking you. I'm not hating at all on you man, I'm actually very jealous of what you got going on and I wish I could have the same espically in the enviorment you are working in I'm just pointing out how truly beastly aero's 50 200 gallon pots are


It's not that difficult if you have the experience aero has, plus the money and ambition .... alittle bit of blood sweat and tears never hurt... ;) Hope all is well Aero


No offence icu812 but your obviously in cali most likely growing as "legal" as you can out there. Now imagine doing all the work you did on your grow in a non med state. It makes it a million times harder. I could lug bails of soil and dig holes and fill em up all day, thats not the hard part. The hard part for people like aeroG is the access to the spot, getting everything to the spot with NOONE seeing you, and maintaining everything without the cops, rippers or the fucking animals fucking you. I'm not hating at all on you man, I'm actually very jealous of what you got going on and I wish I could have the same espically in the enviorment you are working in I'm just pointing out how truly beastly aero's 50 200 gallon pots are

b/c being in cali doesn't mean it's any less work.. hours daily tending/feeding/training/etc.. high heat, very strong sun.. always sounds a lot easier said than done. I'm sure high % of people would fill 1 200gal and call it a day. Try doing it all by hand, unloading each pallet , filling pots bag after bag after bag, not easy. Most guys just get people to do it for them- I don't take the easy way ;)


without a doubt aerog is a beast. knows whats up and has good experience. much respect and anxious to see results. ;)


b/c being in cali doesn't mean it's any less work.. hours daily tending/feeding/training/etc.. high heat, very strong sun.. always sounds a lot easier said than done. I'm sure high % of people would fill 1 200gal and call it a day. Try doing it all by hand, unloading each pallet , filling pots bag after bag after bag, not easy. Most guys just get people to do it for them- I don't take the easy way ;)
hi there, lots of people grow for pain relief, therefore a high% of people would have to stop after filling one, being due to other things like pain, not laziness, maybe you could start a thread for super heroes gardens, im sure you would fit the criteria, lol. cheers oz :gday:
b/c being in cali doesn't mean it's any less work.. hours daily tending/feeding/training/etc.. high heat, very strong sun.. always sounds a lot easier said than done. I'm sure high % of people would fill 1 200gal and call it a day. Try doing it all by hand, unloading each pallet , filling pots bag after bag after bag, not easy. Most guys just get people to do it for them- I don't take the easy way ;)

Not trying to downplay your work, beautiful plants, and awesome property. I truly envy you. But, it's clear you have never been a guerilla.

If you think it is hard to load a 200 gal, try moving all that soil on your hands and knees through thick woods. While at the same time you are trying to make it through without break any branches or making a path. It's MUCH more work.

Things most growers take for granted has to been done with back breaking labor. I can't just turn a knob for water. I have to dig a trench and make a well.

When I get out of the woods. I am drenched head to toe in sweat, dirt. Not an inch of my clothes stay dry. (I am in good shape, so thats saying something). Every part of my body is covered in scratches from getting scrapped by branches.

Guerrilla growing is the hardest work I have ever done.

Trinity Gold

ICU ..This isn't your thread, what are you tryin to do? AeroG's plants are larger and more healthy than yours and you're in Cali...Don't know what you were trying to flash but you straight FAILED. Please go home with your thread jacking troll behavior..It isn't wanted here at the Mag...


ICU ..This isn't your thread, what are you tryin to do? AeroG's plants are larger and more healthy than yours and you're in Cali...Don't know what you were trying to flash but you straight FAILED. Please go home with your thread jacking troll behavior..It isn't wanted here at the Mag...

well it's obvious someone has their panties in a wad.. lol seems like some people want to get shit twisted and array. thread jacking? more like saying whats up to aero and showin a little update to him, did I address you at all up there in lameass trinity? and again- lookin good aero, we'll catch up later amigo ;)


Maybe some of you guys simply misread how I worded things, in no way downing anyone whatsoever. Stated before how much work these type of setups take- seems like 'trinity dumbolt' or whoever he thinks he is, thinks that this is all a pissing contest.. which it isnt. Pics I posted were from beginning of June btw. ;)


ICU ..This isn't your thread, what are you tryin to do? AeroG's plants are larger and more healthy than yours and you're in Cali...Don't know what you were trying to flash but you straight FAILED. Please go home with your thread jacking troll behavior..It isn't wanted here at the Mag...

my plants from early june? and you send a pic to me from today of one of your plants.. that is supposed to be big? I laugh at people like him. they get the shit end of the stick for weather, location, and everything else lol.
Just checking in, don't have time to read through right now, you know how it is, but I did hear a lil sumpthin sumpthin about some monsters, just wanted to wish you luck, or good fortune through skill & brass balls