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Greetings All!

Big 'o Me

New member
Hello IC community,

Big 'o Me checking in, I've been somewhat active on this forum through my wife and proxy Lil 'o Me.

I look forward to chatting it up and meeting all of you.

I bit about me.. i am a professional in the telecom industry, I am married to the wonderful woman known as Lil 'o Me here on the forums. I am a veteran who served in the US Navy, and have traveled a bit.

Interests include paintball, music, general computer geekiness, PS3, scifi(huge asimov and Herbert fan!!), reading, history, politics, blah blah blah.

Anyways, its good to be here representing myself finally! See you all around.
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Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Hey baby! Its good to finaly see ya here! Everyone, this is my wonderfull husband! Please welcome him!


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Hey Big,
I just joined myself. I am also a computer geek as well as a PS3 fan...gotta love burning a phat one and playing Uncharted 2! :dueling:

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
To Mrs. B and the mods who remedied our technical difficulties.... Just wanted to say thanks for the help! :thank you:

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