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2010 outdoors,



Sounds like alot of unnesessary hassle. think ill just get the tent and light up over winter for and indoor seed-run instead.

try the auto flower sticky section, theres an english grower there that i think said he grows during the winter in a green house, might be some help.

tried to harvest the gg v dp plant, more mold than bud, got a hand full of mold free stuff that after a pre sample gave a nice little buzz, so not a complete waste, going to make hash with the rest.

if the weathers good tomorrow hopefully ill be checking on a very secluded plant (ggvdp) in a test patch, nearly all my test patch plants have been male and im hoping this one isn't, havent seen it for months so im hoping its ok, if so iv got an epic area to play with next time:)

fingers crossed


New member
try the auto flower sticky section, theres an english grower there that i think said he grows during the winter in a green house, might be some help.

tried to harvest the gg v dp plant, more mold than bud, got a hand full of mold free stuff that after a pre sample gave a nice little buzz, so not a complete waste, going to make hash with the rest.

if the weathers good tomorrow hopefully ill be checking on a very secluded plant (ggvdp) in a test patch, nearly all my test patch plants have been male and im hoping this one isn't, havent seen it for months so im hoping its ok, if so iv got an epic area to play with next time:)

fingers crossed

I just pulled down my remaining typhoon. Got a few ounces off it id say. :jump:

I left my other buds dry under a window for a few weeks and they have been sunbleached. They look pretty bad but i dont think theres anything wrong with them. Im gunna hash them.

Goodluck with the test plant.

edit: does anyone know anything that can replace a cafateer in making honey oil. I have alot of 100% clean butane but no cafateer. Buying bubble bags from canada now.


I just pulled down my remaining typhoon. Got a few ounces off it id say. :jump:

mine still have a bit to go, did you do topping or any training? mine are just single colas and still some time to go, very impressive strain anyway.

cafateer ?

also plans got changed shortly after posting about visiting plot unfortunately, suspense has bean killing me though over how its doing.


New member
It wasnt quite done but wasnt far off. It was lst's outdoors not topped. Imm not doing that again though. The branches adont like it in the wind, there not as strong as a stem.


just flicked through some past pics of Thyphoon, all pics have the usual baseball bat cola and then a few have side smaller side colas, one guy just pretty much threw a load of seeds in the ground and let them be and just had one humongous bush of them, im thinking next time this is the way to go, also thinking back as you pointed out my stem are also pretty small.

might consider a seed run during the year.


New member
My stems arent small. The stems where very thick. The lst just caused a weak point where the branches joined the stem.

I think its dependant on the growth time of the plant. My typhoons where all very big and bushy.

Ill be growing more typhoons next year anyway. I have so many seeds here that I can use but I still want to order more. I dont think ill be able to help myself. Thankgod for seedshare being so cheap.


What is the best way to cure and store. I have tried glass jars, tupperware, paperbags and it usually ends up tasting and smelling something like hay. What is a sure way of bringing out the taste, as somehow bits I left in a drawer, ended up having an amazing taste incomparrasion to the rest of it.

Cookie monster

What is the best way to cure and store. I have tried glass jars, tupperware, paperbags and it usually ends up tasting and smelling something like hay. What is a sure way of bringing out the taste, as somehow bits I left in a drawer, ended up having an amazing taste incomparrasion to the rest of it.

What way do you dry your buds clonex?

Hay smell to me usually means things were dryed too quickly,


Active member
Dry & Cure

Dry & Cure

What is the best way to cure and store. I have tried glass jars, tupperware, paperbags and it usually ends up tasting and smelling something like hay. What is a sure way of bringing out the taste, as somehow bits I left in a drawer, ended up having an amazing taste incomparrasion to the rest of it.

As Cookie said you ain`t drying it right .
Let`s go back to basics for a moment , do not cut early/ morning as the plant usually has a lot of moisture . All bud benefits from hanging while drying as more air will move around the bud , hang in a cool dark place away from light as light/sunlight will degenerate the bud . A ossilating fan will help to draw moisture out at a steady rate , if you have a lot of bud either rotate it every few days or change the fans position .
Only jar when dry ( food srorage jars are ideal ) again keep the jars in the dark & open the top daily for a couple of hours ( i lightly stir up the bud a bit to ensure an even cure ) do this for as long as it takes maybe 2mth .
There is no point in spending 6mth or so growing a plant & then ruining the harvest by rushing it , if it`s done steady & dark you will smile when it comes to sparking it up .
If my outdoor crop is properly dry by xmas i`m doing well , it`s normally feb/march b4 i am enjoying the best that my bud has to offer . I can only have an earlier smoke if i have autos .

as somehow bits I left in a drawer, ended up having an amazing taste incomparrasion to the rest of it.[/

That`s because a drawer is dark & the temp will be fairly stable .

Stay green .


I cut and hang them in a wardrobe in a shed and they usually hang there for ages, I don't rush the drying process, I want something soft not harsh to smoke. But I always have probs when it comes to curing turning my hard work to hay, so I usually leave alot of it hanging in the wardrobe for months (cold winter nights) which seems to keep it with that fresh mj taste. I think I may not have been burping long enough, I was doing it for an hour (thought otherwise it would dry out too much) but it seems it needs to be done for 5 or 6 hours at a time, is this correct? Hoping it works this time, dont want more hay so dissapointing when this happens after all the hard work.

Cookie monster

It's about time....
Great breeder and wonderful strains, the hash plant hash would knock the hind legs off a donkey :)


Active member
the hash plant hash would knock the hind legs off a donkey

Thats disgusting & should be incinerated , in fact if you want to post it over to me i`ll do it in this big glass bottle pipe thing i have .

cloneX , your right on the hours . When i said 2hrs i was`nt even thinking how long i burp mine . Thinking on it i open the jar in the evening , leave it in the cupboard & close it late at night !!! most evenings i happen to partake in 1 or 2 J`s so time seems to fly . It`s not going to dry out any more unless the rooms very warm (again cool room dark in cupboard ) . You have put all the hard work in & it will pay it`s own rewards . Enjoy . Earlier tonight i read a thread where a guy cures his Lemon for 6mths , gotta be good !

Stay green .

Cookie monster

Thats disgusting & should be incinerated , in fact if you want to post it over to me i`ll do it in this big glass bottle pipe thing i have .

Ah it found a better home from someone who needs it more than you and me...
ugh like a retard i type out a message then press the back button by accident....

Well cook, how'r the early harvests looking for ya ? U doing a hash run on em or are they far enough along to be good and smokeable ? How did the strains run in the end ?

Do you cure your hash ?

How'd the seed run work out ?

Clonex - Glass jars for curing, paper bags are a step in the drying process if thats the method u use (not all methods require em, i rarely use em), tupperware is for coleslaw n nothing else really lol, leave em in the kitchen. Your looking to have a slow drying time, thats the key, how slow: you'll get different answers from different growers and different techniques, depends how u dry and trim your buds basically. Lads above have given a responce for full plant hanging, if thats the way u dry go with what they've posted, by that i just mean i agree with them, it aint written in stone or anything ;)

Tono, kc33 x typhoon ?, judging by how those two strains seem to have done this year, while unintentional it may turn out to be quite a good cross, looking forward to seeing how they turn out next year for ya if u decide to use em. Hopefully you'll get mature seeds from it n not immature crap :)

Any news on that other test spot of yours ?

Any pics grizzly of that typhoon, sounds good :D

By cafateer do u mean cafatiere, as in a coffee press ? If so i've heard of that method of making honey oil, never done it before so cant give an alternative unfortunately ..... however, just grab yourself a glass turkey baster or something of the like and you can make honey oil this way :)

Hope i havent missed out on people, if so its down to bad memory not that i dont wanna hear bout anything, aint been pics in a while, feel free to post up anything i havent asked from any1 :D. Fantastic to see the irish forums taking off like this

Cookie monster

ugh like a retard i type out a message then press the back button by accident....

Well cook, how'r the early harvests looking for ya ? U doing a hash run on em or are they far enough along to be good and smokeable ? How did the strains run in the end ?

Do you cure your hash ?

How'd the seed run work out ?

Dont worry Grim we've all done the retard thing and had to retype :)

Early harvest worked out very good and definitely far enough along to be smokable, I wont drive after smoking a joint of it.
The better plant probably about 6 ounces of really nice buds that are happy in their glass jars until christmas :)
The other plant maybe 3 ounces of nice buds and a shit load of hash material but I gave that plant to a good friend.

Curing hash is something i dont know a thing about, sounds like something I should research tho.

Seed run went fine, I have one little female from it out in the garden but she was started way to late in the season so I may finish it in the conservatory I think.

Cookie monster

George Michel said that b4 popping a sleeping tablet .

How did your late sowing (early july?) work out ?

Stay green .

Ah I feel sorry for poor old george but I hope he makes good use of his 8 week inside and strangles a few of those sex offenders he's locked up with.

The late plant is still outdoors growing well but we had the first light frost of the year last night so shes going into the conservatory tomorrow.
Stubborn thing is still popping out pre-flowers instead of flowering.

How are all you UK guys getting on with the bud mould?

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