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2010 outdoors,

Good idea about the staking but my lot are all topped so there's no main stem.
The main stems on the big plants are more of a V I'd be afraid they would split if I tied the lower branches to them.
Good thinking that wouldnt a good idea lol
Probably a good idea you dont try n bring that thing through the airport, the boys in customs dont grow so they may have difficulty understanding why you want to bring your grow room on holidays.
Ha ha this had me laughing and then day dreaming for quite some time :)
Hey Reefer man, yeah it would be a big shock going from stable humidity and temps @ 18hrs light indoors to about 12 in early April, probably put them into flower?
Its not until the end of may that there's 18hrs here, could I get away with 16 or less?
Have you ever vegged for a few months before putting out?
Dont do cannabis outdoors bong, but i read alot and i have grown quite a few other crop species outdoors ;). If your inducing flower and then put them out, they'll simply reveg. If you want to induce flowering indoors and then put them out in the middle of the summer you'll need to artificially create a 12 hour dark period. That can be done with tarps, or bringing the plants indoors at night.... Interrupting the dark period isnt advised, you'll get away with missing a night or two here or there, but if u commit to that, its pretty much essential your there every single day. There are ways to elongate flower with longer day periods but still keep them in flower, but, that does exactly what it says on the tin, it elongates flowering. Which elongates the time where u have to be present. If your in that position though itd be worth it i'm sure...... but i'm not sure thats what u were asking, and looking up i'm not sure this block of text will even make sense he he ask away on anything i wasnt clear on :)

Thats kinda what I'm becoming more concerned about as the branches add weight.

I'm toying with the idea of putting moulds around the weak points where the main stem has branched and filling them with expanding foam..

It sounds dumb i know but it might work
Never done it, or seen it done, and not even sure what your thinking is what i have in my mind but ....

Expanding foam is an "isocynate", basicly can fuck up the respiratory system, bad for the eyes, intestines etc. Its also reactive to water, and is classified as a sensitizer (causes asthma, allergens etc.).

Not really a tool that springs to mind when ur thinking bout cannabis so i'll go ahead and assume u've used it before and probably know its hazards, just reminding :tiphat:, specially the water solubility part

only prob with this idea should you pull out a cane your BALLS drop . L O L

it ain`t rocket science , branches that are likely to snap particuarly with bud weight need support . Canes & string loops in which ever way supports them .
1 advantage of these shaped plants is that the wind will dry them , trouble is there also open to the rain . Fingers x`d CM .

Stay green .
Yer i'd agree it aint rocket science, the plants dont want to snap their branches, if u give them any support should they need it they most likely wont snap, its just workin out the system which works best for u.

Love the kerplunk idea, its like a cage the runs through the plant rather than around it :)


Active member
Grim reefer: i was asking if putting 1m height plants outdoors after the last frost after hardening them off would prematurely induce flowering going from 18hrs light indoors to about 12-14 hours in early mid april. Should I wait until there are more hours light outside - until may sometime? Trying to grow the biggest plant possible for this climate.

1kg 1 plant, any luck find that post tonto?
It shouldnt induce flowering. Some strains are gonna be more sensitive than others so i wouldnt like to say no 100%.

But i dunno would you want to have em at a meter and then be throwing them outside in april ? Would be hard to provide any shelter for the plant(s), the root structure would be massive (and depending on the container your using the roots might need to be scarred to allow for better root development, which lengthens the hardening off period), and cannabis stretches more in ireland than it should imo.

April also usually isnt the best month, i wouldnt be putting it out early in the month.

The size of the plant isnt really the problem in ireland, its wind chill, temps, humidity, daylight hours, rain.

You could do some training with the plant, LST'ing etc, that could be quite beneficial, but again theres more to think about than just a regular LST, if its not in a good area, mold is very likely due to low profile of the entire plant if it rains alot.

All the above is just my opinion and findings m8, i've been wrong before i'll be wrong again, always look for others opinions before finalising your decision :tiphat:


With my last batch of plants that i moved outside i didnt harden them off and only the biggest got some sunburn the rest were fine.
And the suitcase was just the first lightproof box i found but it works well.


Active member
Should I wait until there are more hours light outside - until may sometime? Trying to grow the biggest plant possible for this climate.

Yes , be it a plant grown from seed or a clone unless it`s behind glass it will probably suffer , mid may is the earliest you should even think about placing them outside . All plants need to acclimatise to temp & light . if you have clones you can start to give them a few hours outside if the weathers good every day in April then bring in at night until mid May for final placement .
Too many outside growers worry too much about a bit of revegging , it wont make any difference to the flowering at the end of the season as it`s all triggered by decreaseing light (unless your on autos) , it won`t decrease the flower harvest .
I saw the long range weather forecast today & as usual the twats here only mention N Ireland despite the fact that it`s only a part of a fooking big island . Last month you N Wales & Scotland had double the rainfall & because of the cloud cover only had half the hours of sunshine !!! some bastard summer for you , i hope the autumn improves for those on standard plants & flower .

Stay green .

Cookie monster

I saw the long range weather forecast today & as usual the twats here only mention N Ireland despite the fact that it`s only a part of a fooking big island . Last month you N Wales & Scotland had double the rainfall & because of the cloud cover only had half the hours of sunshine !!! some bastard summer for you , i hope the autumn improves for those on standard plants & flower .

Stay green .

Jesus I'd say were well under half the hours of sunshine over here.
Fingers crossed we get a few weeks of sun before October or we'll all be having fluffy buds only fit for hashing.

Anybody know a good organic treatment for carrotfly?
Yeh the summer started off nicely, and then died a death. Still warm, but not good weather :(

Carrot flies hmm, annoying buggers eh cook. Hmmm, have ya had problems with em before ? If its recurring, next time u plant, plant them with alternating rows of onions or leeks. The smell of these masks out the carrot smell (while they're still growing green). You can also plant some herbs like sage around the plot to mask the smell.

Remove any cow parsley in your garden asap

If the lawn needs a cutting lay the clippings out around the carrots to also mask the smell.

Finally erect a wall for yourself, carrot flies are shit at actually flying, they usually depend on the currents of the wind to carry them.

You can also get fly resistant varieties of carrot, but usually they're very bland in comparison


Active member
Thanks for the info, hardening off and out by mid-may it is, depending on the weather. Indeed, some July, I have noticed a bit of stretch, and if the sun comes out even for a few hours I can see development of branches, leaves & flowers as if they were bursting just waiting for the sun.

Cookie Monster: You can make a foliar spray from alliums (onions/leeks/garlic/chives) & there is also a product called 'envy repel' made with garlic from organic hort suppliers. They say to buffer the water to a ph of 6 with the product, maybe its the same if you make your own for best effectiveness, I'm not sure. Its supposed to be good for most leaf eaters. But then again, the carrot flies eat the roots, beetles and centipedes are also your friends here and they live happily in a layer of mulch.

Good call on the companion planting grim, and removal of wild varieties of the same species - very important for keeping the pest/predator balance. Anyone tried a lawn of chamomile or yarrow under their ganja? They are said to increase the oil content of plants they are beside, as well as chamomile attracting predators. Trying the chamomile and a few others out this year anyway, they'll be a bonus crop at the least. Anyone else doing something similar for their ganja?

Cookie: have you come across a beneficial fungus that you spray on the plants to prevent botrytis?


New member
A SAL outdoor plant of mine in full flower has been hit by budrot. Sprayed the infected plant with greencure 2 days ago and haven't noticed any more affected areas. All the rot has been removed. The plants nearly done but wont be yielding well. Not enough sun. So depressing after such a good start. Hopefully August will be better.


A SAL outdoor plant of mine in full flower has been hit by budrot. Sprayed the infected plant with greencure 2 days ago and haven't noticed any more affected areas. All the rot has been removed. The plants nearly done but wont be yielding well. Not enough sun. So depressing after such a good start. Hopefully August will be better.

SAL? ill be interested to see how greencure does over hear,

Cookie: have you come across a beneficial fungus that you spray on the plants to prevent botrytis?

look through his topics for the milk one, done a few sprays because of it myself and had no problems.

weather wise im expecting it to be nice and humid, perfect for mold

Cookie monster

Nice advice on the carrotfly fellas, the little bastards look like they've gotten to 1/4 f the carrots...lets hope they are enjoying their onion and garlic spray, Cheers Bong.

Check out a couple of sprays called Mycostop and Serenade both are omri listed, I think I remember reading somewhere that compost tea can be effective not 100% on that tho.

Grizzly sorry to hear about the rot hopefully the greencure will hold it at bay.

Whats SAL?


please say it wasnt the guerilla gold that molded, bean dying for years to get some


New member
No it wasn't GG but I would be surprised if it didn't mold flowering under the conditions weve been having. So little sunshine and so damp and humid up here.


Active member
Finally erect a wall for yourself, carrot flies are shit at actually flying, they usually depend on the currents of the wind to carry them.

& thats the best advise you`ll get , a 5-6in high board is all it takes . The carrot fly does fly but close to the ground , if you erect an obstacle they lift to avoid it & actually cruise above the carrot .

Stay green .


No it wasn't GG but I would be surprised if it didn't mold flowering under the conditions weve been having. So little sunshine and so damp and humid up here.

what strain was it?

hopefully do a little update tomorrow, some highs and lows to report.

Cookie monster

Time for an update:

The weater lately has not been kind to the plants, no mould or wind damage but the constant grey sky and lack of sun are not helping flower production.
hopefully the weather will improve

The first of the crosses is now outside in a pot, it's probably too late to throw out such a young plant
But it will be interesting to see what happens.

Both the Xfile x Amnesia Haze were cloned and this one is going to be bonsai'd and kept until next year.

Stay safe and happy all :wave:


awesome bro, best wishes on the x, im shure you will have a lil bud there

plan to keep the cut under lights? there will be a chance that it autos im affraid, but we will see!


Do you think this is ready yet, seems to have slowed in growth and pistils are beginning to die? I'm never sure when exactly.

Is she ready?

Bud Rot from last year

Durban Male

Same plant before the rot


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