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2009 Grow - Chem D, White, Sour Chunk, Katsu and pre 98 bubba kush. Power House, ...


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
which PBP are you using?
PBP veg, PBP fruit flower, or PBP FRUIT & FLOWER FOR SOIL?
you are gonna have a plethora of funk man.
Kath i have : " PBP the fruit and flower formula for hydrogardens, a premium one-part organic plant food to be used in soil container gardens or soiless hydrogardening applications. "The directions say to use for mature, fruiting and flowering 30 ML, for aggressive 45 ML, says to add 5ML of cal mag if using reverse osmosis water which i am.
Last weekend/feeding( end of wk 6 ) i gave all of them 45 ml's of PBP, 10 ML's of cal mag and 1/4 tsp of big bud and 5 ml's of heavy weight molasses. Initially i was giving them way weaker doses, like in week one and two i fed them 10 ml's of grow big and 10 ml's of PBP no cal mag. Week's 3 and 4 i upped the dose to 15 ML's of PBP & 10 ML of cal mag. Week 5 & 6 theyve gotten 30 ML's of PBP, 10 ML's of cal mag. Ending week # 7 now and i wanna make sure they get a good final feed before i begin flushing wk 8(for the 60 day strains, ill feed the chem D's and bubbas once more and take them to 70+ days if i can ). I have noticed a huge surge in width and thickness recently in the last few days :D. The Sour Chunk has the biggest untopped cola ive grown from this strain ever( i cant seem to get a pic showing the scale)
Does my feeding regimen sound good ? anyone have any tips for me to avoid yellowing next round ? I found that the chem d and white tend to have yellowing earlier than other strains, but the other strains pre 98, katsu and sour chunk stay super dark green and get purple what can i do next round to avoid this early yellowing ? should i start giving them 45 ml's PBP and 10 Ml's of cal mag right after the first two weeks ?


ahh bro that kromes white still has my mouth watering! everythings looking awesome!
those chem d's look like beauts too.. good stuff and nice coloring on the chunk. keep it up dude.

peaaace keke :joint:


Active member
wish i could help you with dosing but i have not used PBP yet....i too am looking or info so i can get it right the first time...
looks like you have done great job on em. sure youll get the PBP dialed in soon.
later man


Yea sorry me as well, I have not jumped into the hydro world, dirt tastes alot better for me.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
thanks all, to me it would appear you need to start hitting them with 30 ML's right away and bumping up to 45-50 ML's doesnt hurt. They are all getting 45 Mls right now and they seem to be loving it, i do notice a huge spurt in growth and it would seem the yellowing hasnt gotten worse, the flush is gonna start this next feeding, im on day 45 today and i plan to take everything to at least 60 days, the chem d's will get 65-70 days. Pix up this weekend :)

sog army

Active member

reason you have early yellowing is NO CALMAG! and if you used karma.. IT would take the place of b52 and the other supplement you were using.

If you were feeding 15 karma 15 bloom, 10 calmag and pk booster i bet your shit would be as green as mine is .


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
wurd, 75 ? lol yo im dying to PUF that shit HOMEY!!! and the white? no more than 60? or 55? bubbas and katsu? 65?

I plan on getting Liquid Karma, PK booster and some new cal mag ASAP! i have been using old cal mag, its probably too old to use. Ill let the chem D go as long as i can wait :p The smells are starting to change froma str8 chem to a fruity aroma


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
Quick dried the samples over my LCD tv and MAN oh man is it potent as FUCK, expansion o plenty. The taste isnt there but the high sure as fuck is, i looked at each test piece of each strain under my radio shack magnifier and id say 65% are cloudy, 15-20% clear and the rest amber. Todays day 47 and i will be starting the flush today i plan to chop the sour chunk anywhere between 55-60, the white will get 60, bubba kush and katsu will get 65, and the chem D's will get @ the very least 70 days i will try to take them both to 80 if i can(as per SOGarmys request)... stay tuned updates tonight

sog army

Active member
Sup man... I hadnt had calmag go bad and I drove with a jug cross country.. I guess it could happen?

Ideally Id cut the
D at 72-75
THE WHITE AT 52-55 (from kromes and cornbreads own mouth)
Katsu all on you homey i only ran her once.
bubba all on you...
sour chunk.. Ive taken from 70-75... I really think shed be better at 60-65.. Doing a whole ebb and flow of her this run and Ill letcha know.. but I plan on the early 60's.

sog army

Active member
on a side note.. I cut all my D between days 70-75 this run... IT went OVER really well out here.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
Yea man i plan on taking the pre 98 and katsu to 60 days at least , anywhere from 60 -65. Sour Chunk is gonna get chopped on day 60, white also, chem D(cut 1 will come down on day 70, the second cut i will let her go 80+). The white ive taken at 55 and one time at 60, the one at 60 tasted way better. SOGGY the sample of white you sent me bloomed for how long ? From the pics and what i can remember it had to have been 65 days + if not 70 days the calyxes were HUGE!!!
I cant wait to hit that chem D fully matured, the smells are evolving from a super duper chemmy diesel cologne to a really sour berry or fruit punch(but only from one certain top on chemD cut #1), did you ever notice a sour berry smell on your chem D's sog?

updates coming up next!

Rollin Face

Very nice selection you have here! Beautiful looking plants as well, yes the Cal Mag is a wonderful product to use all the way through, Ive used PBP since ive been growing and have ALWAYS had great results...

Your gonna love the pre 98, she my fav right now for sure!! If i could make a recc. on her flwr time, shes bomb at 60 but wait the extra 10-12 days and shes a knockout!! Super heavy and stinky aroma and puts you to bed! I love her!


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
Here go the pics, kinda lazy so ill add the IMG tags later, click away for now :)

That chem D got me droolin, the test pieces ive taken of the CHEM D cuts 1 & 2 say they need at least 15 more days, the sour chunk is near ready so is the white, pre98 and katsu need another 10 days ...but were getting close to having some really nice smoke to flood the block with !

This pics really really nice, check the subtle difference between chemd cut 1 & 2 :)

^^ Chem D Cut # 2


^^ Chem D Cut # 1

sog army

Active member
Yo.. nycd...

those white samples i sent ya were flowerd for 84 days LOL! sour chunk that round went deep into the 70's like really close to 80.. The sour chunk was super strong but at that long into flower cycle bud rot was always a possibility.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
yea man i KNEW IT!! that white was just SWELLING with pride, calyxes were bulging. I think ill let the white go for 70 with the chem D's and the sour chunk i was gonna chop at 60 but i think ill wait now. I guess ill just wait till 70 days for everything!! ill just grip a few sample pieces to hold me through. Dude the Katsu and pre 98 smell soooo much better, the PBP really outshines the flora nova in the smell/aroma category it really makes the terpines explode with aroma, man i cannot wait to blaze some chem D and white 70 + days :p

I started the flush today day 48, is that too early?? i was planning on feeding the chem D's one more time but not the others, with this new info i guess i should fed once more! no biggie ill just have to deal with it


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
yea dude i cant wait after a 3 month "growing break" im dying to smoke some properly grown and dried / cured dank of my own that i know was fed and flushed properly. Ive been able to get some really decent smoke but not very consistently, the only other hook up i have sells "work" haze grown/bought/sold commercially so its not great but it works, some of it is bad tho(either or and moldy, wet , premie, hermie, old, bland etc etc). I miss the highschool days where people bought and sold quality shit to enjoy not to profit or "ball".

The katsu kush i put in the water farm 3 wks ago is going NUTS, roots popping out of the drain holes side shoots are HUGE and ready for cuttings. Im SLD on 'hydro', drain to waste E&F or DWC with hydroton pellets in net cups is my shit now! im convinced that my environment will perform better with hydro units rather than soil ocntainers, i will always have a container plant or two with organics for the taste, but im gonna go hydro before this winter.