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2007 Oregon Guerrilla Outdoor, with BACKCOUNTRY


Mourning the loss of my dog......
randude said:
You know if you could somehow attract snakes that may take care of the rats. That is why I said they were your friend. No rat in it's right mind would take up housekeeping in an area with snakes.
Snakes are everywhere here in summer, and for every Rattlesnake I encounter, I encounter 100 or more other non-poisionous snakes, and two of the species grow larger than the Rattlers(King snakes and Ghopher snakes), King snakes are known to eat the Rattlers.
These Wood rats(Pack rats) live on a hill with a pretty good Snake population, it doesn't seem to keep them away, but I am sure they(the snakes) do their part to help control their populations.

I agree that the Deer netting is pretty invisable, I am hoping that the areas I have used it are closed in enough by trees and such that the Deer will be moving slow when they touch it, and hopefully won't full on tear it up.
I actually think the best way to use the netting may be as the directions show for protecting small trees(on the brand I used), basicly to drape the netting over each plant individually, perhaps using a thin pole(or three) to support most of the weight of the netting.

I need to go out and take a look at the plots, I'm sure they are doing very well. Rainfall has been plenty, and has pushed back dry Summer weather a bit.

little j

i was getting worried but i figured you were busy all weekend like the rest of us. those rats are hungry heh? looks like quite a stump they chewed down. bastards. i see a few little leaves that could go bush on you. fingers crossed. ive had it done too. hell i have already had it done this year!!!! i almost forgot since i refocused my energy to the ones that are still out. im prayin for all of us. bye.


Hey BC, Hope all is well.
I have had a hell of a month with losing my entire indoor crop, kicking out my girl friend, losing my job and now I am moving. My life has never ran this fast before and I am not even telling you everything. I wonder how it must be hicking to you gardens a lone, or with the dog, hearing the birds and being one with nature. Great read.


dude... if i ever heard a rattle snake (rattling and hissing) and then i turn around in the woods, and it actually was a rattle snake.... i would drop a brick in my pants, no joke...
screw that noise

i hope for no negative experiences with snakes this summer for anyone...
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whats up BC?
I spent some time out in the Owyhee in SW OR last summer, so I know the dry climate you're fighting. Props to you and others that grow in such arid weather. Ive also heard of lots of Rattler sightings in that area through someone I knew in the DNR- main thing is to just watch where you step.

And I'm glad to hear that you've been blessed with some rain. Its been really dry where I'm at too, though theres plenty of lakes and creeks to plant by in the northwoods.

I'm using some black plastic netting, and it does blend in well, but I've noticed that its shiny and does catch the sun at certain times of the day. Ive got some 5' up now but plan on putting some 7' up around the rest of my plants. Already had a deer step on one that wasn't fenced off ):
Heres a pic of my fence and some local flora(meadow sweet) that will hopefully help my plants blend in.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Yeah, its no fun running up on a snake, its best to locate the sound, and back up before they get really pissed.

I have never run into a Rattle snake that I could see and hear, usually the ones that Rattle are hidden from my sight, and several times I have found myself almost in striking range of snakes in plain view, who never rattle. I ran into one snake that didn't rattle a few days back, I was 5 feet away when I identified it as a snake, I could see its rattles, looked like at least 10, despite how close I was it didn't rattle, which I find creepy.

I've located a set of Snake guards, a freind of a freind sold me a lightweight pair he used Bow hunting. They strap around your Calves and protect from the bottoms of your boot laces up to your knee, paired with heavy leather boots they are peace of mind.

Maybe I will make it out to the plots tomarrow, see if there are any gains or losses.....


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Climbinghigh- High there!
Owyhee is actually in the SE(south east) corner of the state, my area is in the coastal side of Oregon, nearer to Medford. The SE corner is actually true desert, and is indeed very dry, but my corner is a bit more kind climate wise.

I agree that the thicker types of netting can have a sharp shine to them, but the stuff I used is more like bird netting, its doesn't seem to reflect light as bad.

I'm actually starting to think it may be better to use the lighter stuff and drape it over the plants rather than build fences with the plastic nettings.
Yeah, I had the same experience (and it was SE not SW OR-oops), doing vegetation surveys out there last summer mapping Cheat Grass. The guy I was working with almost stepped on one, like within a foot of it! And no rattle(sound) at all. It was early in the morning at high elevation and so it was a little sluggish still. We saw five more over the summer, but mostly in the road.
Gaitors are a very good idea if you are out in the backcountry :)
If you're near cattle land theres probably less snakes.

Good luck with those rats- they sound as bad or worse than the rabbits up here.
hey BC I caught my mistake, just too slow to post before you.
Anyways, I've seen the bird netting type but didnt think it would be strong enough to deter the deer since Iv'e heard a horror story from a buddy about watching a deer run off with almost ripe colas in its mouth.
But it does seem more lo-pro than the thicker stuff. Well, if it works for the hungry deer near you maybe it would work for me too.
Backcountry...you are the man! I always love reading all your threads and posts. I've learned so much from all your stuff. I should train my beast (golden lab) to carry things like your new companion. Anywho, i wish u the best of luck this season, and will be watching again this season. Out to check my crops, cheers.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Climbinghigh- I think a deer would be pretty turned off by the plastic netting, and wouldn't try to chew through it, and I think it would all be in how you draped it.

SmokeyTheBear said:
are any of those plants clones?
Nope! These are all grown from seed, a large percentage were sexed before putting out. See the first page for the story.

The Dancing Man- Thankyou!! :rasta:


Yooo BC!!! Sorry I havne't gotten around to your guerilla grow latley, I've been working on my own! Inspired and helped partly by your thread of course :wave:

Your patches look good man, you got a nice start on the season sorry to hear bout the loss. What's up with an update??? Looks like you've been keeping us wating! They should be way bigger than last time you've seen them am I right? Alright well Peace and stay safe bro


Mourning the loss of my dog......
caligreen- Hey man! I'm going to try and get out for a run by on all the plots tomarrow, I havn't been by to visit any since it rained, since they didn't need water from me. But I do need to get out and check how everyone is doing, and expand the cages on a few, I also need to tie down HM#1 before she gets too tall for her plot.

I just got some seeds from a freind, who got them from a freind who bought some local outdoor bud with seeds in it. My friend smoked some of it and said it was worth trying to grow. So I'll be starting some of those today, to make beans and test the new strain out. I also need to try sprouting some of my old C99 seeds, I'm afraid I let them get too old before making new seeds, I have to say I would miss that strain.
I too am anxiously awaiting an update. I have a question BC, how do u tie your plants down if they arent in a container? Do u use stakes or to u have nearly accessable limbs and such to tie to?


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Here's my little handy work of the day, using stakes. I ran out, need a couple more for the last two branches. Stake them out to the side more, like the 1st two stakes on the right. Tied w/ twine.

subject: Nigerian IBL


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Update time!!

Update time!!

Its been a while since I posted a update, we had a pretty good raining spell earlier this month, so visitation wasn't really necesary.

HM #1-

This plant was a shock when I walked up on it, I never suspected this plant might be having moisture issues, the rainfall we had should have still sustained this plant.
The wilting was not severe, but I always hate to find a plant like this, especially my pride and joy. She recieved a good supply of water several days back, and I intend to visit again today.
After visiting some of the other plots, I found that the ones I have visited so far all look more than fine, so I am wondering if this plot may have actually become overwatered, and the wilting was from that, I guess I will find out.


This plant is doing well, but activity in the area(this property is for sale, but un-ihabited) made me nervous. To make sure the plant won't be seen, I have tied her down against the native vegetation to hide her better.

This plot looks great, not huge growth, but no major problems.


C99x OR95

I have noticed that many of my C99x OR95s are not reverting from premature blooming as well as the OR95 and OR95x Northern L. did, I need to do some study into this and figure out what this means to me, obviously this new cross has inherited a trait from the C99 that has affected its photoperiod sensitivity.


I like this solid little plant :rasta:

Here is some Bear shit, I have seen many droppings from this guy across my main planting area, looks like he likes to eat immature wild Plums-

I have decided to skip the Low maintinece plots this year, I am sure the High maintinece plots will suffuice for my smoking needs, insted I have decided to concentrate on filling my seed bank up with fresh seed, I'm very excited to see how the new strain my buddy gave does. I am trying to start some of all of my strains so I can completly refresh my stocks and avoid losing any to age.

I'll try to visit HM#3 today and get a update posted.
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Leave this place better then when i arrived
Nice plants country. I have a small question i hope you dont mind. If i wanted to use gravity to water my plants from about 600 feet would i need a special timer or can i use a normal manual one.

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