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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
I agree .. No one deserves to be arrested for weed,,, but we dont deserve to have L as a front man for the medical marijuana movement, it only makes it look like a criminal drug eneterprise..

anyways heres L's video: "Business Man" .... if your interested.


"thes indo packs go for 48 a bone -- that what i call incorporating dough"
:laughing: :laughing:


Active member
ItsGrowTime said:
So? How is that any different than your local councilman accepting $25K from lobbyists to vote on a law and figuratively flipping off the citizens? It's all the same principle. Only difference is one goes to jail for it. Guess which one! Ironically only one of those is actually legal under CA law. Guess which one!

But accepting lobbyist money is legal under federal law.

That's why everyone is in the predicament we are in today.

The congressmen are corrupt as hell but they made corruption legal because they are the one's who make the law.

Now there's irony for ya.

As an aside, I heard a crazy statistic like lobby money has increase 1000 times every ten years in the last 25 years or something to that effect.

In other words ALL laws are written by lobby money nowdays.

"earmarking" is another term for this legalized corruption.
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Active member
Just curious as an outsider to the whole Cali Medical scene, What do you think the ramifications of this will be (ie. Clubs closing shop)


I live in a different country and am therefore an outsider too. My take on what a proponent of the original bill to allow medicinal mj said was that it's a totally chaotic system in Cali right now.

The suggestion was that the Feds need to decriminalise it and take greater control of licensing, so those genuinely in need (or should I say, those with greatest need of this medicine) are able to obtain it, rather than people just going to a Doctor and saying "my feet hurt from my high-heel shoes, I need med. mj" (as we saw in the 60 Minutes footage).

As always, the US Politicians creating and using "fear" to remain in power, and to be seen as "doing" something about the thing people are afraid of (in this case that med. mj will lead to total decriminalisation of mj), are seeming to be keeping this situation in a chaotic state, as evidence of the misuse of med. mj and therefore reason to repeal the law that allows use of med. mj.

After the election let's see what happens :fsu:


Active member
Man, thats fucked up. You have to stay under the radar. I dont stay in Cali, BUT I was wondering if you taunt the FEDS like that will it make them react. A little too flamboyant. I aint knocking the homie, but lets learn from this. FUCK all that woofing and bragging and throwing what we do up in LEO face. Thats just dumb. I know yall got prop 215 in CALI, but the FEDS dont recognize that and can have their pick of the litter with you Cali clubs. Yeah it sucks, and no matter how may threads we put up bitching and complaining and all the petitions and so on and so forth, they will still come and fuck up your world if they want to and when they want to.
i know alot of us smoke the finest buds, are stoners, and so on ...... But shit the weed aint fried all our brain cells. THINK PEOPLE!!!!!!!!

Was he offered a plea deal.... Damn 20 to life.... DAMN!!!!!

Hold your head high homie!!!!!


BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
but we dont deserve to have L as a front man for the medical marijuana movement, it only makes it look like a criminal drug eneterprise.]

You just nailed it on the head!

Unfortunatly, I think he put us all back 10 years.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
nipplecrippler said:
it's a totally chaotic system in Cali right now.

misuse of med. mj and therefore reason to repeal the law that allows use of med. mj.

We are only seeing problems because there currently is a battle for states rights going on and unforunatly medical cannabis patients are in the middle of all of it.

We are all following laws put in to place by our local authorties, the ones who know the best course of action for their people (read CONSTITUION, AMENDMENT 10). Beyond that, we are growing and cultivating a plant to ease our pain and raise our conciousness, for that I know I have commited no worldy crimes.

If you are ever arrested again, ask the cop if he would kill a jew if it was his job. This question might take them by suprise, but tell them they are no different the SS following orders. We all have the ability to make decisions, and sometimes the orders we are given, are not always the ones we should impose.

fully baked

BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
If you are ever arrested again, ask the cop if he would kill a jew if it was his job. This question might take them by suprise, but tell them they are no different the SS following orders. We all have the ability to make decisions, and sometimes the orders we are given, are not always the ones we should impose.

I'd probably get billy clubbed for that one... :bashhead:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
To impose phisilophical doubt in the mind of the enemy is worth a thousand beatings...


The guy who may be put away is a total ass-clown. He's a flashy rapper that made videos and talked about himself being into weed for commercial sales, fuck the dea, and all that shit. He brought the pain upon himself. Why bring all of that attention on yourself unless you are a totally arrogant and stupid person?

If you don't feed the fire fuel, it won't burn as hot.
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Bong Smoking News Hound
Man, thats fucked up. You have to stay under the radar. I dont stay in Cali, BUT I was wondering if you taunt the FEDS like that will it make them react. A little too flamboyant. I aint knocking the homie, but lets learn from this. FUCK all that woofing and bragging and throwing what we do up in LEO face. Thats just dumb. I know yall got prop 215 in CALI, but the FEDS dont recognize that and can have their pick of the litter with you Cali clubs. Yeah it sucks, and no matter how may threads we put up bitching and complaining and all the petitions and so on and so forth, they will still come and fuck up your world if they want to and when they want to.
i know alot of us smoke the finest buds, are stoners, and so on ...... But shit the weed aint fried all our brain cells. THINK PEOPLE!!!!!!!!

Was he offered a plea deal.... Damn 20 to life.... DAMN!!!!!

Hold your head high homie!!!!!

This is some really good advice. And very true. They want us all dead in there eyes. We are scum.


Registered Cannabis User
why cant the higher ups notice that there is nothing wrong with cannabis? Especially if it is eaten rather than smoked it is 10x better for you than alcohol. The fact they were dispensing mmj and gettin a sentence like that is just rediculous. this is terrible


Active member
SCF said:
This is some really good advice. And very true. They want us all dead in there eyes. We are scum.

Obviously, 20 years on with the drug war and foolish boy probably would get the death sentence..


Active member
all this bitchin... how man of your are norml members? You gotta do more than just grow or smoke pot to legalize it. Its political man, You gotta fight them with politics.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
NORML is bullshit... THEY are the reason there is no clubs in san diego....

for those who dont know, NORML sued the SANDIEGO COUNTY to make it mandatory for them to impose MMJ ID CARDS and LOST...

well shortly after that, bonnie dumanis (S.D. DistrictAttourney) made a call to karen tandy (H.D. DEA) asking her to come out and irradicate the problem.. shortly after all the clubs were shut down bonnie filed suit against state of california trying to over turn 215...after countless months of spending every tuesday at the citycouncil we basically gave up..

so sorry if im harsh. now im FORCED to grow my own or travel 4+hours for medicine..so in my view...FUK NORML..they havent acccomplished SHIT in the 30-40 years theyv benn beeggin for $$$$$


Active member
BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
NORML is bullshit... THEY are the reason there is no clubs in san diego....

for those who dont know, NORML sued the SANDIEGO COUNTY to make it mandatory for them to impose MMJ ID CARDS and LOST...

well shortly after that, bonnie dumanis (S.D. DistrictAttourney) made a call to karen tandy (H.D. DEA) asking her to come out and irradicate the problem.. shortly after all the clubs were shut down bonnie filed suit against state of california trying to over turn 215...after countless months of spending every tuesday at the citycouncil we basically gave up..

so sorry if im harsh. now im FORCED to grow my own or travel 4+hours for medicine..so in my view...FUK NORML..they havent acccomplished SHIT in the 30-40 years theyv benn beeggin for $$$$$

you got some information wrong there, buddy. The case is still being challenged in court, and the only people who are losing are patients in San Diego, because their elected officials won't follow state law.

County of San Diego v. San Diego NORML (2007): ASA has intervened in a civil lawsuit that the County of San Diego filed against the California Department of Health Services in San Diego Superior Court. Together with the ACLU Drug Reform Law Project, Drug Policy Alliance, and representing five patients, a physician, and the Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana, ASA fought on behalf of the rights of patients across the state. ASA argued that federal law does not preempt state law, and that the County must abide by the Compassionate Use Act and SB 420.

San Diego County Supervisors claim to have filed the lawsuit in response to a lawsuit threatened by San Diego NORML over the County's objection to implementing the state's medical marijuana ID card program. Attorneys for ASA and the ACLU argued the case in San Diego Superior Court and secured a tremendous victory for patients. Judge William R. Nevitt Jr. confirmed the validity of California medical marijuana law by ruling in favor of patients and rejecting the counties' challenge. Despite a ruling clearly showing that federal law does not preempt state law, the County of San Diego appealed the Superior Court decision. ASA continues to fight this lawsuit in the court of appeal.


Furthermore, NORML, especially CANORML, has done an amazing job sticking up for patients, and has expanded the program more than you would like to admit.

I also get a good laugh that you are "forced" to grow your own medicine. Many people would consider that lucky, myself included. You get to grow your own, know everything that was put into it, including your sweat, blood, time, and love.

Forced? More like blessed.

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