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1st run Purple Kush 2k 8 xl UC


Well-known member
Take Hss advise I havent had mine running more than 3 months yet so we will see.
Nice to have everybody.
Dam another trim party tonight. I was pretty fucked up last night we'll see what tonight brings. CKoo ckoo


AP ares rebuildable for for less then 10$ and they are run way cooler than the commercial air peices of crap....spend the extra and get the AP's.


I love my life
AP ares rebuildable for for less then 10$ and they are run way cooler than the commercial air peices of crap....spend the extra and get the AP's.

Yugo's were repairable too. WTF the things didn't last four months. Why the hell would I care to rebuild one when I can pay $90 and get a 88L per minute pump that works? And how can the ECO 5 be a piece of crap when it accidentally works and the way cooler one is only cooler because it DOES NOT run?

Peace, :joint:


Well-known member
Nice to see ya around wick hows it been.
No pic of cut I threw away about 500 sad to say.
Dam the trimming party went well I dont even have to smoke to get high. I cant wait for my trimming party only 5 weeks to go. Oh ya by the way Hs them pk purpled up to almost black in night time temps of 70f.
Rock on everybody


Hydrosun gets eclipsed

Hydrosun gets eclipsed

MashUP, Opt1cs, Texas Kid and the list goes on of people that have killed it with the UC.

I'd imagine that's hard to swallow given your sub par results in the system thus far.

Looks like Big Greens going to knock it out of the park too.

Trash cans?....hey, what ever works for you.


I love my life
Nice to see ya around wick hows it been.
No pic of cut I threw away about 500 sad to say.
Dam the trimming party went well I dont even have to smoke to get high. I cant wait for my trimming party only 5 weeks to go. Oh ya by the way Hs them pk purpled up to almost black in night time temps of 70f.
Rock on everybody

That is what Mashup / OTD told me happened to his PK with the lower temps. I hope there wasn't a trade off in yield for the great color, but I bet the nugs were as fat as ever.

MashUP, Opt1cs, Texas Kid and the list goes on of people that have killed it with the UC.

I'd imagine that's hard to swallow given your sub par results in the system thus far.

Looks like Big Greens going to knock it out of the park too.

Trash cans?....hey, what ever works for you.

Well Mr. Corporate rep. as I said I purchased 2 8xl 1 12 reg and 1 16xl. I pulled a few nice plants from the UC but the system can not eclipse 5gal buckets or 20gal brutes. I've grown high quality indoor hydro for over 6 years, and I didn't get sup par results with the UC it is just sub par to other growing methods.

Mashup / OTD has grown my PK. My PK produces nicer buds than the Lady Cain he used. Mahsup prefers my PK to the LC.

Optic one had a very nice UC run, but if I remember correctly he was more impressed with his Bato buckets. BG is knocking it out of the park with my genetics. His 4x4 with 16 plants isn't in a UC and he will report back the quality.

I think it is harder for you to swallow that better bud can be produced in a trashcan than a UC.


Or produced in a 5gal bucket.


I don't know TXkid or the list that goes on, but I bet anyone of them would be happy to have the cost of those 4 UC systems I bought in their back pocket and trash cans yielding more. Also I don't think BGs friend was using a UC but it seems the PK is doing the trick.

Anyone can DIY a UC as good or better than the factory for pennies on the dollar. If it really were better L-Immortal and I would not have moved away from it. If it were so great why is BG wasting his time with a 4x4 tray.

So here is the deal I can do way better than a UC for way less money, but I doubt you could show this community better genetics than the PK I've freely shared with many of them.

Peace, :joint:


I love my life
If you got nothing good to say, say nothing at all....With that said, you should just consider saying nothing about the UC and drop the slander campaign.

No need to be a hater, it's not becoming. And BTW guy, DIY reverse engineering is a time honored hydroponic tradition. There isn't a hydro system on earth that can't be DIY'd....fact of the matter is if your making something as solid as a UC it's not going to be "pennies on the dollar", just ask anyone who's done it, it ain't cheap bro.

BG, sorry for the BS on your thread.

Slander campaign? I don't think so. I honestly report my experiences. I have not said a single thing about the UC that was untrue.

The UC came with SubPar airstones and SubPar air pumps, but maintained its Mercedes price tag.

Also life is not all about container size, as you see my 5gal representation is bigger than the 20gal Brute version.

Also this isn't BS on BG's thread it is an honest discussion. I know this DIY hobby isn't cheap. I've spent over a thousand dollars on airstones fro my 9 sight UC veg and 15 sight flower op. But nice micro pore airstones aren't on the UC menu.

I am not a hater, why can't the UC just come with micro pore stones and a real commercial air pump?

These complaints are valid.

Peace, :joint:


I love my life
I said life is not all about container size, and I based my opinion on getting bigger plants in 5gal buckets than the 8gal UC or 20gal brute. I didn't say it did not matter. Because I don't think you can grow 1lb trees in 32oz containers but I know I can get them in 5gal.

I do hold my opinion in high regard, but I am not beyond being proven wrong. As we know proof is in the pudding.

I also had no IDEA that bare bones systems were offered. When I explored the catalog last summer I didn't see that option. My complaints about the system have been limited to those faulty parts and what I feel is in adequate spacing. To solve those problems I customized the pipes and replaced the pumps and stones.

As far as me doing my homework bro, maybe you could drop some photos of UCs doing better than the 13oz PK I pulled from one.

As for air-pumps being too noisy or too hot, I am just lucky I guess because the commercial air pumps can't be heard over fans and other house noise. As far as heat goes I have the airpump sitting between two plants straddling the top of two UC lids. Some of the lower branches don't like to touch the pump, but as BG's example shows the bottom branches are trimmed up and the veg plants do fine. My heat issues come from 1kw bulbs and the res chiller, not the air pump.

I'll repeat that I enjoyed the APs brand new out of the box, but watching them fail so quick is a real turn off.

I'll agree that we can both have our own opinions, but I can't agree to disagree for as I stated I am willing to be proven wrong (or right as the case may be). So how about we agree to have an open mind and share our thoughts, opinions, and experiences with our ICmag friends.

I'm OK being behind the curve because there are growers out there that will point out my flaws. And I am willing to change things up in search of improvement.

As of now however you are the only one saying I am behind the curve (with multiple examples?). The rest of this community hasn't pointed out these flaws to me, but I have had many great conversations and SUGGESTIONS.

So if I'm really behind the curve why don't you show us a UC grow better than BG's here and I'll take notes. But that being said I think BG's is the best I've seen and I have recommended that he lengthen his UC when he flushes this weekend.

I want all my friends to have the biggest possible harvests and I have no stake in Rubbermaid, GH, Eco Air, or Micro Pores, I just enjoy their products. I also have no stake in Current Culture but I still use it for my veg setup.

How about we just agree to try to get better everyday?

Peace, :joint:


Nice to see ya around wick hows it been.
very good, been in hibernation for a few months... back at er! looks like i showed up at the right time..

My PK looks substantially more bushy like yours this round.... .... i cant friggen wait im right out of PK!!!!


Well-known member
Well good thing ya guys got that settled.
Ya know what Im thinking. I think the Pks the shit, the Uc is the shit if shit fucks up ya fix it or ya fabricate it not a big deal but ya the price tag is high and it does pay for itself in 1 bucket so I figure fuck it to each there own.
Hs my friend is growing in 5 gal rdwc and the pk performed great but I wont know final tally until there dry. My frosty is gonna still hold its own I cant say the pk is better but I cant say its its anything less either. Soon you can judge for yourself.

Wick sounds good wheres the thread at I wanna see.

I want bigger buckets Shit these roots are to big.


I love my life
Well if Frosty can hold her own I certainly want to give her a whirl! I'd also love to see some shots of the PK turning almost black! My Dungeon is 81 - 91 right now, so no chance for me. My Upgrade room is 73 - 82 so I may get some color, but I really want to see the super purple in the PK!

What do you think the secret to your root production is? I have to say that I really like what you can do with this strain and your roots look twice as big as mine!

Peace, :joint:


Well-known member
The pk is all chopped up hanging around I will surely snap a couple shots for ya. You will be getting a surprise very soon. I think the key to the reterd roots is the dutchy gold with no additives and a very stable water supply. I gotta boogie wifes giving me the eye all I'll pm ya tomorrow


Well-known member
Theres no secrets. Im just using dutchy gold, every once in a while I add zone just to keep it sterile. I keep the ph in range 5.5-6.2 and it hold in the range for about 3 weeks with out adding any ph up or down just nute add backs.Every 3 weeks I do a flush. Water temp is always 68 room temps are 62f-78f. Im also using the air pump and the mag drive pump for a 12xl converted into an 8xl so maybe that helps. I also went right from the cloner to the Uc. Other than that there pretty much just growing there asses off .
I think its because theres not a bunch of shit in there throw the chemical balance off just base nutes KISS.
Hs I recommend trying the dutchy gold in 1 of your veg ucs to see if theres a difference. The shits stable as all hell.
Im might be pumping the system up a bit and adding the 13 gal buckets if I can get em fast enough. I think if I do that Im going to shatter all Uc grows out there by a huge margin.
Dutch master gold + UC = Huge plants and roots
Good luck to all


Well-known member
Shit I almost forgot I use the dynarok II as a medium and that adds silica so that might help as well.

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