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1st coco grow need help


Have to disagree.
Root burn occurs when the plant absorbs high concentrations of the fertilizer you add. When the ph is correct the highest absorption rate occurs. Improper ph will cause nute deficiency. Did he not state he waters every day. I think he would cut his fertilization in half and water once every three days. I have been doing this for years never had a problem.


Active member
seriously, guys, he was doing plain water every 3rd watering which throws off everything. I tried recently to give a coco hempy an ewc tea and it looked just like his did. why? the cation exchange was thrown off (and probably ph).

you need to keep a constant flow of all the right nutrients into the coco in order for everything to stay in check. as long as he is ph'ing as it goes in properly using 6/9 at a good ec level, then ph shouldn't be a problem. if there is a salt build-up problem, start using drip clean at .5-1ml/gallon with your normal feed. If you do start adding this, make sure and dial down your feedings about 30% for the first two waterings due to it releasing the salts into the medium that were "stored".


The roots need O2 for plant metabolism. In DWC you continually feed as the water is continually being oxygenated. If you don't allow your coco to dry a little bit the roots will not get a proper O2 exchange. I would be happy to supply references on this subject if need be. Drowning your plants is a common mistake made by new growers.



The roots need O2 for plant metabolism. In DWC you continually feed as the water is continually being oxygenated. If you don't allow your coco to dry a little bit the roots will not get a proper O2 exchange. I would be happy to supply references on this subject if need be. Drowning your plants is a common mistake made by new growers.

https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=72668&pictureid=1742117View Image

Coco will hold 25% air when fully wet. Letting coco dry between watering is not good. It is pretty hard to over water coco. Only in the early seedling stage you have to worry some. Even then they dont act like over watered soil plants.

Watering everyday brings new DO to the roots. Dont treat it like soil. Treat it as a hydro grow.


Active member
Coco will hold 25% air when fully wet. Letting coco dry between watering is not good. It is pretty hard to over water coco. Only in the early seedling stage you have to worry some. Even then they dont act like over watered soil plants.

Watering everyday brings new DO to the roots. Dont treat it like soil. Treat it as a hydro grow.

Agreed. Most people who suffer from "Soggy Coco" started off wrong from the start. If you put your coco into a container and lift it up then shake it to make it settle more when planting you have done a big no no. This ruins the bulk density of the coco coir and it's high ability to hold air.

The coco comes out of the bag quite fluffy. This is how it should look in ones container. The first watering will settle the coco to the right bulk density to allow maximum air.

Canna says to let it dry out some because they know to many people pack their coco in the container and around the plant when transplanting thus limiting the DO in the coir. Then when they water it compacts it more. It's a easy correction for it's users when they mess up on planting/transplanting. When you look at university studies on coco and other mediums they use what is called a "tension meter". When you get a bulk density test on your medium they will give you the info on the "tension" in the medium. "Tension" is just a reference for when the medium is at the perfect point of saturation to allow the easiest flow of nutrients to the roots from the medium.
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The following states water untill the first inch of coco is dry. That's about 3 days. Please provide me a reference that's growing in coco should be treated like DWC. If you guys are still none believers I will take some pics of some skunk I'm growing now that are about 3 weeks old and the stalk is over a half inch thick. The thicker the stalk in the plants early stages will produce the higest rate of yields.

Step-by-Step Grow Cannabis Coco Coir Tutorial

1.) Germinate seeds in fresh Rapid Rooters on top of the moist but not soaking coco coir in your solo cups. Some growers will plant their seeds directly in the coco coir, and that works well, too. You can also place the Rapid Rooters in a tray, making sure there's a very shallow pool of water at the bottom to keep them moist. Fresh Rapid Rooters give some of the best germination rates, but of course there's other ways to start your plants. Learn about other ways to germinate cannabis seeds here: http://www.growweedeasy.com/germinate

2.) After seedling grows first set of "real" (serrated) leaves, water with nutrients at normal seedling strength, and add a regular dose of Cal-Mag (Calimagic). Keep giving water until you get about 20% runoff out the bottom of the solo cup. The first set of leaves are round, but the second set are serrated and pointy. Once you see those leaves, it's time to water your seedling with nutrients.

Cannabis seedling showing first set of "real" (serrated) leaves

3.) Maintain seedlings. Some growers will put their Rapid Rooters in solo cups, while others put their seedlings directly in their final container. Either way, your job is the same. Make sure your seedlings get plenty of light while making sure that it's never too hot for your seedlings. Place your hands where your seedlings are and wait 10 seconds, if it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your plants.

Continue to water plants at full seedling strength of the included nutrient schedule for the General Hydroponics Flora Series plus Cal-Mag.

When watering, keep giving water until about 10-30% extra runs out the bottom. Then don't water again until the top inch or so starts feeling dry to the touch. If you notice water is not draining out, you need to fix that right away. Water should be able to drain freely soon after you start watering.

Wait until the seedling has grown 3 sets of leaves...


Active member
The following states water untill the first in of coco is dry. That's about 3 days. Please provide me a reference that's growing in coco should be treated like DWC. If you guys are still none believers I will take some pics of some skunk I'm growing now that are about 3 weeks old and the stalk is over a half inch thick. The thicker the stalk in the plants early stages will produce the higest rate of yields.

Step-by-Step Grow Cannabis Coco Coir Tutorial

1.) Germinate seeds in fresh Rapid Rooters on top of the moist but not soaking coco coir in your solo cups. Some growers will plant their seeds directly in the coco coir, and that works well, too. You can also place the Rapid Rooters in a tray, making sure there's a very shallow pool of water at the bottom to keep them moist. Fresh Rapid Rooters give some of the best germination rates, but of course there's other ways to start your plants. Learn about other ways to germinate cannabis seeds here: http://www.growweedeasy.com/germinate

2.) After seedling grows first set of "real" (serrated) leaves, water with nutrients at normal seedling strength, and add a regular dose of Cal-Mag (Calimagic). Keep giving water until you get about 20% runoff out the bottom of the solo cup. The first set of leaves are round, but the second set are serrated and pointy. Once you see those leaves, it's time to water your seedling with nutrients.

Cannabis seedling showing first set of "real" (serrated) leaves

3.) Maintain seedlings. Some growers will put their Rapid Rooters in solo cups, while others put their seedlings directly in their final container. Either way, your job is the same. Make sure your seedlings get plenty of light while making sure that it's never too hot for your seedlings. Place your hands where your seedlings are and wait 10 seconds, if it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your plants.

Continue to water plants at full seedling strength of the included nutrient schedule for the General Hydroponics Flora Series plus Cal-Mag.

When watering, keep giving water until about 10-30% extra runs out the bottom. Then don't water again until the top inch or so starts feeling dry to the touch. If you notice water is not draining out, you need to fix that right away. Water should be able to drain freely soon after you start watering.

Wait until the seedling has grown 3 sets of leaves...

I figured your "references" would be weed articles and not university studies.


The following states water untill the first inch of coco is dry. That's about 3 days. Please provide me a reference that's growing in coco should be treated like DWC. If you guys are still none believers I will take some pics of some skunk I'm growing now that are about 3 weeks old and the stalk is over a half inch thick. The thicker the stalk in the plants early stages will produce the higest rate of yields.

Step-by-Step Grow Cannabis Coco Coir Tutorial

1.) Germinate seeds in fresh Rapid Rooters on top of the moist but not soaking coco coir in your solo cups. Some growers will plant their seeds directly in the coco coir, and that works well, too. You can also place the Rapid Rooters in a tray, making sure there's a very shallow pool of water at the bottom to keep them moist. Fresh Rapid Rooters give some of the best germination rates, but of course there's other ways to start your plants. Learn about other ways to germinate cannabis seeds here: http://www.growweedeasy.com/germinate

2.) After seedling grows first set of "real" (serrated) leaves, water with nutrients at normal seedling strength, and add a regular dose of Cal-Mag (Calimagic). Keep giving water until you get about 20% runoff out the bottom of the solo cup. The first set of leaves are round, but the second set are serrated and pointy. Once you see those leaves, it's time to water your seedling with nutrients.

Cannabis seedling showing first set of "real" (serrated) leaves

3.) Maintain seedlings. Some growers will put their Rapid Rooters in solo cups, while others put their seedlings directly in their final container. Either way, your job is the same. Make sure your seedlings get plenty of light while making sure that it's never too hot for your seedlings. Place your hands where your seedlings are and wait 10 seconds, if it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your plants.

Continue to water plants at full seedling strength of the included nutrient schedule for the General Hydroponics Flora Series plus Cal-Mag.

When watering, keep giving water until about 10-30% extra runs out the bottom. Then don't water again until the top inch or so starts feeling dry to the touch. If you notice water is not draining out, you need to fix that right away. Water should be able to drain freely soon after you start watering.

Wait until the seedling has grown 3 sets of leaves...

No need for that. My personal experience pulling killer weed is all I need. My last run was just two plants veged for three weeks yielded 17 ounces dry of the most killer GG4. No scrog or anything just trees.

Plenty of way to skin a cat. Your way works for you. It just goes against the mainstream way of growing in coco.


Well here's my 3 week old skunk auto. I water once every 3 days. Can't say how many bags it will go. I have produced as much as you in the past. I guess we all have our methods. These poor guys trying to save their plants trying to decide what is a credible resource. Just trying to provide something more concrete.



Active member
Well here's my 3 week old skunk auto. I water once every 3 days. Can't say how many bags it will go. I have produced as much as you in the past. I guess we all have our methods. These poor guys trying to save their plants trying to decide what is a credible resource. Just trying to provide something more concrete.

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take 2 clones off that plant and put them in solo cups. then do one where you water every day for the first week, then go up to two times, then 3 over the next week. do the other one your way. after 2-3 weeks, flip them out of the cups and look a the root mass.

you may just surprise yourself!



Already have. The one with less water will have more roots as the plant will search for water. The problem we have here is a seedling in a pot where the roots have not spread through the coco. You can over water them and kill the plant. If the plant in coco had roots throughout the medium you can water all you want. But my experience is not as robust growth. Nothing grows faster than DWC but you can get close in coco. (With correct watering) anyway I think we beat this horse enough


New member
everything went back to normal, thanks for help. Sure the problem the plain watering was. I made the mistake when misread Heads original post.

"By mixing 8ml/gal micro and 14ml/gal bloom and watering with plain water every other watering..."

Its for soil, not for coco. Later I will shoot some pix.


everything went back to normal, thanks for help. Sure the problem the plain watering was. I made the mistake when misread Heads original post.

"By mixing 8ml/gal micro and 14ml/gal bloom and watering with plain water every other watering..."

Its for soil, not for coco. Later I will shoot some pix.


Hope all works out with your crop. You should be good if things turned around.
I've always had the best success sticking to exactly 6/9 in Coco and watering daily or twice daily. Every time I've seen a plant in Coco dry out, bad things followed.


New member
Feeding as gh suggest. 2/3 strenght still burning a bit. cant imagine what could a full strengt dose do with them. Ph around 6. Using gh test kit my pen went wrong. Runoff EC close to feeding ec (1,2ms/cm). The strain is critical from dinafem by the way.


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