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1k RWDC in Hydrohut tent


GT thanks for the tip just 20 min with H2o2 sounds promising. I will for sure do a big flush before flower and possible another 1/2 way through flower. Now wen you do your flush with H2o2 do you fill it with fresh O2 every time? Or just reuse the same water after the 20 min dip ?

Stoney thanks for stopping by again. Being that this is my 1st run in the UC let alone in hydro I had made a lot of mistakes. The 1st week I continuously dropped the PH down to 5.3. That along with taking areo clones and putting them in a RW cubes. So I would have to admit that majority of the slow growth is my fault.

I'm not sure in my next run if I will be running the UC set up. My personal and only complaint with it is having to use a shop vac while flushing the system between rez changes. To some this isn't a big deal. But my knees are SHOT. Between that and always being down low looking at the plants. Other than that system rocks for my 1st hydro grow.



Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Sup stussy,I reuse the water for 2 plants then swap it out as small bits of roots wash off and into the water.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
i use a reg 2 way pump to drain my res with a hose on each end no need to bend down just stick the hose in.... if ya gonna go trees though ya gotta get down sometimes..
i didnt realize u put aero clones in big rw cubes yeah thats what fucked ya up not the low ph in veg i run lower ph with explosive results lotsof n get takin in around 5.3 is what i set it to or 5.4 then when in flower i up it to 5.6 and let it slowly drift to about 7... im not the best to give advice on the topic since i dont really check nething nemore i just miz and let it rock once ya dial it in theres like no maitnence.....


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Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Update? How are your gals?

I just flipped mine,first time the gals have seen darkness been 24hrs from the start


Day 35 Veg

Day 35 Veg

PPM 750
PH 6.5
Water Temp 66
Air temp 86 high 73 low
RH 76%-40%
Co2 490

Sorry I have been lacking posts and pictures. Since my last post I went ahead a picked up some Clearex from the shop and gave the girls a 20 min. rinse. I had 2 buckets for the rinse. The first bucket was just tap water with no clearex. The second bucket was RO water PHed at 5.8 and below 100 ppm. After going through all four plants the PPM was still sub 100 on my meter.

It has been 2 days for that minor rinse of the roots. And I am finally starting to see new root growth and more plant growth.

The few factors that are playing into this long veg time I think are. First off I had put aero clones into RW cubes. Totally changing the root system of the plant and causing some stress. Also I waited so long to do a flush/rinse in the root zone. I have yet to change the rez and have just been adding base nutes and a few other additives. I know this isn't the right thing to do but this tent set up and lack of room/space is really getting on my nerves.

The Pre 98 Bubba (bottom right in picture) is loving this environment and the nutes. It has blown up in size and the root mass is still the largest of the 4.

Also I am getting plans rolling on my build out. Wish I would have done this first. Knowing what I know now. Hope to see you all over there should be a lot of fun. Stu's NEW build out

Can't really see the exact height in that picture but plants are about 17"

stu :joint:
Looking good Stu! I saw the build out thread, I'm stoked for you. I can't wait to own my own place so I can do that and get a proper medical garden growin'! One that I won't ever have to move, etc...

Keep up the good work sir.


I love my life
15" - 18" is what they look like. Veg them big and you'll be happy. I think you may want to do what greenthumb did on defoliation? Looked drastic in the before and after pictures, but a few days later they look great!



Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Hell yeah stu,HS had a good suggestion a decent defoliation should help em get light all over and let em get some fresh air all inside too,my lvpk responded really well to it and they seemed to love a oscillating fan right on em,the branches are beef cake and all the stalks are over an inch thick.

Yours are looking pretty bushy and lush,keep up the good work.


Well-known member
15" - 18" is what they look like. Veg them big and you'll be happy. I think you may want to do what greenthumb did on defoliation? Looked drastic in the before and after pictures, but a few days later they look great!

I would do the same


:wave: Stu: good to see you doing well with those plants... looking great. And what a turnaround from earlier in this thread. Personally, I"m not totally sold on the defoliation but I'll keep an open mind. I think the same effect can be achieved through light pruning and leaf tucking but that's just my opinion. I've seen great grows done both ways.



Looking good Stu! I saw the build out thread, I'm stoked for you. I can't wait to own my own place so I can do that and get a proper medical garden growin'! One that I won't ever have to move, etc...

Keep up the good work sir.

Thanks for stopping by. I bought this place and it is going to be a rental in a few years. I have been kicking the idea around that when I buy my next place to leave this build out with everything in place and try to find someone that is prop 215 friendly to rent. I mean what can be better than moving into a place that already has a 2k build out built and the owner is chill with it..right

15" - 18" is what they look like. Veg them big and you'll be happy. I think you may want to do what greenthumb did on defoliation? Looked drastic in the before and after pictures, but a few days later they look great!


I think I might top the once more to get the sides to bush out more. This is another place where I failed and did the LST in the early stages just to let them go back to normal. From now on topping is what it will be.

Should I defoil when flipping to 12/12 or while still in veg ?

Hell yeah stu,HS had a good suggestion a decent defoliation should help em get light all over and let em get some fresh air all inside too,my lvpk responded really well to it and they seemed to love a oscillating fan right on em,the branches are beef cake and all the stalks are over an inch thick.

Yours are looking pretty bushy and lush,keep up the good work.

In the past 2 days after I have done the rinse on the root zone they are starting to suck up a lot more water. The RH humidity is shooting up now a lot quicker than before. I can tell they are happy. Plus the leaves are start to puff up and look healthier.

I am also a huge fan of defoliation. I take all fans and there back in 2-3 days.

damn Looks like I am going to have to cut these bad boy back soon.

I would do the same

thanks for the Tip BG

:wave: Stu: good to see you doing well with those plants... looking great. And what a turnaround from earlier in this thread. Personally, I"m not totally sold on the defoliation but I'll keep an open mind. I think the same effect can be achieved through light pruning and leaf tucking but that's just my opinion. I've seen great grows done both ways.


Krest is funny you say that But I have been doing leaf tucking. Didn't know that it was a method other than defoling but it just made sense. I think I might cut them back and see how that works for me.

stu :joint:


I love my life
So wait,you tuck leafs under eachother?

Maybe with some strains and other systems, but tucking leaves in a LVPK DWC grow is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The regrowth GT showed demonstrates how fast she'll put leaves on and exactly where she wants them.



First off thanks again to everyone for their input and direction.

So wait,you tuck leafs under eachother?

Yea... :comfort:

Maybe with some strains and other systems, but tucking leaves in a LVPK DWC grow is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The regrowth GT showed demonstrates how fast she'll put leaves on and exactly where she wants them.


LMAO on the titanic remark. Will do just got done with the build out will post pics here but I'm off to go defoil a bitch.

it doesnt work pluck them suckers

you got it boss

ROFL! That's a great way to describe it.

+1 I started laughing and my girl friend was asking what was so funny. Good times.

stu :joint:


Wow checking from my last post it took me over and hour to cut these bitches back. After doing so I feel like I should be charged for rape. Here is the before and afters. The bubba also go the Cut too.

Side note. Thinking of moving the grow into the veg box I just made. It will be getting a nice little 6,000 btu window unit and they will have about an extra foot of head space. Hey this might not be that bad after all.

stu :joint: