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1969 Mekong Delta strain


Well-known member
And you are still claiming you aren't going to try to make bank from this "rarity" ?

to answer your question from earlier, you could buy those LED panels to grow hemp or tomatoes for all anyone could know.


And you are still claiming you aren't going to try to make bank from this "rarity" ?

to answer your question from earlier, you could buy those LED panels to grow hemp or tomatoes for all anyone could know.

ya were on a tomatoes web site ...lol

no in fact cost has very little to do with under standing the strain that's before you .. its just the fact the damn thing dose not want to grow in captivity , some time you can not let the almighty buck own you ...

this strain could have a poor quality bud structure ,,it could have the best bud structure on earth .I cant tell ..unless I find a way to grow it and flower it ..

to be honest if 20"Thai had not given that description I would not have gotten this far...lol

ya I am in a lot more then I would like to be .. but I did get it to grow 6 months and two days ,so far ...

its a fact of life ...breeding strains takes time and money...hunting rare strains and collecting takes a life time and can out right leave you broke at times ...lol'

is it worth it hell yes !

I hunted for over 4 years for the cedar to make my shaman pipe ,a 200 year old piece of hard white and red cedar makes one of the best natural wood pipes on earth ,a soft bi-polar cedar under-tone.. its not finished yet but I hope to make the first bowl Abducted !

see a shaman pipe is to help guide the spirit to the other side .. would you want some cheap fake piece of wood guiding your spirit...? the pipe is made to give the prefect expansion of rolling smoke ,a link between the shaman and the wonder ...nothing like the bonk hits of kids ....

a pipe like this can take a whole gram and a mind any time it wants ...
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there are not that many strain from the Mekong area ..I think I have id 3 different strains but one is not documented ...the next thing is to define the area it came from ...and yes there are very few of the Asian strains ,one I do like is the Lemon Asian Thai

I am working long hours on up grading and switch over to DWC and LED so it takes a lot to get a few steps in the right direction ..
I worked from 2;00 this after noon to 12:00 tonight . I am beat . but it will pay off in the long run .. and yes I look over and see those Abducted seedlings and wonder if it be enough this time to see some amazing rare Old Ancient strain ,

a day don t go by ,I am always working to save this strain ...a lot of days and nights ... got to get some sleep some time . maybe tomorrow ... latter


Active member
it's not about the buck owning you, it's about getting the, supposed origin bud's, seeds to everyone through possibly the server fund or some other means so it can be replicated/preserved and not only rest in one person's hands who has trouble flowering it. did you try 11/13, 10/14, 9/15 yet with low nitrogen and small pots?

i hope you do and open pollinate and get a bunch of wild seed and pass many to sativa lovers and preservers of the strains.

i saw a video from black dog leds that shows them building an indoor enclosed biome that controls humidity and temperature, allowing jungle or desert type enviroments.

reportedly, keeping lights low reduces sativa stretch. colder nights than days supposedly does too. small pots limits their size too reportedly.

supposedly darwin didn't believe stronger things won over weaker things (and social darwinism was based off of a misinterpretation/lie of/about darwin's theories). reportedly he believed things co-evolved, with things depending on cooperative relationships.
i have not read darwin.
mycorrhizae form mutually beneficial relationships with plant and tree roots.
it was found a type of pine tree was unable to grown outside it's habitat except when accompanied by it's soil. it was found that the mychorriza were what helped and allowed the tree to grow.
you could say i have a symbiotic relationship with marijuana.
fungi perfecti's microgrow (mycorrhizae, bacteria, trichoderma, nutrients) and ogbiowar's (draphwest/cap's bennies og biowar) nute/root/foliar packs (more and different bennificial organisms) may be two things that may help the strain you have survive besides acquiring native soil.


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Didn't see the pics, but the way you describe the leaves dieing is exactly what happens when you freeze a plant. The cells burst and the leaves curl and die often turning black or brown depending on heat/humidity, you most likely exastebated this with the humidity tent causing the dead cells to mould, infecting the delicate new growth.

The best way to test seeds IMO is drop them in the biggest pot you can with a health organic mix and maintain as stable and neutral an environment possible, I mean come on, any plant would take 6 months to die if all you did was fuck it up from day 1, the cold alone I would expect 1 month plus of stress with stem discolouration and leaf loss. I would never do that to any plant I wanted to take to harvest, and would bin most plants and start over, a week old clone would produce better that a 3 month old 3 foot plant if budded on same day, probably be bigger too.The humidity tent will only save root damaged plants in a fresh medium... All just my opinion/experience, but I wouldn't judge a strain based on that trial.

Any stain on earth will thrive in optimal indoor conditions... These have been studied and documented for close to a century. Why this is hard for some to grasp is beyond me.


Active member
Didn't see the pics, but the way you describe the leaves dieing is exactly what happens when you freeze a plant. The cells burst and the leaves curl and die often turning black or brown depending on heat/humidity, you most likely exastebated this with the humidity tent causing the dead cells to mould, infecting the delicate new growth.

The best way to test seeds IMO is drop them in the biggest pot you can with a health organic mix and maintain as stable and neutral an environment possible, I mean come on, any plant would take 6 months to die if all you did was fuck it up from day 1, the cold alone I would expect 1 month plus of stress with stem discolouration and leaf loss. I would never do that to any plant I wanted to take to harvest, and would bin most plants and start over, a week old clone would produce better that a 3 month old 3 foot plant if budded on same day, probably be bigger too.The humidity tent will only save root damaged plants in a fresh medium... All just my opinion/experience, but I wouldn't judge a strain based on that trial.

Any stain on earth will thrive in optimal indoor conditions... These have been studied and documented for close to a century. Why this is hard for some to grasp is beyond me.

i think he could be right.

also based on DJ short reducing light periods, i saw a person on ic mag say they start flowering at 12/12 and then the next week, 11hrs45min/12hrs15min, and transfering 15minutes, every week from on time to darkness time. with a longer time than normal to flower, after 12weeks, at 9/15 it could maybe be plateaued and kept constant at a higher light period even before that if it is significantly higher than 12weeks. it seems that the reasoning is; around the equator, the light is already 12/12. cannabis flowers based on night time and hormone conversion(or whatever phytocromes are).
730nm LEDs from ebay at night, should reduce flowering time.
check it out

Probably another reason why some sativa's start flowering here (the kop van Noord Holland ) with less than 8 hours of night.

"During the night, the PFR converts back to PR.
The PR form is needed for the release of the flowering signal.
You need X hours of darkness in which to convert all the PFR present at sundown into PR and carry out the supplementary reactions leading to the release of the flowering signal ("florigen").

If this process is interrupted by a flash of 660-nm light, the PR is immediately reconverted to PFR and the night's work is undone (C)
A subsequent exposure to far-red (730 nm) light converts the pigment back to PR and the steps leading to the release of "florigen" can be completed (D)
Exposure to intense far-red light at the beginning of the night sets the clock ahead about 2 hours or so by eliminating the need for the spontaneous conversion of PFR to PR (E)."


That's why HPS does so much better as you would expect based on theory, it releases a large amount of FR after it is switched off.
If you have led just add an incandescant which you switch on 20 minutes before lights go out and leave on for half an hour.
It will make a huge difference.

it seems to be really significant!


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Active member
and, hey man, if you think people having acess to the super bud is scary, just think about this shit contaminating the gene pool,

While AcDc has a great deal of CBD with just under 1% thc there really isnt any strain(thats been tested and published) that is high thcv and only trace in other cannabinoids.
I havent read up on it enough but I believe ive come accross some mentioning of Monsanto or another like company genetically altering cannabis to achieve specific cannabinoids in the 40,50,60 % ranges. Thats amazing and friggin scary as frig at the same time

#67, https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=245976&page=5

"come accross some mentioning of Monsanto or another like company genetically altering cannabis to achieve specific cannabinoids in the 40,50,60 % ranges. ''

imagine that polluting the gene pool, worse than hybrids. that is entire biochemical synthesis mechanisms being altered, most likely, so the blends and profiles/proportions of today/yesterday would be fucked. imagine, finding a pure sativa being hard now in the mmj money making businesses that could pop up looking to extract pure chemicals and remix them for "patented" (fucking lowlifes) pharmaceutical blends. imagine the cannabis industry being milked dry by a bunch of thugs who perhaps don't even give a fuck about cannabis. the hybrids were a way for "criminal" growers to get acess to good weed they could grow indoors. that was when it was "illegal" most everywhere that it is now somewhat accepted. with it still mostly "illegal" and using the aspect of helping sick people, to get some respect from unrespectable people, it is already being attempted to be exploited for profit (oh yeah, i forgot, letting scumbags think they solve their monetary problems or inefficient spending, off the backs of marijuanna users, by taxing them) by pateted "sativex" pharmaceutical mouthspray and companies that are trying to patent their plants terpene/cannibinoid profile (so you thought "big pharma" or whoever everybody talks about was the problem; well, many can play that game it seems). i mineswell take every goddamn canniboid and terpene known to man, give them all diferent variables in a ratio funtion and include a clause for adding new compounds with new variables. you know like X:Y:Z:as many made up gliphs as possible? you know so anybody, anywhere who want's to have any concoction of pot needs to pay me? you know i once worked at a greenhouse where flowers were grown under licence? can you imagine why it is important preserve this stuff while it is still landrace? do you get that for everyone we lose the balance shifts from free to controlled, as the newer strains would be helped into existence by people who might use "laws" to keep it for themselves (hey, maybe they'll sell you their extracts (you know, in the new age of health pphht, good luck finding seed), maybe).

this was written in a negative/pessimistic mind state, with hope/optimism for the future, supposing the ideas held true. something about denying access to things, especially living/life related things, to people bothers me alot. i will have to get my mind back to optimism and not let bothersome thoughts weigh me down. it is mostly up to peoples' values and if they help out each other and rise together or hoard and profit at the expense of people.

if the strain you have is what you think, you can make a difference.
we are the cannabis genebank because as long as profiteers survive with their scripts and bullshit we can still do the right thing and keep the real thing and human decency alive. no matter how much it could be hybridized or gmo could take over, they have no power if regular people, who truly care, can breed and pass on the real thing/seed using LED bulbs and light timers.


Active member

we should probably learn about hermetic micro growing and other hermetic means (hermetic greenhouse, atomated at flowering/breeding stage) of preserving things like lambsbread so gmo, high cbd hemp clouds don't fuck our future up!
i don't mind progress, it's just that extinction of the best, while studying progress, is not real progress.

tazz11, i believe you should send some of the seeds to dubi from ace seeds.
i believe he would be able reproduce them
and get some back to you when he does.
if you don't know about him, he works with and preserves landrace sativas.
if the seeds are as significant as you say, he'd probably help out.


and, hey man, if you think people having acess to the super bud is scary, just think about this shit contaminating the gene pool,


#67, https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=245976&page=5

"come accross some mentioning of Monsanto or another like company genetically altering cannabis to achieve specific cannabinoids in the 40,50,60 % ranges. ''

imagine that polluting the gene pool, worse than hybrids. that is entire biochemical synthesis mechanisms being altered, most likely, so the blends and profiles/proportions of today/yesterday would be fucked. imagine, finding a pure sativa being hard now in the mmj money making businesses that could pop up looking to extract pure chemicals and remix them for "patented" (fucking lowlifes) pharmaceutical blends. imagine the cannabis industry being milked dry by a bunch of thugs who perhaps don't even give a fuck about cannabis. the hybrids were a way for "criminal" growers to get acess to good weed they could grow indoors. that was when it was "illegal" most everywhere that it is now somewhat accepted. with it still mostly "illegal" and using the aspect of helping sick people, to get some respect from unrespectable people, it is already being attempted to be exploited for profit (oh yeah, i forgot, letting scumbags think they solve their monetary problems or inefficient spending, off the backs of marijuanna users, by taxing them) by pateted "sativex" pharmaceutical mouthspray and companies that are trying to patent their plants terpene/cannibinoid profile (so you thought "big pharma" or whoever everybody talks about was the problem; well, many can play that game it seems). i mineswell take every goddamn canniboid and terpene known to man, give them all diferent variables in a ratio funtion and include a clause for adding new compounds with new variables. you know like X:Y:Z:as many made up gliphs as possible? you know so anybody, anywhere who want's to have any concoction of pot needs to pay me? you know i once worked at a greenhouse where flowers were grown under licence? can you imagine why it is important preserve this stuff while it is still landrace? do you get that for everyone we lose the balance shifts from free to controlled, as the newer strains would be helped into existence by people who might use "laws" to keep it for themselves (hey, maybe they'll sell you their extracts (you know, in the new age of health pphht, good luck finding seed), maybe).

this was written in a negative/pessimistic mind state, with hope/optimism for the future, supposing the ideas held true. something about denying access to things, especially living/life related things, to people bothers me alot. i will have to get my mind back to optimism and not let bothersome thoughts weigh me down. it is mostly up to peoples' values and if they help out each other and rise together or hoard and profit at the expense of people.

if the strain you have is what you think, you can make a difference.
we are the cannabis genebank because as long as profiteers survive with their scripts and bullshit we can still do the right thing and keep the real thing and human decency alive. no matter how much it could be hybridized or gmo could take over, they have no power if regular people, who truly care, can breed and pass on the real thing/seed using LED bulbs and light timers.

the human body makes red blood cells in cool temps ... its true we are what we eat or consume ...

Abducted ?

stay safe stay free
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
When Colonel Kurtz needs pain relief down on the delta, he reaches for this strain! Bring it tazz the world waits on this super strain.

Dog Star

Active member
Colonel Kurtz.... hehehehehehehe ;)

he create strains with specific medical action...

ripping cancers since 2016..


Colonel Kurtz.... hehehehehehehe ;)

he create strains with specific medical action...

ripping cancers since 2016..

my brother died of bone cancer in 2010,and two years latter my mom died of brain cancer in 2012 ....my best friend of 41 years died of lung cancer in 2015 ...

hope you never need a strain for cancer ....Gomer !

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