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18 holes outdoor guerilla grow. 7 Nirvana Strains.

Find the cause of your prob w/seedlings? It kinda sounded like a damping off prob, where the stem of seedling gives way right were it contacts the soil. mostly caused by overwatern


Seedlings didnt seem to be root bound at all, but i transferred them to their outdoor holes today. The roots were on the bottom of the cup alot, but didnt seem to be filling out too much on the outside walls of the cup.

Anyways heres some pics











planted this one today

I didnt get to grab and pictures but i feel like my plants outside are growing alot slower than they were last year. Anyways more pictures when i get out to my spots.


Active member
Looks like your well on your way friend. I really like your spot, especially the places where you used that down log for protection. I look out for stuff like this on my grows as well, logs and other big pieces of wood make great hiding places for little girls.

Which of your strains is showing the most vigor right now? Some of them look really big for their age.


Active member
A nice grow you got there! With a little luck your results might be a lot better than the last time - those holes seem to be pretty well done.


Looks like your well on your way friend. I really like your spot, especially the places where you used that down log for protection. I look out for stuff like this on my grows as well, logs and other big pieces of wood make great hiding places for little girls.

Which of your strains is showing the most vigor right now? Some of them look really big for their age.
Yea those logs provide the nice protection.

And right now the JH and AI look realllly good.

A nice grow you got there! With a little luck your results might be a lot better than the last time - those holes seem to be pretty well done.
Im hoping for better results :jump:. And this season i did make the holes bigger. Probably by about 8 gallons per hole.

I am about to go check how they are doing now, ill update later with pics.



turkey vultures tore the shit up out of one of my plots. eat and trampled and fucked up 6 plants.

I came back home and got 3 more plants (the last ones) and planted them. They are about 2 weeks old and have been sitting in darkness for the past 3.5 days. Hope they do alright.

pics to come


Active member
Damn that sucks to hear - i hope that spot is old enough now that the smell won't attract them any more.
I heard of raccoons digging in holes but vultures is a first:)


Yea fucking turkey vultures. I saw them as i was going into my plot, although they wernt thattt close to my spot.

Anyways when i walked up the entire place look trashed. all the cages were everywhere. Some plants we no where to be found. some were de-rooted. There was feathers and shit everywhere. They must have been a huge pack. I think they must have smelled the blood and bone meal and thought it was a dead animal or something. 4 plants survived. 3 were like 15 yards away and i guess the birds didnt know they were there. 1 plant was trampled but managed to make survive.

Anyways here are the pics.

This plant was kinda torn up. What do you guys think, could it make it?

Heres the one that managed to survive. it it looking really good.


This plant got REALLY torn up. Look at this stem. Is this plant completely doomed. What i tried to do then i was out there (but when i look at the pictures now i see that this may have been a bad idea) was just try to support the crushed stem by soil. hoping it would heal. But i see new growth starting under when it was crush and i think if i would have cut the stem where it was crushed it could have grown back. But now that parts under dirt.



This is what it looks like that when i tried to put the crush stem under soil.


Here are the 3 i just planted. Like i said, they were in 3.5 days of complete darkness. I didnt think i would need to plant them. They were about 17 days old. I hope then dont hermie or anything.



Here are the 3 that got untouched. One if getting tore up by bugs.



So what you guys think?


Active member
I think all the plants in those pics can survive!! Even the one thats broken, it has a shoot at the bottom that will grow and bush out :)

I'm having a similar problem, 3 of my 7 plants were dug up by some animals within a day of being planted into the ground. Check out my thread in this outdoor forum. Putting some native soil on top of your soil mix (like the soil from where you dug your whole) helps keeping some animals away, and human urine works temporarily, soap, repelants, ect..
.. But your lucky, those should all survive at least all the ones in the pics above!! Of the 3 plants that got dug up of mine, I couldn't even find them!! But the other 4 are looking great and 11 more are getting ready to out :D

I'll be wathing this thread


I think all the plants in those pics can survive!! Even the one thats broken, it has a shoot at the bottom that will grow and bush out :)

I'm having a similar problem, 3 of my 7 plants were dug up by some animals within a day of being planted into the ground. Check out my thread in this outdoor forum. Putting some native soil on top of your soil mix (like the soil from where you dug your whole) helps keeping some animals away, and human urine works temporarily, soap, repelants, ect..
.. But your lucky, those should all survive at least all the ones in the pics above!! Of the 3 plants that got dug up of mine, I couldn't even find them!! But the other 4 are looking great and 11 more are getting ready to out :D

I'll be wathing this thread
Thanks for the good advice :). And i see what you are saying about the shoot at the bottom. But i accidentally covered that with dirt hoping that it would mold back tegether and start growing again (see pics). should i uncover the dirt and slice it where it is crushed?
good advice about the native soil. ill remember that


Active member
I don't see the pic where you covered the only lower growth shoot with dirt. But yes, I would uncover it if there is no leaves or growth shoots above the soil where they can get sun. Cutting the branch down to that bottom growth shoot might also be a good idea if there is no more tiny leaves sprouting out of it anywhere that can grow out.


Active member
Just to clear things up, I'm talking about the first pic at the top of this page. Not the plant that has new growth at the bottom and the branch is broken right above that with old growth at the top


That sucks bro. I hate birds. My starts were almost wiped out this spring when they were still in my greenhouse. They all bounced back luckily. I was dealing with much smaller birds though.
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Totally blows man :( One of those trampled plants looks like the stem just got bent, free LST anyone?!?! Lol jk, Yah we should start a thread of just pics of wildlife from our plots. I have a shitload of pics of bunny rabbits and spiders the size of a small child's hand.


Well, All the plants the birds got to died. I am still hoping one plants makes it. although it hasnt shown any new growth, just sustained growth.

This plant is getting TORN on up insects. It can hardly keep up with new growth as the bugs eat away.



Something ate the last leaves off this plant. RIP

Although good news, my transplants are looking good! heres some pics. 3 plants here







This is the plant with the crushed stem... its looking OK

Ive been trying to tie this one down. I think its working pretty well. Im seeing explosive growth from the lower nodes.


Heres the last plant. Its getting torn up by bugs also.



I hope everyone else grow is going well! :tiphat::dance013::jump::jump::wave: