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Yellowing/Browning leaves


Hi all!
From my outdoor grow I left 2 plants to watch them grow behind a window.
Now I'm having some problems, and I want to kindly ask you to help me find a reason and solution.

Leaves on my plants are yellowing and later yellow transform to brown. It starts from tips of leaves, and goes from bottom leaves to upper ones. Also, At beggining I can see some fading on leaves, like they were loosing chlorophyle. Some of the tips are also curling upwards.
First, it appeard on one plant, then on other one.
Plants are in soil with perlite, the same one which I used to grow plants which I transplanted outside(They were growing really nice in this soil).
I'm watering with tap water(always few days old, never fresh one), and feeding them with biobizz fish-mix and algamic(half of max. reccomended dosage). They are placed behind a window, temperatures are getting pretty high these days, 30-36°C(86-97°F).

I'm not sure what is causing this problems, if is it mold, or if they are missing something(or have too much).They are insects free, I checked carefully.
Please help me with diagnosis and cure for my plants. Thank you.

Here are pics:
Pictures taken first day:



Same leaves day after:


Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
If i had to guess an element i would say this is a Phosphorus deficit, being in hot dry temp's on a sunny windowsill isn't ideal either.


I didn't put them on direct sunlight for a few days. There is a curtain between them and glass. I'm also pointing a fan on them during hottest days. It looks browning slowed down a little, but not dissapeard, I can still see thet it progressed on some upper leaves.
We have a pretty hard water here, but all other plants and flowers which I grow at home are doing fine with this water.
I think I will try to fix it with biobloom, which have 6 phospohorus, hope it will help.
hey man i dont know if it will help. But check for mold either on the stack or roots. If thats the case just simple let it throughly dry between watering. If thats not the case then it a lacking a nutrient. Try treating it with an all purpose fertilizer... I had the same problem with my outdoor plants an it was mold deep in the soil. I had to dig them up an replant. Very risky. But it worked. But if you got yours in a pot then just simple let it dry. I hope this helps cuz problems like that can ravish a plant quick.


Thanks killa jilla, you were right, it's in the roots! I checked them and they weren't in best shape. I replanted them with a new soil and now I'll wait if they make it. One looks pretty poor right now, damage to roots was pretty bad, but she looks like she wants to live :)
I will have to give them a little more time between waterings, even if I watered only after I put a finger in soil and couldn't feel a moisture.


First I was also thinking about heat damage, but it would affect whole plant, not only lower leaves, or am I wrong?
if you got them in the window the temp could be to hot for the soil/root. It could make roots to hot an that would start to kill it bottom up. but i wouldnt think thats your prob. my buddy had one in a window for months no problems an that was during 90 degree weather. but i dont know your exact situtation. hope your girls purk up for you.


I'm replanted them, and I'm adding biobizz bio-bloom(which should have enough P), so now I will just wait what's gonna happen. Thank you all for responses!