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1512W LED Perpetual Medical Harvest (Aeroponics)



Hi LEDGirl, do you have anyone selling these things (a 230V version) in Europe?

Looks really nice. Just ignore the bullshit. Not worth it, anyone can see who is who.
And on a side note: Energy costs can only rise. I pay 0.23euro/kWh already (that's 0.34$/kWh).


Active member
Hi LEDGirl, do you have anyone selling these things (a 230V version) in Europe?

No, we do not currently have a distributor in Europe. We do ship to Europe quite frequently though, and make 230V versions with the correct plugs and internal components. We are certainly open to a dealer inquiry lol ;)

And THANK YOU Sir, I deeply appreciate your comments.


Active member
In case you guys were wondering, this is my veg garden:


AND My miniature LED San Pedro Cactus farm



I've been really interested in LED stuff for a while now, and I'm excited to start seeing some actual results. Good luck with it all.

I'll trade you a cat or a sled or something for one of the smallest units...?
Love the progress on your leds LEDGIRL, really considering a couple of 126 to replace my 400w hps, i grow in a wardrobe and think these might be perfect. And way to stick up for yourself against the trolls. One question and sorry if i missed it but are all your numbers based on using Co2?


ICMag Donor
I'm only going to say this one time so people better listen.

If you want to post in this thread about actual experience then you are welcome. But if you're coming in this thread just to argue then either stay out or you're getting banned.

Myself and the other mods are getting really sick of some of this garbage and we're going to clean house. There are people doing test grows, and they will come back with their results.

Everybody has now had fair warning.


Hi LEDGirl, I'm interested in LEDs for my next set up, however after I've studied further I'm still having trouble with seeing the real advantages in my scenario.

Right now I'm running 4k in a 12'x14' space 2mh 2hps. Just the basics, fans and scrubbers. I figure I've invested 3K in basic lighting fans, scrubber and everything to make a happy plant.

Now I have a new space about the same size so I'm trying to justify getting LEDs verses HiDs but a few numbers scare me.

Like: 318w is equivalent to 1000W? However 318w only covers 2'x4'at 12"=16sqft area? 1000w covers 5'x8' at 20"=40sqft area. Isn't that 16sqft verses 40sqft?
My room is 12'x14' that is 168sqft of floor to light up.
If I just run 4K,that's 4000w/168sqft=almost 24w@sqft. Not ideal but I'm trying to get by. Am I wrong or will it take 7 to 10 (LEDs={318w2'x4'+12"=16sqft} 168sqft/room
(space={12'x14'=168sqft} 16sqft_ led
=7 to 10 units?

(HID={1000w5'x8'+20"=40sqft} 168/40= 4 units
Now I'm really confused though you say the 318w is equivalent to the output of 1Ks how can this be when the most intense light and quality spectrum that is supposed to be the tipping point is only useable in a small 2'x4' consentration? If I place 4 318w LEDs in my 12'x14' room it seems it would be only 64sqft of quality full spectrum lighting? Leaving 104sqft for, what; more really scraggly plants? Cost of 4 318w $4400 and I haven't covered my whole floor with quailty light? 4+1Kw= 4000w -(4* 318w= 1272w)= 2728kwh
2728kwh/2 = 1364kwh for 12hr flower cycle per month
1364kwh * .12kwh charge= $163.68 saved a month

$163.68 * 26 months of electrical savings= $4255.68

Man I still need fans and scrubbers and all the bells and whistles? Don't I?

I've no dought the LED technology is the future but at 12cents a Kwh three years is too long to recoup any savings to offset the cost. Hope it changes soon..

Good luck


When I switch computers, I will post a picture documenting 4, 1000W HID's over my 2 trays (as I keep pictures from years back). I get so sick of you thick-headed people calling me a liar every chance you get, especially when I DISPROVE this crap every time... sick.


Excuse me? I never called you a liar, not ever. Get your facts straight.

I hope your setup works.


Active member
Excuse me? I never called you a liar, not ever. Get your facts straight.

I hope your setup works.

For the record, I didn't have a problem with her last thread on GC except for the fact the claims that she was using 4000W of HID on two 2x4 tables. That was the big deal that threw up so many flags in the beginning.

You have a problem with the fact that I claimed I was using 4,000W of HID over 2, 2' x 4' tables, which means you questioned my credibility and doubted my setup. You also say that my legitimate claim threw up red flags because of why exactly? Without coming out front and saying it, that's called being accused of misleading people or lying. I posted photographic proof of 4, 1000W HID's over the same aero systems, just to put these kinds of "problems" to rest, and that photo was over a year ago.


Original Editor of ICMagazine

It is beyond belief how rude, insulting, stupid and ignorant some of our members have become! I am totally embarrassed how our members could bring themselves to trash, troll and belittle this forum which is provided to you by a SITE SUPPORTER.

On ICMAG we treat site supporters with respect, not ridicule.

Further attacks without basis on facts, trolling, bashing and arguing will lead to the banning of all participating parties!

I have now spent way too much time cleaning up this thread. LEDGirl has spent way too much time dealing with personal attacks instead of showcasing her product.

I do believe it is time for ALL of you naysayers to politely apologize, and sit back and wait while the testers complete their grows...like about 8 to 12 weeks from now we will have some results.

Meanwhile, I will be watching - and if you don't like this - the door is that way ----->



I ordered one of your lights for my veg room. If I thought your product didn't perform, would I have done that!


St. Elsewhere
LEDGirl, as a grower you should understand where this skepticism is coming from. Responding the way you do to said skepticism encourages more.

I for one, hope you do well, and will be ordering your lights if they prove to be effective.


I will say sorry for enabling arguments by participating in them. And say thank you for bringing to light the important : the tests

Good luck to all the lucky mods who got the lights.

Back to topic, this is a grow diary, and i have a qustion, you say that

The bloom room operates at 85-90 degrees during the "day" cycle, and 65-70 degrees during the "night cycle. The humidity remains between 60-75%.

how do you evade mold ? that kinda humidity has allways given me mold problems in flower?


Active member
Your average gardener does about .5 grams per watt. As they get better, they do up to .7 grams per watt with consistency. Those who are even better, are able to reach 1 gram per watt and sometimes above. So what you're saying is that not all gardeners are created equal, despite the fact that they might run identical equipment. So the fact that an average/decent gardener achieved 1.8 grams per watt with our light doesn't mean that's where it stops. Nothing says that in the hands of a PRO, our units couldn't produce 2.5-3 grams per watt.

So when doing a comparison, I do your average Joe's, not what the best HID gardener will do against what an average person did with my lights. As far as your equivalency is concerned, sure if you compared the 453 grams of yield to 800W HID, that would give you .567 gpw, but we did it with 252W, no ventilation system or A/C...


Active member
I ordered one of your lights for my veg room. If I thought your product didn't perform, would I have done that!

My goal is not to argue, it was simply to point out that I did in fact run 4, 1000W HID's over a 5' x 6' area, so no one can call it questionable any more. You never said my lights aren't capable, nor did you say anything negative towards them, you simply stated that you found certain information that I posted online, hard to believe so I posted evidence. I thank you for purchasing one of our units, and am glad that you are giving LED a shot. It shows you're not closed minded like a lot of people. Anyhow, sorry if there was any confusion.
Look, I hate to add to the flame war here, but I need to throw my :2cents: in after seeing this. I really really REALLY want LEDs to be the next big thing. Honest. I was researching them when I was on OG all those years back, and I keep my eye on their development. They just look awesome...

BUT... you're claiming that these 126W lights are 400W HID equivalent on your site. So I'm finding it dubious that you're making gram per watt claims based on your own light's wattage and not the wattage of the light you claim it is equal to.

I don't suck at math... so what I'm gathering from your claims about the light's capability, and your own yields, is that you're really getting about .56 grams per HID equivalent watt... which doesn't strike me as being that impressive.

Correct me if I'm wrong:

16.2oz x 28g = 453.6g divided by 800W (the HID equivalent to your two 126W LED arrays) = 0.567 grams per watt

After all, that is the yard stick that we're comparing these lights to, is it not? So doesn't it make sense to compare yields in this manner?

ETA: JJScorpio- I didn't see your warning before I made this post, but I think that it raises a valid point and probably would have still posted it. If you wish to delete it or ban me for pointing this out, it's your call as a mod. No hard feelings.

While you may not suck at math, your conversion is incomplete. .567 grams per watt is if you are using 800 watts, however, she's only using ~252 Watts, less than a third of HID. The number you have calculated is ultimately meaningless as it has no bearing on anything (other than being your measuring stick). Also, if you compare the footprint, that weight is going to be in a smaller area than the HID. your conversion not only fails to mention the lower wattage, but also fails to look at all of the other variables the lights effect (electricity bill, heating/cooling, exhaust costs, etc...). I see what you're trying to do with your conversion, but the whole point is that when running these systems you eliminate all of the problems that those 2 400 watt HIDs would create. I'm sure LEDgirl can put it more succintly than i can...

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