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1512W LED Perpetual Medical Harvest (Aeroponics)


Active member
how do you evade mold ? that kinda humidity has allways given me mold problems in flower?

Excellent air circulation? I think stagnant air can cause mold issues to become prevalent. If I leave my fans off for more than a few days, I would certainly begin to start seeing powdery mildew and other nasties showing up. This is the only thing I can think of really that would make the difference. I haven't dealt with a mold issue in over a year.


Active member
While you may not suck at math, your conversion is incomplete. .567 grams per watt is if you are using 800 watts, however, she's only using ~252 Watts, less than a third of HID. The number you have calculated is ultimately meaningless as it has no bearing on anything (other than being your measuring stick). Also, if you compare the footprint, that weight is going to be in a smaller area than the HID. your conversion not only fails to mention the lower wattage, but also fails to look at all of the other variables the lights effect (electricity bill, heating/cooling, exhaust costs, etc...). I see what you're trying to do with your conversion, but the whole point is that when running these systems you eliminate all of the problems that those 2 400 watt HIDs would create. I'm sure LEDgirl can put it more succintly than i can...

Actually, you did a pretty good job lol.


Active member
Yes, I did donate 3 x 318W to Ed Rosenthal for testing, however that is not the link to the test being done with my units (read at the top it says December 2008). Quite honestly, I'm amazed that Ed's friend would use those GlowPanels so damn high above the plants, unless he's trying to rig the comparison... Seems quite fishy to me, being that they aren't even .2W LED's in that thing.

All I have to say, is that better not be how our lights are used for the grow comparison... Our site states 6-12", as I directed when I first sent the units. Unfortunately for me, Ed was supposed to have photos to show the progress for me over a month ago. Still, I have no photos. I do know he's using our grow test for his next book though, and he wants to feature our entire product line, so my guess is that he likes them lol.

I noticed the height seemed a bit high and the date, Ive read around on other forums and people have been in general been pretty rude for no reason, I apologize for my earlier posts I never realized how hard you were working on getting the ball rolling on this.

one Q

what type of PPMs are you running w/ LED vs HPS?

I will also add: we all know that ONE DAY LEDs were going to flood the market in a usable form. It's inveitable. Why is it so hard to accept that the time is Ohere Oalmost here Onow, but too expensive for a purchase today.
please fill in your correct bubble w/ one of those grey #2 pencils from middle school used only on scantrons.

I aint hate'n LEDGirl! you get all the props keep it up! I will prolly get your 2ndGen light, hopefully the cost will come down for me, but 400 dollars isnt much if it's gona last 5+years. on 12s. ESP once you take fan noise out of the equation. you can run a tiny inline booster fan to keep fresh air replenished and a small little filter on it. More money on light, less money on EVERYTHING else. still comes out the same...

Most ppl with a small set up spend about 7-800 dollars and lots of time on DIY. now you can do a tent for 150 give or take 400 on LEDs, 20-30 on a booster fan, 40 on a filter.... still about 700. with less noise and heat issues.

you sold me, just havnt bought one.


. still would like the knowledge of wether theres an increase or decrease in PPM's vs HID
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Wonderful Payaso! Kudos to LEDGirl for sharing.

Some of the comments were beyond rude, and without basis; it was down right frightening to see some true colors showing.

I find it very nice for someone to step outside the box and try something new/different in hopes of helping the community. Someone who tests something without knowing what will happen, dedicating time/space/energy to a project recieves very high credit imo. Especially when dealing with this hobby. WHen someone finds good results from testing and wishes to share them, we need to encourage them. We are all here to work together and make this community the best it can be. That is for the better good of us all. So many are hesitant to try new things or find out for themself what is best. What is important to consider, is that best is an objective term.

The regurgitated jargon seems to take to the majority and it "seems" there can only be one way to do this or that. Only one way to take cuts, because it is what works for me. Only one way to light a room, because it is what works for me. Get a handle mates, their many ways to skin a roo.

If it were not for people testing different things on their own time/energy/coin then where do you think the hobby would be at this point?

My thoughts about led used to be similar to the rude comments within this thread. Nieve to think outside the box. Let all that jargon about what if and what is not possible take hold for a brief moment. It was not fair of me to judge what is or is not possible without experience, that was acting childish and ignorant.

After sample/tend some LED grown canna, I can concur (not just regurgitate) that the buds are dencer and still of required quality. That is a fact, although extensive tests were not completed like LEDGirl. Can not comment on yield/quality comparisons with accuracy, not being dialed in and all to the LED so not fair for comparison really.

The point of all this is let the results speak for themself, and if you ever doubt then test yourself. If you do not do this, then you have no right for criticizing others. This should be simple as 1 and 1 make 2. How dare some of you.

The one question would like to ask LEDGirl is about resin count. As mentioned eailer, best imo is an objective term. For our patients best is not determined by weight of buds but rather resin count/effect. We do not sell but provide to terminally ill, and prefer quality over quantity. Idealy we prefer quantity without sacrificing quality, but quality above quantity if push come to shove. Have you noticed witin you tests quality remaining equal, better, or worse on any particular set of genes? Do some prefer more the LED than others?

Thank you LEDGirl, positive energy your way.


Hi LEDGirl, I'm interested in LEDs for my next set up, however after I've studied further I'm still having trouble with seeing the real advantages in my scenario.

Right now I'm running 4k in a 12'x14' space 2mh 2hps. Just the basics, fans and scrubbers. I figure I've invested 3K in basic lighting fans, scrubber and everything to make a happy plant.

Now I have a new space about the same size so I'm trying to justify getting LEDs verses HiDs but a few numbers scare me.

Like: 318w is equivalent to 1000W? However 318w only covers 2'x4'at 12"=16sqft area? 1000w covers 5'x8' at 20"=40sqft area. Isn't that 16sqft verses 40sqft?
My room is 12'x14' that is 168sqft of floor to light up.
If I just run 4K,that's 4000w/168sqft=almost 24w@sqft. Not ideal but I'm trying to get by. Am I wrong or will it take 7 to 10 (LEDs={318w2'x4'+12"=16sqft} 168sqft/room
(space={12'x14'=168sqft} 16sqft_ led
=7 to 10 units?

(HID={1000w5'x8'+20"=40sqft} 168/40= 4 units
Now I'm really confused though you say the 318w is equivalent to the output of 1Ks how can this be when the most intense light and quality spectrum that is supposed to be the tipping point is only useable in a small 2'x4' consentration? If I place 4 318w LEDs in my 12'x14' room it seems it would be only 64sqft of quality full spectrum lighting? Leaving 104sqft for, what; more really scraggly plants? Cost of 4 318w $4400 and I haven't covered my whole floor with quailty light? 4+1Kw= 4000w -(4* 318w= 1272w)= 2728kwh
2728kwh/2 = 1364kwh for 12hr flower cycle per month
1364kwh * .12kwh charge= $163.68 saved a month

$163.68 * 26 months of electrical savings= $4255.68

Man I still need fans and scrubbers and all the bells and whistles? Don't I?

I've no dought the LED technology is the future but at 12cents a Kwh three years is too long to recoup any savings to offset the cost. Hope it changes soon..

Good luck
I think what you have done is great, LEDGirl. Your lights are paving the way of the future of growing. When I have the extra space to grow indoors again, expect an order from me =)


Active member
thank you LEDGirl for sticking with ICMAG...i am willing to wager a dollar that lots of other vendors (paid or otherwise) would have told us all to shove it by now.



Active member
have you noticed any particular strain doing noticibly better under led?in your veg area what amount of light are you using per square foot?i liked your website after seeing the link in one of your posts.i am not very good at waiting.all these tests are great but i wish i had not seen the thread till they were done!do you use a differnt ratio for a veg only light?


Cannabis 101
thank you for the info as I am in need of lights and I would like to know how much each run??? 300 $ am i correct? and would also like to know how much the electricity bill will run me 12/12 with maybe 10 of your lights???


Active member
Right now I'm running 4k in a 12'x14' space 2mh 2hps. Just the basics, fans and scrubbers. I figure I've invested 3K in basic lighting fans, scrubber and everything to make a happy plant.

Now I have a new space about the same size so I'm trying to justify getting LEDs verses HiDs but a few numbers scare me.

Like: 318w is equivalent to 1000W? However 318w only covers 2'x4'at 12"=16sqft area? 1000w covers 5'x8' at 20"=40sqft area. Isn't that 16sqft verses 40sqft?
My room is 12'x14' that is 168sqft of floor to light up.
If I just run 4K,that's 4000w/168sqft=almost 24w@sqft. Not ideal but I'm trying to get by. Am I wrong or will it take 7 to 10 (LEDs={318w2'x4'+12"=16sqft} 168sqft/room
(space={12'x14'=168sqft} 16sqft_ led
=7 to 10 units?

From what ive gathered the 318w can cover 2x4 but it would be like putting a 1000w in a 2x4 really close to the plants, Ive seen people run 1000watters in 9 square feet and the buds are extremely dense and resinous to say the least, some of the best triple AAA bud you will ever see.


Active member
Right now I'm running 4k in a 12'x14' space 2mh 2hps. Just the basics, fans and scrubbers. I figure I've invested 3K in basic lighting fans, scrubber and everything to make a happy plant.

Like: 318w is equivalent to 1000W? However 318w only covers 2'x4'at 12"=16sqft area? 1000w covers 5'x8' at 20"=40sqft area. Isn't that 16sqft verses 40sqft?
My room is 12'x14' that is 168sqft of floor to light up.
If I just run 4K,that's 4000w/168sqft=almost 24w@sqft. Not ideal but I'm trying to get by. Am I wrong or will it take 7 to 10 (LEDs={318w2'x4'+12"=16sqft} 168sqft/room
(space={12'x14'=168sqft} 16sqft_ led
=7 to 10 units?

With any garden, potential yield is a number based on the amount of available light in any given area x all the rest. Light (in my opinion) has the biggest impact on yield, as you don't generally see people pulling a pound with their 250W HPS... So, how you use your lights depends on how efficient that given coverage area is. Follow with me here for a sec: using 4,000W, the highest yield you'd likely be able to pull with relative consistency is 8 pounds. So if you take what you're doing now (24w per square foot), it is limiting the amount you can yield within your area. If you instead decreased the area, using the same amount of light (and obviously less plants), you can still achieve the 8lbs. One of my friends uses a 18 x 20 garage (roughly) with 6, 1000W lights (??? think it's 6). His total yield out of that room is actually the same as what I was yielding in a 5' x 6' area. So arranging your garden around maximum yield (IE the most bud in the smallest area), in my opinion is the most efficient method, but again there are a lot of factors (including gardener)

Our lights were designed around the watt per square foot concept. Our 126W supplies 21W per square foot (almost what you're doing now with HID), and our 318W does 40W. So, if you want the more economical way of replacing your 1000W lights, while keeping a larger area, the 126W is the best choice. If you want to pull something crazy, go with multiple 318W's, but you won't have as large of an area. Just remember that you will only need approximately 4 x 318W or 10-12 126W to match your 4, 1000W lights in yield, just not coverage area. The coverage area is still relatively the same: 1000W HID covers the same area as 1000W LED (8 x 126W).

Man I still need fans and scrubbers and all the bells and whistles? Don't I?

I've no dought the LED technology is the future but at 12cents a Kwh three years is too long to recoup any savings to offset the cost. Hope it changes soon..

No, you don't still need fans or scrubbers. The cost of your HID's was $3,000, so what in your present garden has offset that cost for you? It's not fair to judge LED's based on the cost ($1400 more) when you spent so much on HID. It's not LED's job to earn all that back for you (even though it will), so you should simply look at the operational cost and POSSIBLY the cost difference here which is $1400. You saved more than that your first year in electric, and you didn't even break it down to the bulbs you have to replace. So when you make back the difference in year 1, and then every year after that pays you back, how do you ever get that from HID? You don't, all you get is the yield which we'll match or beat...


Active member
have you noticed any particular strain doing noticibly better under led?in your veg area what amount of light are you using per square foot?i liked your website after seeing the link in one of your posts.i am not very good at waiting.all these tests are great but i wish i had not seen the thread till they were done!do you use a differnt ratio for a veg only light?

All of them do noticeably better under LED. The spectrum is tailored specifically for them, without any of the stress factors generally associated with lighting. Overall, my plants are healthier and growing faster. For veg, I use 378W over 2' x 4'. I use the same spectrum from clone to harvest with our LED's. If you want to do the CFL/HID trick (blue for short, red for tall), you simply adjust the height of our light. 6-8" keeps em bushy, 9-12" makes them stretch a bit.

For DR:

Our 126W units are $400 each (and shipping is free if you order more than 6). Using 10 lights, that's about 1500W total power (including fans). According to the US Dept of Energy the average price of power is 10.7 cents per kilowatt-hour, so 10.7 x 360 (bloom hours in a month) = $38.52


The company's RD money went in to creating the schematics. They can't just give it away to be 'knocked-off'
Clothing manufacturers,jewlery fabricators and other biz guard their know-how vehemently.

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