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150w HPS VERT & 110w PLL (Tent) + (PC MotherCab) + SOIL + MultiStrain


Active member
UPDATE 3/10, set up and running after 43 days:



...HI IC!
this is my second RUN! It's a very small, easy setup, SEA OF GREEN.

- I'm simply planning to fit the most 0,75L pots I can in the flowering tent, 12/12 with no veg time, while mantaining 2 bonsai mothers in the mother cab (4, if they can fit!).
- Power consumption is going to be 350 Watts total (3 fans included) when everything is up and running.
- Please note that the following pictures just show the 5 plants I'm starting with now... and that I chose VERT section because 2/3rds of my flowering (2'x2' or 66% of main tent's space) is done VERT.

- Dark Propagator DP 90 (2'x3'x2')
150 Watt HPS VERT (Sylvania bulb) with Sonlight digital ballast.
110 Watt PLLs (Secret Jardin bulbs mixed spectrums: one 55W 2700K & one 55W 6500K) with Secret Jardin digital ballast.
5" inline exhaust 15W FAN outside + clip FAN 15W inside (will be put straight under the HPS blowing upwards)

- Standard middletower PC case
50 Watt CFLs (2x CFL 6500k)
5" PC FAN 3W exhaust - wired to a mobile phone charger

(NOTE: here CFLs hang from a plastic gardening net, they can be adjusted in every way over the plants with twisty ties - now they're unused and kind of hanging freely...)

STRAINS, all feminised:
-Paradise Seeds WAPPA, ICE CREAM and PANDORA(auto)
-Sensi Seeds SHIVA SKUNK

- Plagron Lightmix soil 25L bag
- BIONOVA SOIL supermix 1L bottle

- (if needed) Blackshard Molasses, magnesium in powder and a backup 3€ Bayer generic fertilizer
- 0,75 L pots made with soda bottles and trashbags. ADDED 2.5L POTS ON 9/9.
- party cups filled with water and simply kept by the window for cloning
- analogic timers
- small plastic pipe for measuring fertilizers
- kitchen keg with activated carbons (gives me nice PH) to filter all water
- digital hygro/thermo
- 20x loupe (NOTE: not enough, go for 30x at least!)
- liquid PH test (for water and runoff)
- duct tape, wooden sticks, iron wire and twisty ties like there's no tomorrow

* * *
August 20:
2 wappas, 1 pandora and 1 shiva skunk put in moist cotton.
August 21:
all seeds cracked and put in 0,75L pots under the 110 Watts PLLs.
August 22:
1 ice cream put in moist cotton.
August 24 (today):
1 ice cream cracked and put in a 0,75L pot under the 110 Watts PLLs.

* * *
Will try to update often, not too often LOL. And keep track of feeding schedules this time...
See ya!!!


Active member
* * *
Lights are 24/0 for now (I'll switch to 12/12 as soon as I take some clones) temp is around 30° and RH 40% on average.
* * *
2 more Ice Cream and 1 Critical Kush [seed is a present from a friend, Mr.M, thank you] put in moist cotton.
all the seeds cracked and the 3 new plants put in pots. 1st feeding for the older plants (1ml bionova, so roughly 1/4 strenght + 2 drops superthrive [thanks again Mr.M!!!] in 1 liter of water ph 6.5).

fed 1/4 strength veg bionova to the older plants, plain ph water to the rest.
fed plain ph water to everyone.
major update, see 7/9 post.
Switched to 12/12 with timer. 110W turned off, 150W fired up. Transplanted, clones took. Fed 1/4 strenght veg bionova and two drops per liter of superthrive to the older plants, plain ph water to the rest.
fed 1/3 strenght VEG and BLOOM to the plants. Plain ph water to the 2 youngest Ice Creams. They're now tied to pots but still kind of slow from the transplant. Temps remain in the 30s °C, RH 40% on average until now.
changed the ties (from 2-4 ties each, to 1 tie to the highest node I could) and plants are thriving but I notice some mobile element shortage in the lower leaves - I've got to go with higher dosage earlier next time.
Pandora (biggest plant) showed first hairs :) I fed a little more than 1/3 strenght veg and bloom to the 4 elder plants, now 24 days old, while the other three pots were still moist. The cuttings I took are surviving, there are 11 of them. Temps dropped a few degrees to 25-27°C, and humidity has been between 30% and 50% RE following the first storms ;) fall is kicking in finally... Last thing, I cut one large healthy fan leaf from each plant to allow light reach undergrowth - and I'm keeping the same orientation toward the light instead of rotating the plants.
fed half strenght VEG and half strenght BLOOM to the 4 older plants, a 1/3 strenght VEG to the younger 3 plants. 1 drop/l of superthrive for both. Pandora, Shiva and the 2 Wappas are now all been flowering for a couple of days.
Plants have too much N... I'll step back on that. Pandora showed the "claw" and was flushed 1/2 l ph water.
fed 1/3+ veg and bloom to everybody. except the two youngest ICs. plus one drop SThrive/liter. a little LST and very light defoliation for some plants, and Pandora was supercropped, that strain tends to be too high for my tent.
fed 1/2 strenght V&B to the big 4, 1/3 strenght V&B to the 3 Ice Creams. Plus a couple drops Super Thrive. Mommacab is up and running.
Just noticed the first Ice Cream is flowering, may be 1-2 days since, yay!
fed 1,25 ml/l VEG. (between 1/3-1/4 strenght) plus half teaspoon molasses to the big plants in 2l. The other 2 Ice Creams were fed 1,5 ml/ VEG. and what was left on the teaspoon... traces.
The last 2 Ice Creams are now flowering, nobody's missing now from the first batch.
Pandora is in the worst condition: N toxicity and claws.
fed 0,75 ml/l Veg (1/4 strenght) and 0,75 ml/l Flo (almost full strenght) to the big 5 plants, and 1,5 ml/l (1/3-1/2 strenght) Veg and 0,5 ml/l (half strenght) Flo to the 2 Ice Creams.
[I went very light on Veg ferts on the 5 older plants because they looked very dark green]. Plus 2 drop /l of superthrive to everyone
gave some plain water to some plants who clearly don't need food.
gave 1/2 veg and 1/2 flo to 3 thirsty plants.
gave 1/2 strenght veg and full strenght flo to every plant. Switched to GIB lighting bulb.
half veg and half flo to everybody.
Signs of underwatering... Gave half veg and half flo to everybody, except two smaller IceCreams and Pandora (1/3 veg and 1/3 flo) plus 3 drops S.T. Took 3 clones from PC moms. Clones in tent showing first hairs - they're half height of the tent.
gave 1/2 veg and full flo to older plants, 1/3 veg and 1/2 flo to Ice Creams and clones. Plus S.T. for everybody.
I did a "Z" shape supercropping on 2 tall flowering clones.
gave 1/3 veg and 1/2 teaspoon/l molasses to everybody
gave 1/3 veg and 1/2 teaspoon/l molasses to everybody

1/3 veg, 1/2 flo and two drops/l ST
1/2 (veg and flo) strenght to everybody
1/2 (veg and flo) to everybody
plain water to everybody. two cuttings put in soil.
1/2 strenght v&f to everybody
plain water to shiva and wappas, flush started. and 1/2 strenght v&f to the others, clones included. Two more clones added. there's no space anymore for a couple weeks when i hope i can harvest 3...
7/11: plain water, flush.
10/11: 1/2 v&b, flush.


Stealth Grower
Hi rootidec! I'll follow your 3d, I'm very interesting in your growing and I want to see how shiva skunk grows, I think that this is a very interesting old school strain! Compliments for your setup! Bye! :wave:



Active member
thank you massud!
I was lucky last time (first grow) : so I really hope I can do it again... ;)


Active member
I have to change all my plan(t)s :)

fed 1/4 strength veg bionova (plus 2 drops superthrive) to the older plants, plain ph water to the rest.

F**ing Critical Kush hasn't come out yet (it cracked tho...) and I suspect it dead. The 3 Ice Creams don't look good: the first one had a cotyledon mutilated from an early stage (by me, removing the seed shell) and its leaves look "weird", genetically damaged or something. The other two ICs are fine, but stretchy as hell: so stretchy they pop out when I water them... they may be in danger for this, afaik.

Now for the so-so news: the 4 older plants (2 wappa, 1 shiva & 1 pandora) are a charm, short and bushy, but the 1L-less pot will be a problem, since they're now 2 weeks vegging after all: so I'll have to repot for sure. Well, live and learn!!! will post update as I fix them all... (I plan to repot and take clones of healthy plants -minus the genetically damaged- repot the 2 stretchy Ice creams as well, and maybe train them, and remove the Critical Kush' pot for good; meanwhile, I'll start the 150W vertical and switch to 12/12, while finally starting the mother case with the clones taken. Small pots will be used with the first batch of clones, a couple of weeks from now, as now it would be a suicide as explained). I have to adapt or perish.

pics of the fixing will give you an idea, SOON, 1 day or two.

second post is always updated with feedings, I don't want to clog the vert section for no reason, but this update was quite major.

see you :)


Active member
Ok here's the situation before transplant:
* * *

18 days VEG for the 4 big plants (2 wappas, Shiva Skunk and Pandora auto).
all four:

wappa and shiva:

wappa and pandora:

* * *
and here are the 3 Ice creams (the 2 stretchy ones are 9 days VEG and went repot too because I don't want tall and lanky stuff, if I can avoid it somehow) and Critical Kush (empty pot in the background, dead for sure now...):

A closeup of the missing cotyledon Ice Cream, 14 days VEG - pretty weird huh?:


Active member
They all switched to 12/12 TODAY, but are too big for those little pots, intended to host single cola clones... sooo repot for everyone!
roots of one of the 18 days old ones:

* * *
and the new setup NOW, with the pots I used last time. They all fit around the 150W hps - the plls wouldn't be enough now (they'll host the first batch of clones):

Here are the clones I took, they're in plain water with a hint of superthrive: I'll select the mothers from those who survive.

I took a couple of clones from the AUTOMATIC Pandoras... let's see how it turns out lol.

Now I'm planning to do some heavy training to keep all of them compact. Last time I had to bend them over many times, slowing them down.

see you :ying:


Active member
subbed rooti, rock the show! I am going perpetual as well , have 2 mothers now and a mothers/clones cab, kudos to you.
Peace S


Active member
Well, all is normal.
A little visual update - 7 plants ranging from 28 days (4) to 24 (1) to 17 (2).

These days I've been just doing some training with rope and ironwire to keep the shoots toward the light - and a little defoliation of the front, bigger leaves covering them.
* * *
Clones are now 12, most radicating decently although some are a bit slow - I'm happy I took so many!

c ya - major update soon.


Active member
A little close-up to complete the above:
The 4 elder plants have all showed tiny hairs - Pandora 2-3 days ago and the others between 1-2 days.
I'm looking at a mid-november first harvest, hopefully...

* * *
Ice Cream, 24 days old, not showing sex:
(I'm happy to see the latest sets of leaves are NOT showing deformity...)

The last 2 Ice Creams (17 days) are still so small I didn't even have to pull them out for training/pruning etc. therefore I didn't take any pics.

* * *
All in all, I'm pretty happy this round is far more doughnut-looking than the other one, at least SO FAR:

Instead of keeping mainly one/two big colas per plant, I'm keeping many. Let's hope the 2.5 L pots can keep up with it.

c ya :ying:


Active member

while my photo skills get worse, I've got the damn claw on the Pandora!
and since the above pictures show that I went the heavy hand on Nitrogen, I'll go with Nitrogen toxicity as the main cause for now...

The other plants are heavy-heavy green as well, but just the Pandora is doing the Zoidberg... let's hope it stays this way.

SO I just gave 1/2 l of plain water to wash off some of yesterday evening's feeding... it's not a proper flush, but since the pot is still really wet I don't want to overwater and almost all the 1/2l I just poured just came out from the bottom anyway.

Let's hope I caught it in time... already had the claw and it doesn't really always goes away that easy :(

c ya :ying:

PS: The post here on Icmag which reminded me that the most common cause of the claw is N:


Stealth Grower
Hi rootidec! Wow! Your box seems to explode! I love your wappas! It seems a very good strain! I want to see big and resinous flowers :biggrin:! Good job! Hola! :wave:



Active member
thank you massud! always a pleasure to see you around - kudos for your grow I've seen big changes, I'll stop by to pay my respects!

Now for a little update:
Momcab is up and running. There are 3 wapps and one shiva who proved to be the fastest to develop roots:

Other clones are catching up:
another wappa, one shiva, two pandoras in the pots. I'm waiting for roots to reinforce before I give 'em lights:

*The ones on the left were both too small and weak, I don't know if they'll do it... while I took one Ice Cream clone (white partycup on the right) and I hope it'll catch up well.

And now for the tent.
I supercropped the Pandora (this bitch strain always stretch the most) and the Shiva. I did a lot of damage... and some defoliation.
I fed 1/2 strenght ferts (V & B) to the big 4, plus 2 drops S.T.
And fed 1/3 strenght (V & B) to the 3 smaller Ice creams, plus 2 drops S.T.
Temps are dropping slightly and RH is up, due to bad weather.

I have some nitrogen toxicity, which is strange because last run they could handle much more ferts at this stage.
I already backed up, maybe not enough, I'm waiting for the plants to tell me...
c ya!


Active member
family photo, with days from seed:
(12 days flowering for the older ones)

*they are all LST'ed and some are already Supercropped.
I avoided topping because last time I did I lost the good part of two weeks (they were probably too young when I did it too).

I removed 8-10 leaves from each plant, I do it whenever some leaves shade a shoot, or stretch too much on the side, or if an area gets too crowded. I've been leaving some big fan leaves on the rear part of the plants, as they'll help me spot deficiencies.

mom cab is finished, as showed before I rotated the case 90° so I don't have to bother about the open end at the bottom. On top I put an aluminium kitchen pan, 1€, easy to cut and fireproof:

*It's not completely lightproof but it'll host moms only (there are four which will be down to two as soon as I see which strains are worth keeping)

The whole 60x60x60h cm area (2x2x2'h):

*the 30x60x60h (1x2x2'h) space left in the tent, on the left (not pictured) with the 110W plls will be used soon.

see ya :ying:


Active member
Subbed!. Nice show.

Thanks! I saw interesting things in your signature, very! I'll be reading your grows soon :)

looking good fratello, rock the show!!
Peace S

Thanks bro ;) I'm definitely interested in your next run - you said you were going for single cola plants...? I'm curious!!


Today I'll pull out the plants, to do the usual hairdressing: I'm puzzled though... I don't know if I'd rather keep supercropping and pruning (tonight I peeked, I don't have much space left in ANY direction *sigh*) or maybe if it's better to flip the tent 90° and free up vertical space...?
c ya later :ying: