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The Claw


Active member
So, after reading what i can, is the correct solution to 'The Claw' to flush the soil??

i have 3 GodBud in soil that i repotted yesterday. all 3 have curled under and scrunched up leaves on the newer growth. at least these are in pots...

also have 6 very berry surprise in a soil tray. some of these have the same thing...i'll have to get inventive on how to flush these...any suggestions would be appreciated...

i'll try to post some pix later...

thanks. :badday:
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Dr. D

Active member
Yeh give a flush is the best thing to do....im pretty sure the Claw is from too much N... :2cents:


Active member
If vthe lave are VERY green it sound like to much N if the leaves are normal healthy green then It could be to much water


Active member
some pix of the claw...these are pictures of 2 of the very berry surprise. the other 4 seem unaffected...
click one:



You also have some sort of infestation along with your other problem. Now everyone is gonna say "Here goes Mo again on this thrip thing." but do see signs of a thrip infestation in your pics.I am anxious to see what the other is also.

Good luck.

Mo, :wave:




both of the above threads are very helpfull

Soil with adds that are not mixed well can have hot spots that do this

(below - a possibility )
Nitrogen toxicity can be seen when there are very very dry conditions almost as if there was a drought, which may show a burning effect. If you give your plants ammonium based nutrients they may show NH4+ toxicity, which will show a smaller plant growth and lesions that occur on stems and roots, leaf margins that will roll downward. Also the big fan leaves will have “the claw” look. The tips will point down but the leaves will stay up as if when you bend your fingers downwards. Leaves can be twisted when growing… mainly new growths. Roots will be under developed along with the slowing of flowering. Yields will be decreased, because to much nitrogen in early stages of flowering slows down bud growth. Water uptake is slowing down from the vascular breakdown of the plants as well. Too much potassium and nitrogen will lock out calcium as well.

Many blessings on geting them under control & on to a strong finish


Active member
Bigmo said:
You also have some sort of infestation along with your other problem. Now everyone is gonna say "Here goes Mo again on this thrip thing." but do see signs of a thrip infestation in your pics.I am anxious to see what the other is also.

Good luck.

Mo, :wave:

mo, thanks...i have hit the whole garden with neem and sevin(spray) alternating...i can't figure it out...

are you referring to the little yellow 'dots' on the leaves?

i was wondering if this could be from misting the leaves with water with the light on...i can't find any bugs anywhere! even under magnification.

i don't know. :confused:


Sleepy said:
mo, thanks...i have hit the whole garden with neem and sevin(spray) alternating...i can't figure it out...

are you referring to the little yellow 'dots' on the leaves?

i was wondering if this could be from misting the leaves with water with the light on...i can't find any bugs anywhere! even under magnification.

i don't know. :confused:

Misting under HID lights will cause a lense effect and burn leaves...


i have hit the whole garden with neem and sevin(spray) alternating...
you are doing this when the lights are about to go off right?... reason I ask, I burnt up the top of a Zuki plant back in the thick of our mite wars. I was putting it on mid-day and it was creating a lense effect bigtime...

I do hope it gets better :wave:


Active member
thank you, H3ad and Ms. G.!!

yeah, me soo stuupid!! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

always so excited when with the ladies...

must learn to control myself! :chin:

other than that, i'm fine!

me :pointlaug everyone :confused:


I have the claw
I think on my skunk#1.. But she is a very light green. Unlike my other plants.. Ill post a pic tonight im gtg work.. But tonight for sure.. The plant has stopped growing nugsz
They are way behind the others.. But hopefully someone can help out ..peace..

Sack's First Outdoor Grow
Baby nugsz now here LQQK see... Now in 12/12
Sack's Bubbledust Outdoor Grow

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint: