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150w HPS Cabinet by Quazi

Quazi said:
Alright, enough messing around, time to get back to work:

Quite the vignette... I don't know if you posed it or what but it is desktop-worthy FO SHO!!

And what a fantastic grow it was (I know it's not over, but the cherry's popped) - really an inspiration to anyone who got this idea into their head that they weren't necessarily stuck buying what "their guy" was selling. Huge thanks!


New member
You are the man. THank you for sharing all this with us.

I was so interested by this grow that i read through the entire thing at 2 in the morning instead of doing my 12 pg single spaced paper thats do tommorow at noon. O ya and its worth half my english grade.

What interests me the most is the fact that you have near identical conditions to what ive been planning. My dimensions are 18 in W x 18 in D x 24 in H. Very close to yours. Furthermore, i am also going to be using a 150 watt HPS light. I had heard mixed messages about it thus fur, but i had confindence that if done right it could produce very nice results.
You proved exactly that. Thanks for showing me what a 150 watt is capable of.

I was plannign on houseing the light in a serpate compartment that actively exausted the light with a fan straight out of the box. I will seperate the light from the room below that has the plants with a sheet of tempered glass.

You also implemented LST which was my plan to do with my plants.

Hopefully i will be able to get results similar to yours.
Ive done months of research and this will have cost me about 500 dollars all together so im hoping to yield at least an oz.

BUt seriously your an incredible grower.

First of all your cab is awsome. Well designed, well constructed, just allaround very nice job. You seem like you are very knowlegable and you have this growing thing down to a science.

Good luck w the rest of your plants. I cant wait to see more.....now i really gotta do my paper though

Seriously, who the fuck assigns a 12 page SINGLE SPACED paper.


Now That's What I Call a Flowering Chamber! - Part I

Now That's What I Call a Flowering Chamber! - Part I

Lollypop Man: thanks man! I really liked that shot too. I have good luck with a few things in life. Glad to be an inspiration! Stick around 'cause I'll be getting some better stuff for taking pictures soon!

jchesmore722: don't blame me when you get a bad grade! Heh, just kidding. Glad you enjoyed the thread. I like to go through it and read it over sometimes too :wink: Can't wait to see what you can do in a similar setup! You are talking about a space that is considerably smaller than mine. Sounds like 150W might be a bit much for it. My flowering side is about 18"Wx24"Dx40" high.

en-lighten-ment: thanks mayn!

Well, I decided that I wanted to start updating on Wednesdays. It's during the middle of the week so it makes the beginning of my weeks a bit less crowded. So, you can expect my updates mid-week now.

Most of the bud from the first harvest will be put in a container tomorrow to begin the cure. Some of the bigger buds might have another day or so of dry time. Anyway, it's definitely changed since it started. So, I decided to make another animation so you can see just how much cannabis changes when it dries:

Anyway, I've gotten to try a bit of the smoke and it is awesome. The flavor is enhancing, quite literally, every day. I haven't gotten to smoke enough to really get the full effects (I'm not a light-weight by any stretch of the imagination) but you can expect a full smoke report after about a week of curing.

Thanks Dorothy.

Now: on with the stuff that's still alive!

We'll start off, as we always do, in veg:

As you can see, things have gotten much emptier in there.

First, we'll start off with Regina the Bubba Kush clone looking a bit droopy after having just been fed:

She'll be ready for a bigger container any day now.

Next, we'll move on to the Afgooey clones:

They're absolutely loving the new soil mix. Check out the wonderful greenage:

Going to be starting a round of beans soon so that's why there's so much vacancy in the veg room. It's a memorial strain to a fellow member of the medical cannabis movement who is no longer with us. Because of this, I think I'll be making a separate grow diary for them. They'll make occasional appearances here, but you'll have to check out the other diary (when it begins) to get all the details.

Yes, I'm going to leave you in suspense and not tell you any more about them for now.

But enough with the veg side of things, I'm sure you're waiting for the good stuff. So, let's move on to the flowering side of the cabinet:

Nice and full! The Purple Kush clones entered flower a couple of days ago and are loving it in there:

Nice little bush of tops. Should be a great harvest. Check out part II to see the rest of the girls in flower.

Part II continues below...
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Now That's What I Call a Flowering Chamber! - Part II

Now That's What I Call a Flowering Chamber! - Part II

First, I have to apologize. I had the name-tag for the OG Kush/Trainwreck half buried and only tonight realized I have been calling Quintessa, Quelthala for quite some time. Sorry girl:

So, Quintessa is doing quite nicely:

Scars from learning how this strain reacts to food/nutes:

Pistils happily growing:

Even though they are both Kushes, they look quite different and definitely have different growing behavior:

Last, but certainly not least, we have Sprout sitting happily under the HPS:

The bud-sites have really starting expanding and frosting:


As always, one last look before we go:

Tune in next week to see if the new beans have started! I'll make a post a bit sooner if I get a good smoke report together.

Happy Holidays everyone!

-Q :rasta:


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Quazi again.

Man, droooooling over here. I just got my beans today...woohooo! The Pure is calling my name!

I just love your updates. When I put my journal up, it's going to be modeled after yours.



Damn en-lighten-ment! Thanks man! :redface:

K.J: thanks man. I drool every time I look too.

Well, just stopping by to post a quick update. Because it's winter around here, it's really, really dry. As such, the herb got a bit too dry for my liking in about 4 days worth of drying. I put it in the jar for cure and taped a couple of damp q-tips to the top to add some moisture back in. Didn't take long and now it's got a bit less of a crispy feeling.

Anyway, ended up with just under 1.5oz with almost 40g. This is great considering I only harvested a single plant when I was expecting to harvest 2 or 3.

Here it is chilling in the jar:


Took some out to give you all a better look:

Wonderful stuff. The smoke already tastes delicious. The high is very nice with a 5-10 minute set-in period before a rush of creativity and desire to do something. The flavor starts off earthy and robust with a flavor similar to the aroma of a dark coffee.

A swirl in the mouth or a small inhale through the smoke reveals citrus-sour undertones punctuated by sweet remnants not unlike the remembrance of a sweet piece of chocolate enjoyed earlier in the day. Finish the inhale and your taste buds are left dancing with the spicy flavor that can only be found with the Kush genetics. Close your eyes and you can almost taste the hillside from where the Kush may have been originally plucked. Exhale the silky-smooth smoke and you'll find yourself transported from the mountains of Asia to the jungles of South America as the flavor of a tropical melon spreads a layer of silk upon every inch of the inside of your mouth before throwing you back to the earthy taste from whence the experience started.

A minute or two after smoking it and you can still pick out new flavors:

Thus ends the cycle of Dorothy. She was a Purple Kush x Purple Kush girl. Because of the cross, she got the chance to be more Kush-like than her mom who ended up with the sweeter flavors that Purple Kush is more known for.

Both Sprout and the other PK clones are from moms who were part of the original Purple Kush batch of seed so I expect them have more of the sweetness I was expecting. However, I'm very happy with the flavor profile of Dorothy thus far.

I'm going to save my final judgment until after at least a week of cure.

-Q :rasta:
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Walking in a Wonderful Wonderland Part I

Walking in a Wonderful Wonderland Part I

Thanks aeburnside!

Well, things are looking frosty and tree-filled for the holidays. At least, in my cabinet.

Let's start off on the veg side:

Regnia, the Bubba Kush clone, is always drooping. I've gotten her to prop up for me once after a good, healthy watering, but she always seems droopy/thirsty. I know, she's in a really small pot, maybe she's just telling me she wants to get some room to stretch those roots out. Anyway, here she is after a fairly recent watering:

She doesn't really look unhealthy except for the drooping. Hopefully she'll perk up for me.

Next, we've got the Afghooey clones hanging out and really starting to flourish. I cannot wait to get these in flower. Afghooey is some tasty, tasty stuff. Here's Sierra:

As you can see, she's starting to fill out nicely:

Here's the sisters pose together for a group shop:

Next, we'll move on to the Purple Kush clones who are really starting to fill in:

Very unruly and unkempt:

She'll be ready for a trim pretty soon to get some of the mess cleaned up underneath and get some focus on those top buds.

Next, we'll move on to Quintessa, the OG Kush x Trainwreck girl. Can I just say: wow-ee!

Apparently her and I finally got on the same wavelength 'cause she took off on me and is really looking like she's gonna be a heavy producer:

She's just got a ton of great-looking tops on her like these:


When I put her in flower I was a bit worried that she wasn't going to be anything great, but now that she's stretched out and started filling in: I've got much higher hopes. Speaking of higher hopes, let's get to part II and Sprout...

Part II continues below...
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Walking in Wonderful Wondland Part II

Walking in Wonderful Wondland Part II

It's funny to say it, but the star of the evening is Sprout! Here she is getting ready for her close-ups under her 150:

Considering she just hit 5 weeks in flower, she's got excellent bud development going on:

The buds have really started to swell up and get frosty:

Here's a wonderful, 3-part close-up.

Wow it's looking like it's getting a little bit frosty:

Actually, it's looking really frosty:

Walkin' in a winter wonderland:

Since I've only got the one girl producing buds right now, I decided to take some group shots just so you can see how much plant can be squeezed in my cabinet (and to make this post a bit more interesting). Right now, the veg side is a bit emptier as I await new genetics and/or start some beans. The flowering side is just bursting:

And that doesn't even include the three hiding in veg:

Here, you can see how tall the plants are right now compared to the height of my cabinet. Remember, the electrical is directly above veg on the left. The flowering side, on the right, has all that extra headroom:

Anyway, thought you all might enjoy those.

As the holiday season is upon us, take it upon yourself to release some tension by giving to those you do not know. It's surprising how good it feels.

One last look before we go:

-Q :rasta:
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This might bethe Vodka talking, but I thinkI love you Quazi. Just wanted to say that bro.



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
This might be the medicine talking, but I think I love everyone at IC for making this such a great community!


Oh, and stellar update Quazi!



Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Quazi...congrats on your PoTM nomination for this image...very unique and different. Nice to see images like this niominated..DD


Alright... finally got through this sluggish photo uploading. Time for my late update!

To everyone who stopped by, thanks!

doobieduck: glad you like the picture! I'm happy to see something different nominated too :wink:

Now then: on with the show! I got a new toy that I want to share with everyone. I'm still learning how to use it but the results are amazing.

Normally, I like to have closeups in my updates. Well, now we have serious closeups. Check this action out. Here's Dorothy:

Delicious with a wonderful high. Here's a closer look:

And now, to show off the new Christmas present I got for myself, here's a closer look:

What's that? You'd like to see the individual trichomes? Well, alrighty then:


Also, got some beans started that I'm very excited about. I won't give you anymore info at the moment but here's one coming out to play:

I was gifted 10. Started 8. Of the 8, 6 cracked. They were all planted. 2 got accidentally dumped (do'h) but I was able to salvage the little sprouts and put them back in the soil. It's been very dry here so it's been tough to keep the medium moist, but not too wet.

Anyway, you can see that my veg side is crowded again:

Regina the Bubba Kush clone has been repotted and I'm happy to report she's looking much happier. The two Afgooey clones have just taken off and are filling the corners of my cabinet:

They will be hitting flower in about 2 weeks when Sprout gets harvested. Speaking of Sprout, let's check out flowering, shall we:

Quite the bush in there!

First, we'll have a look at the Purple Kush clones. They were trimmed up and are looking fantastic:

Next, we'll move to Quintessa who looks like she might give a decent pull after all the trouble she gave me:

Last, but not least, we have Sprout who will be getting her last feeding in a couple days as she starts the flush:

She's packed on the weight and is getting really stinky:

I got to use my new toy on Sprout too! It's so nice to not have to look in my little pocket scope anymore:

Getting cloudy. I actually saw an amber trich or two during inspection so she's coming along nicely.

I'm still learning with my new toy. Got a little HPS glow added in this shot:

This is the 2nd time I've had to re-write this post due to being nice and toasted from Dorothy and clicking links when I shouldn't have.

Next update will be the Christmas special!

By the way: yes the Christmas tree is getting nutes and it is loving it.

-Q :rasta:


Happy holidays Quazi, Loving it, cant wait to copy you!

So you fit 3 plants max in your veg side? How old is Sprout now?


love the quintessa (sounds fooking wonderful my friend :yes:) and the POTM shot, qazi! great work on the macro's too, that must be a lovely picture-machine.. :yes:

happy holidays to you and yours :canabis: