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150w HPS Cabinet by Quazi


K.J, White, leaddraft, FB, hoosier: thanks for stopping by! Glad you guys are enjoying the show!

ambr0sia: I know what you mean. I can't wait for harvest either.

moses224: thanks man! I think I did a pretty good job with it anyway :wink:

BL4ZE20: lookin' real nice man! I think you'll like the HPS over the CFLs for sure.

fully baked: glad to be an inspiration! Let me know if you have any questions about the details of the design. Though, I'm pretty sure I documented everything.

aeburnside: thanks! Not my first grow, but it's my first in the box. Nice to have success on the first run in the environment. It's different than a basement and fluoros, that's for sure!

Well everyone, I took a few pictures of Dorothy since she got her last watering yesterday (no molasses, just water). That'll give her 2 more "days" of growing before the chop. Amber colors are starting to show up a bit more and in larger bunches. But, it's still within reason. If there is a drastic change tomorrow, then I might chop a day early. Otherwise, I'm still planning for the 1st.

Anyway, here's extra pics for everyone to enjoy that I took just an hour ago or so:

The only trimming I've done has been taking leaves when she gives them to me. I do not yank them off. I just give them a tug or two and if they don't come off, then I know the plant is not ready to produce scar tissue there or it is not done leaching the nutrients. These are the leaves that would have fallen off in nature due to wind, rain, or something brushing the plant.

Anyway, I've got a nice pile of dry, crunchy fan leaves. Most of the fanners have given in since the flush. Here's a shot of one of the buds:

Also, I didn't notice until I produced this close-up, but there's actually some PURPLE in there near the bottom! Huzzah:

Finally got some Purple out of the Purple Kush in the buds instead of just the stem/petioles.

I know, it's not a lot of color, but it's enough to make me proud.

Harvest soon!

-Q :rasta:
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Harvest for the Holidays Part I

Harvest for the Holidays Part I

Well FreezerBoy and Lollypop Man, the time has time!

To everyone else out there watching, here we go. Of course:

So, I took out the magnifier to look at Dorothy today when flower lights came on. After a close inspection of quite a few of the buds, I determined that she was getting enough amber for my liking, so that means:
Time for the cut!

First, we have to give some final credit to the girl who made this all possible. Here's some final shots of Dorothy before she goes under the clippers:

Frosty, frosty, frosty:

And so, the harvesting began!

Even the little popcorn buds produced a decent amount. Trimmed this:

Got 4.1 grams of this:

There was quite a bit more than I had expected from just one plant under the 150W. Stopped half way through to collect some scissor hash:

Packed up with some Afgooey and ready to go:

Alright, enough messing around, time to get back to work:

Harvest for the Holidays Part II continues below...


Harvest for the Holidays Part II

Harvest for the Holidays Part II

Got some help from a mate of mine for the first half or so. After that, I went hard to work finishing up the rest. Eventually I was left with one little stalk:

And also the biggest one:

At the end of the biggest one, was the largest cola of the bunch:

Got it all nice and trimmed up:

Ended up weighing 11.1 grams alone!

Here's a closeup:

There was plenty of scissor-hash left by the end:

Dorothy left a nice skeleton with some training wires still left on her:

Okay, okay! I know you want to see the whole harvest. Well, would Quazi disappoint? Hell no! I put a bic lighter in there for scale:

I had to prop the lighter up a bit otherwise it would have just been buried underneath all the bud:

To dry, I took some thread, tied one end to a safety pin, and then threaded the other through a needle. I then began the laborious task of threading the bud. With Christmas music in the background it felt not unlike threading popcorn for the Christmas tree.

In the end, I was left with a wonderful little wreath:

Just because I love everyone so much, I even made an animation so you can see every bit of the wreath up close:

So, after all was said and done, I ended up with 150.2g of trimmed bud. Given that she has already had some time to dry since her last watering and the 60% loss I experienced last time, I would estimate I'll end up with around 50-60g dry.

That means, I not only hit, but exceeded my goal of 1.5 ounces by quite a bit! Who knows though: maybe she won't lose that much weight. In the end, it's looking like 1.7-2.1oz or so of trimmed, manicured bud.


I ended up with another 130g or so of trim that will be dried and probably used for butter as I love to cook.

So, in the end, I ended up with around 280g of total weight pulled from one plant under the 150W on my first run in this cabinet.

I am definitely not disappointed.

Thanks to everyone who helped in any way with this project!

Expect the regular update on Tuesday where you'll get to see the trashcan full of clones after their first 48 hours in flower.


-Q :rasta:
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Well-known member
Looking Good Man....you gurls looked Happy right up till....."Whack"
150.2 should dry out to approx...
37.55 grams dried to 25% moisture Content.....
If you allow more Moisture than that to remain in the Budz the THC and other Cannabinoids are not Properly Decarboxilated to Become Fully Psychoactive you want the Most from what you have grown


fucking fantastic Quazi,

and awesome pictures!! really insightful to folks like myself who have not gotten to go down this road yet. (i should be doing this in about 6-ish weeks..just in time for my bday!)


Thanks everyone!

I think it's going to be wonderful smoke too.

DrBudGreengenes said:
Looking Good Man....you gurls looked Happy right up till....."Whack"
150.2 should dry out to approx...
37.55 grams dried to 25% moisture Content.....
If you allow more Moisture than that to remain in the Budz the THC and other Cannabinoids are not Properly Decarboxilated to Become Fully Psychoactive you want the Most from what you have grown
Thanks for stoppin' by Dr. BG!

Thanks for the note about the decarboxylization. I had read about it before but had sorta forgotten about it. Guess it'll be my :2cents: word for the day.

I had accounted for 75% loss the first time with this strain and found only a 60% loss once it was fully dry. However, I remembered this morning in the shower that last time that the plant was allowed to get much drier than this harvest. In addition, it was grown under fluoros so it had a lot of light and airy buds already.

So, in the end, it probably will be closer to my 1.5oz desire when it comes to dried, manicured bud.

But, that's what I wanted to get outta the first grow in the cab and I was planning on having 2 plants to harvest from. So, that's only half of my cabinet being utilized and Dorothy wasn't even close to rootbound. In addition, I got a lot of trim that will be great for holiday cookies. More than enough weight to make me (and probably all of my friends) happy.

Learned a lot from the first run-through of the cab. Have another harvest at the beginning of January. Then another bigger one at the beginning of February. It won't be until March until I'm actually harvesting different genetics. But, I'm okay with that. Growing the same genetics 2-3 times in the space will allow me to learn a lot.

Alright, enough babbling; I already missed the bus once this morning, don't plan on doing it again.

-Q :rasta:
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Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Wow Quazi, what an update that was! I'm very impressed not only with your growing and harvesting skills, but with your photography and post construction skills as well. Oooey gooey indeed! Can't wait for the toke report!

I'm looking forward to your next grow.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Quazi said:
With Christmas music in the background it felt not unlike threading popcorn for the Christmas tree.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Ev'rywhere you go;
Take a look at the plants within Quazi's box again
With Dorothy and afgooey aglow.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Buds in ev'ry store
But the prettiest sight to see are the colas that will be
On your own front door.


Just Call me Urkle!!
So Quazi can you answer this question for me since you seem to have your shit down with the 150w HPS ...

I heard the Econolight $20 150w HPS that eveyone gets actually pulls 350w total due to how cheaply it's made have you found this to be true??


Thundurkel said:
I heard the Econolight $20 150w HPS that eveyone gets actually pulls 350w total due to how cheaply it's made have you found this to be true??
I'm no electrician, but I think it's physically impossible for a 150W bulb to use any more than 150W.

Amperage, though, is a whole other ball of yarn; The lack of capacitor on the E-conolight models does affect the quantity of lights you could put in a single circuit.
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K.J: thanks man! I'm shooting with a cruddy 5.1 point-and-shoot. I'm hoping to get a new camera with some sick macro action for X-mas. If you think the photos are good now...

FreezerBoy: you are by far one of my favorite things about the IC mag forums. :yes: :yes:

catman: pull up a seat! We're just getting started! You could call Dorothy a test run. I can't wait to see what happens next but I know it's gonna be a good show.

Thundurkel said:
So Quazi can you answer this question for me since you seem to have your shit down with the 150w HPS ...

I heard the Econolight $20 150w HPS that eveyone gets actually pulls 350w total due to how cheaply it's made have you found this to be true??
I can't say because I haven't tested it.

I can say that if it was pulling 350W then I would think that the "cheaply made" ballast would heat up much more than it does. Even if it does pull 350W instead of 150W, you're looking at 200W difference on the power bill. That's less than you're using just to read this. Considering the cost of $20.00, inexpensive shipping, and a track record of working well: I'll take it even if it does pull extra wattage.

Like I said though: I haven't tested it. There are others who have and many suggested (and provided diagrams for) adding a capacitor to the equation to nullify the effect.

I just know it works :wink:

Got three pots in flower now. Quelthala the OG Kush/Trainwreck, the Purple Kush clones, and everyone's favorite little survivor: Sprout (who is looking marvelous by the way).

Come to papa.

-Q :rasta:
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Nicely done, sure is amazing what a 150w can do. I just jarred my crop the other day. After all was said and dried got just over 3.5oz.

Thundurkel: Yes the light pulls more current than a 150W light because it is missing a capacitor to keep the voltage and current in phase. Essentially, more current goes through the ballast, however about half of it is returned back into the wall. You don't get billed for this as its not current that you have used. If this is done on a large scale though (multiple 150w) then the added current will become a problem faster. With a 15amp circuit you could only have a few 150w lights without caps because of the extra current they draw. If you needed 5+ lights on one breaker you would have to fix the phase issue (as larger ballasts do). Also, if the phase isn't corrected and you are running large things out of phase and returning power to the grid, the electric company might get pissed.


Barnt said:
Thundurkel: Yes the light pulls more current than a 150W light because it is missing a capacitor to keep the voltage and current in phase. Essentially, more current goes through the ballast, however about half of it is returned back into the wall. You don't get billed for this as its not current that you have used. If this is done on a large scale though (multiple 150w) then the added current will become a problem faster. With a 15amp circuit you could only have a few 150w lights without caps because of the extra current they draw. If you needed 5+ lights on one breaker you would have to fix the phase issue (as larger ballasts do). Also, if the phase isn't corrected and you are running large things out of phase and returning power to the grid, the electric company might get pissed.
Well there you go.


Thanks Barnt!

-Q :rasta: