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12 weeks PUBLIC consultation on UK drug sentencing - have your say


Active member
Looks like if you're 9 plants or less that are expected to yield about 40 grams a piece for your own use, then you're not looking at a criminal conviction -- anything from discharge to medium level community order.

You would be Category 4 and a Lesser role. Basically, decriminalization at that level.


A medium level community order is still a criminal conviction, just one that doesn't mean time in prison. The only thing that doesn't result in a blot on your record is discharge, and even that would probably be 12 months conditional discharge.


Active member
Ah, so at the low end of the guideline you would avoid a criminal charge. The starting point of a fine still carries a criminal charge? Wow.

Guess you need to argue medical circumstance or something similar for a discharge. Sad.


Yeah, I mean.. first time offender, no evidence of supply, low plant count, less sophisticated operation.. that could prob get you a discharge, some of the time. Depends on how bad a day the magistrate was having..
Thanks for the update McSnappler, I'd almost forgotten about this, although it was in the back of my mind after I'd participated in the feedback many months ago.

At least we have a vague idea of how sentencing might go for anyone unfortunate enough to be snagged, though it's still uncomfortably uncertain.

I'm sure we'd all agree that it's very easy to fall foul of even the 28 count level three, particularly if, for example, you pop a pack then use the normal rule of thumb, two clones for each possible candidate, in the hope of finding a nice mum.

People are gonna have to really start doing very small numbers and growing large trees to feel like you'd have a hope at not ending up inside. Scrogs all the way!


Well-known member
they may as well just decrim the small amounts of plants..... thought they wanted to take money from organised crime, and this would deny them many customers