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12 weeks PUBLIC consultation on UK drug sentencing - have your say



has anyone heard any more about this yet ?

are these guidelines in place ?

a friend of mine came home from work yesterday to find his front door had been put through , neighbours told him it was 3 uniformed officers , when he went in they had took 6 psychocindys a week from harvesting and 9 small clones , they did " a bit of a search " but only took his herb grinder and plants but left most of his equiptment

they left a note asking him to ring the station and when he did he was asked to go in monday night but the copper said " don't let it ruin your weekend everyone has smoked a bit of weed , come in 10pm monday night and we'll have you done by 11:30 "

all a bit strange but just wondering what the outcome may be


Active member
Thats well strange Edge!
they always take the equipment & any related paraphernalia, well thats what ive always seen. dead wierd that one man??

an old grow buddy of mine was growing in his new GF's attic, must of been 92'. all my equipment, my plants, & both of our knowledge. her ex boyfriend still had a key to the house(which we didnt know) & was seen there, unusually. next thing, my buddy got back from work, pigs had taken everything & left forms/notification asking him to go straight down the cop shop. he got knicked, his mrs didnt & i lost all my gear, well over 5k's worth, took me years to get back on my feet after that. Obviously the jealous ex-BF grassed us up, & he went missing straight after that. god help him if i ever see him again!

I hope your buddy gets off light man, its a real fker getting turned over. keep us posted on how he gets on. i see a fine if he aint got much form, maybe a combo order, CS etc, not sure on the numbers/clones though. G'Luck!
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it is a strange one m8 , at first i thought he'd had rippers who just wanted the plants (around 3-4oz on each) and his clones but they were real lol

he got a caution for possesion about 12 yrs ago i think so fine will probably be right but it still works out at 15 plants so i'm interested to see how it plays out

stay safe


Active member
Sounds like he'll be ok man, prolly a combo order & a fine. Fkin used to hate doing community service.

tell him to go to the local drugs n alcohol people straight away. play on the addicted to cannabis one, well arnt we all lol! a report to the mags from those people goes a very very long way. if he plays it cool im sure he'll walk! G'Luck to him ah!

its reports from people like that that make all the difference when it comes to sentencing, but im sure you know all that jive anyway! be a fker if they fast track it though, id be trying to get adjournments.

Its mad, cause alot of the pigs/cps prosecuting facts are based on the equipment & how tec the set-up is etc. well mad! he's lucky id say!
just having PH/EC meters, airpumps, just the simplest of stuff, the cps make out its high-tec well organized stuff, well they luv trying it on! even on a guilty they play it up n want to see you in the bighouse! ACAB!
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how did they find such a small grow? 6 flowering plants.. Any ideas on this because that is SCARY!!


Active member
lose lips sink ships, or FLIR id say gonz or someones had a whaft/smell of it (not using proper safety precautions etc), usually the way it goes in the UK! having a quite spiff/bowl/pipe in or around ya house, somone gets a whaft of it & rings the pigs, seen it all before!
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how did they find such a small grow? 6 flowering plants.. Any ideas on this because that is SCARY!!

he was told they'd be given information.....someone will be getting a nasty visit by the sounds of things as there is only 2 or 3 ppl that knew he grew. grasses ALWAYS get what they deserve

lose lips sink ships, or FLIR id say gonz or someones had a whaft/smell of it (not using proper safety precautions etc), usually the way it goes in the UK! having a quite spiff/bowl/pipe in or around ya house, somone gets a whaft of it & rings the pigs, seen it all before!

same with my close call m8 , copper knocked to tell us we had to leave the house because of an incident with a suspect package at the p.o , got a whiff of a spliff and said he could smell it but wasn't going to do anything about it , needless to say i emptied the house to be on the safe side


Active member
2 or 3 people narrows it down. i hope they get their fkin heads squashed, fkin snakes.

sounds like you were lucky too mate, quite rightly so, us tokers dont deserve the bollocks, its rare to find a decent pig these days.

G'Luck n stay safe!


Scrogerman - Are people really that messed up that they call the coppers if they smell a spliff?? Craaazy!

edgey - Makes me really angry that someone would grass... its so wrong to mess with someone's life like that... i hope they get what they deserve.

Hope all goes well with your mate, and do let us know the outcome.

safe growing everyone!


Active member
Scrogerman - Are people really that messed up that they call the coppers if they smell a spliff?? Craaazy!

edgey - Makes me really angry that someone would grass... its so wrong to mess with someone's life like that... i hope they get what they deserve.

Hope all goes well with your mate, and do let us know the outcome.

safe growing everyone!

In the UK, most definitely Gonz. loads of arseholes everyfkinwhere. Your OK if you live out in the sticks, but in towns/citys where communities live on estates, close together etc, sadly, you get it all the time. you really got be carefull lighting up a bowl/spliff/pipe in your own home & leavin a window open, esp smoking poo like Cheese which can whaft a large distance down the road. fatal! small towns are prolly the worst id imagine. smoking Cheese has got me knicked before now!


Still waiting for them to publish the final guidelines.

It took about 3 months from the end of the consultation for them to publish the guidelines for assault, so I'm expecting the drugs guidelines to be published around early Sept.


A few updates this month from the Sentencing Council. They have released the guidelines for burglary, the consultation for which started AFTER the drug one had finished. Something tells me the responses they received to the draft drug guidelines weren't quite as clear cut as the usual response they get.

The other update we've had is their Annual Report, which gives us a few more clues about what's happening with the drug guidelines.

They apparently received a total of 685 responses during the consultation period. Fingers crossed we had at least some kind of voice in that number. I certainly had my say.

They are apparently testing the drugs guidelines with a few Judges to ensure they are interpreted in the right way, and to see if there are any improvements to make.

Not sure when this means we will see the final published definitive sentencing guidelines - and once they are published, it's generally about 3 months before they come into effect. At least we would know then though. Looking forward to it with a healthy sense of dread..


Active member
Crumbs, ive been running a perpetual for years. Didnt real;ise it was siuch a bad thing. With production/cultivation, i was under the impression you were done with cultivation if you just had your tent with plants growing, and it was moved up to production if you had a veg space too, and where therefor, continiously producing weed. Not 100% sure though.

I ordered a yield shelf for my budbox xl last night by chance, as i am fed up of running a perpetual. I want 1 big ass harvest then start another scrog, which im hoping will improve yield on growing plants at different stages all under the same light. Its just the variety thing that fucks me up. I dont want to just pick 1 plant to scrog, i want a bit of choice, but with these numbers, makes keeping mums hard.

Edit: Great thread by the way


Active member
perpetual is considered production without doubt(they see it as a factory of sorts). 'But' so is simply producing cannabis to smoke, IE cultivation/preparation. arguably there cannot be one without the other(cultivation Vs production). I saw a case last year & this point was well scrutinized by the mags judges, luckily the chap had a real good brief who argued his corner! its all fked up just like the rest of so called british justice!


A few days later and, as as Stuppa pointed out elsewhere on the forums, they have published the guidelines. Not had a chance to read and absorb myself yet, but feel free to head to the Sentencing Council website and take a look for yourself. :tiphat:

Thoughts? :ying:


Drug offences definitive guideline

Following a 12 week consultation the Sentencing Council is publishing its new definitive guideline on drug offences, which has been issued in accordance with section 120 (4) of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. The guideline covers the following offences; importation, supply, production, permitting premises to be used and possession.

This guideline on drug offences applies to all offenders aged 18 and over regardless of the date of their offence and comes into effect from 27 February 2012.

This replaces the guidelines for the above offences in the Magistrates' Court Sentencing Guidelines, with effect from 27 February 2012.

In order to encourage a consistent approach to sentencing the same guideline will be applicable to both the Crown Court and magistrates’ courts. The guideline has however, been produced in two different versions to fit within existing formats for judges and magistrates.


Here we are then, the definitive guidelines for Cultivation offences have been published and will come into effect from 27 February 2012.. There is way more to be learnt by reading the published guidelines in full, the response to the consultation, and other documents released today, but here is the info that will interest most of us..

The offence roles and categories


The sentencing guidelines for the above roles and categories

Note about a guilty plea: If you plead guilty, the magistrates will then apply the standard sentence reduction, which in most cases is 30% if you entered your guilty plea at time of arrest, sliding to less and less, the later you leave it before you plead guilty.