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12 weeks PUBLIC consultation on UK drug sentencing - have your say



I was under the impression the prisons were that full you had to commit violence or do something really bad to get a custodial sentence. I have a friend who was caught with what is described as a large operation and still didnt get jail time. Still though growing fewer plants larger seems like a sensible option.


The same can be argued for Production charges Vs Cultivation, there cant be one without the other, but Production is viewed as more serious. If you commit the act of Cultivation how is it not a leading role, you are the only person in charge, bought equipment with intent to grow yourself meds, could that be argued by a Judge? IDK, its Subordinate as small time yes, but you still are MD of the Operation no matter how big or small. see what i mean or have i bin smoking too much again,. lol!

Anyway its better for us that they dont.! We as Growers will take those sentencing guidlines all day! better for all of us!

Great thread Snapp i must say.

One thing i think may help alot of growers out there who live with other people/family & kids. Please Listen!
If whom ever lives in the premises where Cannabis Cultivation is in production has access to the room where its happening then all hell could be let lose & this is a serious agrigating factor & all growers in this position should protect themselves & their loved ones from prosecution & esp the social services if you have kids, they will come a knocking if you get knicked & you could even lose them to care in certain cases. I sugest you use all means available to you to make doors secure/inaccessable to others, & make sure you are the only one with knowledge of the grow in the house, & more use padlocks & other security means to make sure you are the only one with access. this point could save alot of heart break & strife, trust me i know!

sorry my writing skills are crap! sure you catch my drift! If your the only one with knowledge;) & access, then that could save your misses from prosecution & losing your kids to care. Those are very possible outcomes if you live with others. warrants serious consideration.

gd info luckily just fitted grow room door with 500lb magnetic locks and deadbolt just to be sure saw few biometric locks look pretty snazzy




Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yeah, sog really isnt the way to go in this country - make the numbers count! - you can still get high yields using low plant counts and canopy management (LST / SCrog etc)



Active member
LST / scrog / TREES! :tiphat: :dance013:

& all ya losing is 2-3 wks extra Veg time, worth staying outta gaol for imo! N1 McS
I regularly hit 15-16oz's offa 2 plants with a 400w HPS ScroOG'd, happy with that all day, same yield offa 4 plants in the same m2 space, just takes less veg time with the 4, Best to stay on the safe side. Now we can all see Safe numbers. 8 being my new top limit. you know ya safe with a slap on the wrists. Everyone should be doing it knowing this info.
Its all about the mitigation & minimising the potential damage! Box Clever people & stay safe!

Are the Law actually starting to see that their laws are empowering the criminal gangs who are supplying large quantities of not only weed but contaminated weed to the masses, same goes for importation. The old laws were actually the reason why these Large oriental gangs & importers(etc) are operating in the first place, what a joke. take the market away & they will stop & move on to something else &or Go home. If everyone was allowed to grow upto 8 plants for personal use on med grounds, these gangs would have no market & have no choice but to do other things. British law makes me LMFAO, did you know you can still shoot a welshman with a longbow off the city walls of Chester(as long as your english). Theres loads of arcaic & ancient laws that still stand today as far as im aware, prohibition of Cannabis is a crime to humanity & in the same bracket as these old stupid laws! Looks like they are coming around a little, think of the Tax they could make for the nation, id be happy to pay a little tax in return for the privelidge of home growing my own meds. The least they could do is return the Cannabis classification to Class C, it would do everyone in the nation a favour if they de-criminalised small scale cultivation & taxed it. Its about time they came into the 21st century & brought a perminant & just change to the law!

Cannabis is a Class B Controlled Drug. Controlled by whom? The Gangsters!, thats who!, & its about time the law woke up & saw this rubbish law for what it is. It is infact a Retarded Law & will never work! 1971 was quite a long time ago now.
The Pigs dont even seize 1%, i doubt they even sieze 0.001% of home grown Cannabis tbh, surly they must realise they can never win this battle! not in a million years! As long as they keep with their stupid laws, spending Millions needlessly on policing something that cant be properly policed, its a joke & always will be! What a waste of resources & tax payers money. They wouldnt be doing it if it was their own money would they, they dont care! Yet!

I wonder what would happen if every Cannabis smoker in the UK voted in a new Green "pro Cannabis(for med use)" Party in an election. Whats the latest stats for Canna users in the UK, 4 million Cannabis smokers?? & at least half of them Regular/Medical users. If every Cannabis smoker of age in the country voted someone pro into power, im pretty sure Cannabis would be decriminalised tommoro, for everybody! What a thought ahh! Tokers Unite!!!

Gypsy Nivarna for prime minister!!! lol

G'Luck People! word!!!
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am debating doing scrog now never done one before just made up a screen out of some pvc pipe had laying around thinking 4 plants under 250/400w hps in a dr80 tent 4 be to many?


Active member
Hey Shafty bro,
4 would be a Squeeze in a Dr80, depends on the plant, might get away with it, 2 would prolly be better on a first run in a little space. 2 would fill it in no time.
Best of Luck buddy!


cheersa for info buddy if anyone knows its you ill go for 2 then hopefully get decent pull not sure on strain list yet am thinkin
blue cheese
cream caramel
critical +
royal purple kush
sweet tai

so many beans so little space :(

just gunna try search around for 250 scrogs in similer size so know what to expect


cheersa for info buddy if anyone knows its you ill go for 2 then hopefully get decent pull not sure on strain list yet am thinkin
blue cheese
cream caramel
critical +
royal purple kush
sweet tai

so many beans so little space :(

just gunna try search around for 250 scrogs in similer size so know what to expect

Yea Im doing the exact same thing after reading this thread. Never even heard or scrog before really.

Found some good info for a small tent and 250w HPS but not sure if its ok to link to it on this forum.

But I found it very easy through a google search anyway

And for your above post Scrogerman.

"You have to spread some reputation around before giving it to Scrogerman again"



from another forum 3 blue kush clones 16 0z

so im gunna go for more achievable number of 5 oz feasable?


The most impressive 250W scrogger on these boards is VerdantGreen imo. His space is prob bigger than a DR80 tho (I honestly can't remember)?


Well-known member
Given the number of people who would be committing a criminal offence requiring a custodial sentence, I think the proposed drugs rulings to be completely unrealistic. And considering the medicinal uses and changing attitudes to cannabis worldwide, this is really a backward looking piece of drug-war spin.

What happened to the scientific burden of proof when reviewing the drugs? How is it possible to take part in a public discussion on drug sentencing when the government have stated that they will not take into account scientific evidence or the experts testimonials (see D.Nutt). Why is legalization not on the table?

This country is broke and has a terrible government who don't have a clue what to do to fix it. Suggesting spending MORE public money on something that doesn't cause society any harm is just madness. The only sane thing to do radically overhaul what is legal and what isn't. And they just don't have the guts.


very intersting thread McS

i did read your pm m8 just not had a moment to spare to change things but this is much more informative anyway :)

i might have to review how many tents i run and the amount of mother plants i keep !


Couple of weeks into the consultation period now, just curious whether anyone has taken part in the online survey yet?


There are some amazing scrog grows in the grow diaries, VerdantGreen's is definitely one of my favorite to check out...

It's almost surreal to look at that official chart about UK's weed laws, especially when reading about the different types of roles involved, is this real?

I mean, I know it is, but it is just the craziest shit ever, how does this happen, are the lies and disinformation enough to keep the most people against what we all know is right, or is democracy really just a sham?
A little advice needed...

A little advice needed...

Can't believe I've missed this thread till now.

Just a couple of points I'd like your opinions on:

  1. I'm planning a new SCROG set-up. At any one time, I'll have 3 mother plants, 2 plants in veg and 2 in flower. Because I'll be running clones, do you think the 7-8 plant limit will still apply under these proposals?
  2. Any ideas on the current situation for running 7 plants?
To be honest, I couldn't give two flying fucks what the lawmakers and their minions think about my gardening habits. But the Mrs isn't of the same opinion. In fact, I fear the Mrs way more than some copper or judge. My last couple of grows (30+ plants) almost got my ass divorced...

I & I

Heavy Discipline


Active member
Can't believe I've missed this thread till now.

Just a couple of points I'd like your opinions on:

  1. I'm planning a new SCROG set-up. At any one time, I'll have 3 mother plants, 2 plants in veg and 2 in flower. Because I'll be running clones, do you think the 7-8 plant limit will still apply under these proposals?
  2. Any ideas on the current situation for running 7 plants?
To be honest, I couldn't give two flying fucks what the lawmakers and their minions think about my gardening habits. But the Mrs isn't of the same opinion. In fact, I fear the Mrs way more than some copper or judge. My last couple of grows (30+ plants) almost got my ass divorced...

I & I

Heavy Discipline

The sentencing guidlines posted in this thread are brand new, from earlier this year. Under 8 plants(total) is a band C fine(unless you have recent form),upto a max of 26weeks custody(unlikely), so keep the numbers low. Id try to keep them trained to under 5ft too, i know something the law considers is size too. All UK heads should take heed if they wanna stay outta jail! Simple as!
If its obvious its personal then your gonna be looking at a fine id of thought. 8 x 20oz trees, i dont think it would be looked upon in the same light & you could go jail. single figure plant numbers of 8 & under is a strong mitigating factor, 4-6 sounds & looks better. The more High-Tec the op the worse off you are too, a bullet in the prosecutions mag, so is perpetual growing.
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Wrote a longer reply and browser crashed, doh.

Consultation is still running for another seven weeks, so until then it's probably unwise to make any final decisions about planning your grow around the new guidelines.

If, like me, you think things are as clear as mud with regard to the plant number "limits", and the seriousness of offence that they imply, then please, please fill out the questionnaire and TELL THEM SO. One or two people have suggested in PM that our voice will have no bearing whatsoever on their final decision, and perhaps you're right.. but if we have any hope of swaying them, this is our only chance.

If you've read the public PDF a few times and feel you understand what they are proposing, you can move onto some of the other reading material which supports or expands upon their proposals. The professional consultation PDF is more detailed than our public one, and therefore a little more insightful.
Thanks for the clarification

Thanks for the clarification

Cheers Mr Scrogerman and Mr McSnappler :tiphat:

I've just filled out the survey, and coerced a Forensic Social Worker and a Respiratory Physiologist to do so too!

As said, I doubt it will make much of a difference. Both my friends refuse to take any sort of public 'stand' on this issue. It really can be detrimental to ones career, supposedly!

For me, I'm self employed, so I'm happy to shout my stance from the roof tops. I guess it's up to the likes of us to make the situation more amenable for professionals to share their opinions publicly.

Re - Plant numbers. Having read the literature, it seems a judge / magistrate will always have final say on the matter. But as mentioned, stay on the low side of the recommendations (plant number / stash wise), avoid hydro (I'm a soil grower so no prob's there), keep some empty packs of seeds near by (to prove you're not growing perpetually / cloning) and don't keep any physical (traceable) notes or grow diaries around.

Thanks for all the information and advice, its been very much appreciated.

Love and respect

Heavy Discipline