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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow

Ed Borg

Active member
Plants grown by 12/12 is a fact of life outdoors in most parts of SE Asia. The seed sprouts at the right time of year(considering the rainy season) and then grows and grows for up to 4 months with only 12/12 with a slow flowering period before eventually completing. The same method applies indoors and the Indica's will finish faster of course as they do if grown in SE Asia.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Speaking of......

I've been watching thread from time to time. I've done it basically many,many,many times (although I like a week or so on it depending on strain), and, have also done many outdoors (late planted, "mini's) essentially 12/12 out, as above, and, now might be shifting (this time of year) to attention and prep on those, and, might have some outdoor pics forthcoming shortly to share that might be of interest....

(This is of course the time to begin contemplating and preparing if one would like to depending on location, with about a Aug 1-10th planting date depending on strain, times, finishing.....they can be done in many, many, many places which larger plants could not be, in great numbers...)
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H Resin said:
Plants grown by 12/12 is a fact of life outdoors in most parts of SE Asia. The seed sprouts at the right time of year(considering the rainy season) and then grows and grows for up to 4 months with only 12/12 with a slow flowering period before eventually completing. The same method applies indoors and the Indica's will finish faster of course as they do if grown in SE Asia.
the further u go from the equator , the more the days increase , so really only around the equator actually gets 12 12 , imnot sure on the maths , but something like a minute per 100 ks increase ... thailand would at a guess be getting 12.5 hrs on their longest days ,, and 11.5 on shorter ones ,, again i have not studied this , just what i gather from where i grow ...
so from what i have seen the sativas will do like u say , in the southern hemisphere will strike around october november , as soon as the storms begin ....
they will grow fast as the rain increases , untill it gets too rainy , growth can slow down then ..rainy overcast cooler days dont attract as fast growth...
what i noticed is the plants try to flower when the rain is still on , but they want to finish jus t after the rain ,, obviously to avoid mold etc ,, most likely natural selection id guess .. im gathering that is the reason for the long flowering period , so the like to finish when its a bit cooler and dryer ..
just things ive noticed with some observation of growing in the tropics ..
indicas and sativa that is faster , will grow all year around , just not so well in the rainy season ...
ideally one would grow the fast strains in the winter , or dry season , and the tropical sativa in the wet .. personally id like to avoid the wet season all together ...



wallyduck said:
what i noticed is the plants try to flower when the rain is still on , but they want to finish jus t after the rain ,, obviously to avoid mold etc ,, most likely natural selection id guess .. im gathering that is the reason for the long flowering period , so the like to finish when its a bit cooler and dryer ..
just things ive noticed with some observation of growing in the tropics ..

Hey Wally...

Nice hat on the stick.:D

The process of natural selection makes everything fit together very nicely...its amazing what millions of years of adapting will do for ya.
Hal said:
Hey Hempire...

Western Winds, from what I understand, is the same as Kali Mist (pre-1999...) just has a different name. That strain has received very high praise, and skunk #1 is also highly regarded as well. I'm surprised that you didn't give it a more favorable review. Do others in your circle share the same view that it was nothing special?


That description sounds killer...what more could one want? What kind of a hybrid is it regarding sativa/indica percentages? Also, could you describe the buzz that it gives?

Hey Wedge...

I can't give any advice on the nutes for your hydro set-up. You should do a search of this thread for hydro, and then pm whoever has done the 12/12 from seed method in a hydro set-up...I know there were a couple of folks who posted here that were doing hydro.

Thats a very good thing to know, thanks for making that point.

Hint, hint!

No it wasn't a hint ,ther eisno company name attachted to it . I don't even get them myself anymore . They turned out to be out of stock. But a good strain deserves to be mentioned in my opinion. Now that the buds are curing i get even more exited about it . the results are very stable ,all plants the same kind of buds,wich is important when it ends up in a coffeshop.

for the most part it is a Santa Maria( mostly Sativa ) with a little Silver Pearl in it ( Mostly Indica ). Its a Silver Pearl × Santa M and the result of that crossed with a Santa Maria F3 . The breeder had the ability to select from large numbers of plants wich is always the best way to breed because the chances to find a good fenotype are much better with large numbers.

The Santa Maria herself turned out to be hard to stabilize ,even after 7 generations of inbreeding . The Lucky Queen does a better job if it comes to that and is a stronger plant thats able to carry its buds without bending.



I hear about the "veg" and "flowering" stage of growing. So if I use this 12 hours light, 12 hours dark method, do I need different lights for these two grow stages?


ICMag Donor
like the thread says here is practically no veg period with the lights... but the plants from seed will anyway grow/stretch in the first month of flowering. there is no need for different light systems. you can use just hps with a universal bulb. sylvania grolux has blue spectrum added ...also many others lamps are made so:)
hope that helps... happy growing


would 2liter pop bottles be ok for a 16 plant sog under 1 400watt hps be ok12/12 from seed? with pure indica/mostly indica strains?


heres a pic of some 2 litre bottles iv just placeed in my grow tent for size... what do you guys think? 16 plants 400watt hps 12/12 from seed.

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weed_life said:
heres a pic of some 2 litre bottles iv just placeed in my grow tent for size... what do you guys think? 16 plants 400watt hps 12/12 from seed.


I've seen people who are using the 2 liter bottles as pots wrap them in duct tape to keep the light from shining on the soil. When the light shines on the soil it promotes the growth of unwanted organisms. Or so I hear.


Hal is right, need to cover them with tape or plastic to prevent algae.

Are you using coco or soil? those will be fine for coco, but too small for soil. I would go for 7 or better, 11 litre square pots in that space if using soil.
wallyduck said:
i dont know about using faster males for breeding ,, does it necessarily mean they are good just cause they flower earlier???

Not necessarily , Other features as internode distance for example are also important. But after switching to 12/12 plants best be choosing sex fast and at the same time ( as much as possible) . When they take to long to start flowering , differences in when they do will be bigger and also the finishing times.

The most healthy fast developping males wil in general also be the fastest to show sex .
In Nature without men interfeering , its a survival of the fittest that keeps the strain alive and well for ages .

There are very few places on earth were Cannabis has been growing in the wild without human interferance for miljons of years, but it still exists .
Plants over there should be our big example because they are just amazing. Leaves with up to 17 fingers !! and an amazing resin production . these can be found on the south slopes of the worlds biggest mountains. A friend of mine went there to investigate Cannabis , it took a week with guides to find them !! But it delivered very valuable information on our beloved plants.
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If you want to actually produce fantastic offspring, you need to select males that produce trichomes. High resin content from the father, combined with a highly resinous mother, leaves no room for buds that aren't completely sugar coated. :wink:

If you ask most of the breeders, they'll tell you their males all produce trichomes.

milkman0923 said:
atmosphere u said u have made seeds in this method before, how did they come out? i ask because currently i have a plant that i polinated and i do see seeds forming, it actually looks like on of the seeds is done but i do not wanna grab it until i chop the plant. how long does it take for a seed to form? will i just get a couple seeds or will i have a lot. any tips would help. thanks

When your plants developed enough in the first 3 weeks ,making seeds is not different from plants that did veg . It takes an extra week in general to finish the seeds . This also depends on when you pollinate.
hmm thanks atmosphere, i sent u a PM also. well here are some pics, after checking the trichs i decided today was the day for 2 of them. So today i started there 72hrs of total darkness. here are some pics of the 2 i put to sleep...lol...well let you know my results when the time comes...any tips are welcome?

another question after the 72hrs of toal darkness can i cut the main bud and then put the lower buds back into flower or will the 72hrs of darkness fuk it up.



XyZ said:
like the thread says here is practically no veg period with the lights... but the plants from seed will anyway grow/stretch in the first month of flowering. there is no need for different light systems. you can use just hps with a universal bulb. sylvania grolux has blue spectrum added ...also many others lamps are made so:)
hope that helps... happy growing

thanks :headbange


ICMag Donor
...no problem

Hey atmosphere, good thread here for helping some folks to grow in a diff way
..but as far as breeding, Wally definitely knows what he is talkin'about
fast growing & early flowering is usually not a indication for high potency, while trichomes are always a +
if the priority of a breeder is to create a strain that grows fast like hemp or early-to-auto flowering like ruderalis, than your choice would be good. for drug plants it's better to fallow other ideals. i would also recommend to read a bit through the Dj articles about selecting males.

peace & have fun
There seems to be a misunderstanding. I dont'mean early flowering like with outdoor plants ! I'm talking about how fast plants react with flowering after the clock is on 12/12 . With this method that would be from the start .

Ruderalis is everything we do not want for breeding high potency plants, i agree
About Growing fast : not like hennep ,but strong with short internodes in a short time .

And I metioned before that the aerly thing is not all you selecting on , ofcouse not .
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