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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow

Growing 12/12 outside is very different from growing inside on 12/12 al the way . Most important is that the light outside changes from position al the time ,thats why you get the side branching .
Also , on large amounts of soil the plants ar emuch more capable of selfregulation wich results in healthier faster growing plants . Indoor I focus on that too.

This plants did do some side branching ,but this is just the top 50 cm part of the plant .

I just love this strain ,a fast grower that gives compact buds . Most important characteristic is that is grows lots of resin in an aerly stage of the plant and keeps on doing that till the end . About 80 % of the dried bud weight consists of resin, this goes for lots of strains !! so plants with lots of resin are the ones bringing some serious weight.

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hi everyone

i germed some seeds yesterday, ive decieded to give this 12/12 a go!

im going to use a 12/12 lighting schedule from start and use a flood and drain hydroponics setup.

my only question is ... how long in, do you think, should switch from using Veg nutes to Flower nutes?

i was thinking ... (week/nutes/light/lighting)

week 1/ water with no nutes, Ph 5.8/ 12-12 /150w HPS
week 2/ half strength veg nutes, Ph 5.8/ 12-12 /150w HPS
weeks 3-4/ full strength veg nutes, Ph 5.8/ 12-12 /400w HPS
weeks 5-7/ full strength flower nutes, Ph 5.8/ 12-12 /600w HPS
week 8/ full strength flower nutes, Ph 5.8/ 14/10 /600w HPS

im hoping to yeild in under 60 days. im really looking forward to this grow and ill post some pics and keep you guys updated as i go! top thread!!
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hi i have everthing for my grow now bar seeds and pots. can anyone tell me

which would yeid more?

12/12 from seed 9 plant sog 3liter pots 400watt hps


12/12 from seed 16 plant sog 3liter pots 400watt hps


Hal said:
Hey Wally,

Sweeet, sweeet, sweet, garden you have! Yeah, those bushes would seem to argue against 12/12 from seed giving you plants that form primarily just a main kola. Does that happen with most of the strains that you grow?

In my somewhat limited experience growing in the 12/12 from seed method, most of the strains that I have grown (albeit only 4 so far...) have grown in the "pole" shape, only the Bubblelicious got kinda branchy on me. Most of the plants I have seen on this thread also grow in the "pole" shape.

One of the things that we are hoping to figure out on this thread are which strains actually do limit their growth patterns. Your experience, while not exactly mimicking what we do indoors, is an interesting addendum. I wonder why yours bush out so vigorously?

well i have to admit it wont occur with all strains ,, the more sativa , keeping an eye on how much of course ,, the more they will grow ,, pure indicas , or wont veg much ...
ive just found what works where i live and also made the seed myself outdoor and in the tropics ,, made a difference too i found ...
ill be back with a bit more info on what may work for u .. can always help i guess ...
milkman0923 said:

The best to do is to give it as much time as possible ,but fast enough to prevent mold. When moist is still present in the buds ,chlorofyl will break down faster than in the case with dried buds. chlorofyl is responsible for the more sharp taste. As it breaks down the green color disappears more and more . Its a kind of like fruit ripening. Once the buds are dry the breaking down of chlorofyl goes a lot slower .

To slow down the drying it helps to leave the leaves on during the curing.

Dry in the dark and make sure there is fresh moving air around the buds. Humidity of about 50 or 60 % dries them in about 1 to 2 weeks .
wallyduck said:
well i have to admit it wont occur with all strains ,, the more sativa , keeping an eye on how much of course ,, the more they will grow ,, pure indicas , or wont veg much ...
ive just found what works where i live and also made the seed myself outdoor and in the tropics ,, made a difference too i found ...
A lot of difference over time , very true i nmy opinion . Cannabis is capable of adapting to a climate very fast .
For example take a pure Indica and let it grow in California ( USA) for a couple of generations . after that it will no longer be a real indica because the climate is so different from where Indica's originally came from ( very cold nights and hot days,and shorter warm season ). It seems that genetics are acually influenced by the climate.
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weed_life said:
hi i have everthing for my grow now bar seeds and pots. can anyone tell me

which would yeid more?

12/12 from seed 9 plant sog 3liter pots 400watt hps


12/12 from seed 16 plant sog 3liter pots 400watt hps

On how much surface ? ,is the question
About what strain to choose with this method :
In my opinion : -a strain that has stability like a good F1 hybride or a strain that has been inbreeded for years .

Best thing is that the only fastest showing sex males are used for breeding . you want your plants on 12/12 to show sex as fast as possible , and thats why pure sativa's are not that efficient for this type of growing . They also tend to become too tall even without veg period . When it comes down to efficiency and yield 'pure' sativa's are not the best choice for indoor growing in case you only got light coming from above.

I've already seen succesfull 12/12 grows with Indica dominant strains. My best suited strain so far is the Lucky Queen i used in my last grow. From seed to harvest they took about 11 weeks, and potency kicks ass . Bad thing is this strain is almost out of stock.


my surface is 90cmx90cm do you think pure indicas like hindukush or afghani would do ok in a 12/12 sog?
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British_Hempire said:
I have grown Hazeskunk a few times, find it rather finicky and very sensitive to nutes. It is Western Winds a Skunk #1 and tends to be Hazy, the Skunk pheno is less common. Takes 10-12 weeks and is a decent yielder. Smoke is good although nothing memorable.

Hey Hempire...

Western Winds, from what I understand, is the same as Kali Mist (pre-1999...) just has a different name. That strain has received very high praise, and skunk #1 is also highly regarded as well. I'm surprised that you didn't give it a more favorable review. Do others in your circle share the same view that it was nothing special?

atmosphere said:

This plants did do some side branching ,but this is just the top 50 cm part of the plant .

I just love this strain ,a fast grower that gives compact buds . Most important characteristic is that is grows lots of resin in an aerly stage of the plant and keeps on doing that till the end . About 80 % of the dried bud weight consists of resin, this goes for lots of strains !! so plants with lots of resin are the ones bringing some serious weight.


That description sounds killer...what more could one want? What kind of a hybrid is it regarding sativa/indica percentages? Also, could you describe the buzz that it gives?

Hey Wedge...

I can't give any advice on the nutes for your hydro set-up. You should do a search of this thread for hydro, and then pm whoever has done the 12/12 from seed method in a hydro set-up...I know there were a couple of folks who posted here that were doing hydro.

atmosphere said:
Best thing is that the only fastest showing sex males are used for breeding.

Thats a very good thing to know, thanks for making that point.

atmosphere said:
Bad thing is this strain is almost out of stock.

Hint, hint!
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Hey Hempire...

Western Winds, from what I understand, is the same as Kali Mist (pre-1999...) just has a different name. That strain has received very high praise, and skunk #1 is also highly regarded as well. I'm surprised that you didn't give it a more favorable review. Do others in your circle share the same view that it was nothing special?

Yes, Western Winds and Kali Mist used to be the same thing.

No idea what others thought of HazeSkunk, it's not bad at all, just not memorable, hence I can't give you a more detailed report, just don't remember it all that well.


Hiya mat, how ya doin? Not spoke to you since the old FC days!

Thats a nice dwarf you have there, I like budsticks. That's F1 Sensi Star x Chronic isn't it?


i dont know about using faster males for breeding ,, does it necessarily mean they are good just cause they flower earlier???


Atmosphere should answer this one, but seeing as he hasn't been back for a visit in a bit, I will throw in my 2 cents.

I did a little search on picking the best males to use for breeding. There doesn't seem to be any hard and true method that everyone uses, but all seem to mention certain qualities to pay attention to. One of these is the plants vigor, which is the same as saying fast growing. Some other qualities that get mentioned are intensity of smell, trichome development, and branching patterns. Some even try to get the male to produce female flowers by adding chemicals, and then try smoking the flowers to check for potency of that plant. Some even smoke the male flowers, again to check for potency.

Given that one of the benefits of growing 12/12 from seed is a shortened grow cycle, prioritizing the quality of vigor, or fast growth, seems a sensible choice in this case. Thats not to say the breeder wouldn't consider the other qualities that come into play...

I'm sure atmosphere will have his personal views, based on his real life experience with breeding plants to work well with this method.


yes i see your point , but im guessing it would also help if your plants yeilded as much as possible given your lack of veg time ,, the early male may not give u this ...
if they are already a variety that will sucessfully grow at the light hours you have selected ,, then you could very well choose many of the males and look toward increasing your yeild .. perhaps the first one is not the correct one ...
a premature shooter if u will , hehehe ...


premature shooter...hehehe, indeed!


I will wait for atmosphere to speak further on the subject, seeing as I have never done a breeding program before. He should be visiting sometime soon...
atmosphere u said u have made seeds in this method before, how did they come out? i ask because currently i have a plant that i polinated and i do see seeds forming, it actually looks like on of the seeds is done but i do not wanna grab it until i chop the plant. how long does it take for a seed to form? will i just get a couple seeds or will i have a lot. any tips would help. thanks

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