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11 logical dimensions that seem to make sense.... well maybe

I knew this would come up, so just a few comments for the sake of truth.

The author of Nexus 2012 falls prey to the occult knowledge syndrome, taking real information and turning into an esoteric wisdom, the consequences of which reveal a world-historical conspiracy involving various disparate cultures, beliefs, historical events.

The researcher credited with popularizing the Maya knowledge of 2012 in fact denies that the information can be interpreted in this way. His research reveals something more mundane but still quite amazing--that the Maya developed a very advanced calendar system based on their naked eye observations of the galaxy and that they were among the first cultures to discover the process of precession of the equinoxes. This knowledge of precession is what allowed them to calculate both the 3114BC and 2012AD dates as significant astronomical-cosmological events.

The obsession with specific dates and times is also misleading. The 2012 date comes from the Maya's calculation of precession, which also allowed them to calculate various astronomical alignments, alignments which they recorded in their architecture. To obsess over a time in December, 2012 when a galactic core alignment occurs is misleading because in fact the alignment of the galactic center with the December solstice is an event that happens (is happening now in fact) over a 20 year period. Further, what scientists know to be the more exact center of the galaxy near Sagittarius A* will never exactly align with the sun. The Maya using naked eye calculations did correctly predict the alignment of the sun with the Dark Rift area of the milky way, which is the wide dark region along the galactic equator that can be seen in the night sky. Incidentally, this is what they called the sac beh, xibalba beh, and the world tree formed by the crossing of this galactic road with the ecliptic.

But the author of Nexus 2012 attempts, like most New Age 2012ers, to give responsibility for these discoveries to esoteric ancient societies which passed down the knowledge to the Maya, and to further connect these findings to other world occult events like crop circles, UFOs, "men in black", and various supernatural powers, visions, and mystical experiences, all of which we have no evidence of.

Its really a disservice to the Maya to take their incredible discoveries and advanced knowledge of astronomy and galactic cycles, evidenced in the archaeological research, and turn them into religions about such fantastical events and beings as would shock even them.

I like what bentom187 said, " tibetan budhisim is the science of mind"

Well, the Maya's 2012 science is just that, a science and a great contribution to human knowledge, but its been hijacked by new agers with the occult knowledge syndrome.
good post +rep


In fact, Galileo and Copernicus both suffered sanctions because their beliefs were not in accordance with "the church".

sac beh

Hempguy, I wasn't intending to particularly point you out during my Maya rant, in case you took it that way. I just feel the need to respond to non-factual portrayals of my favorite areas of study. But anyway, yeah it seems like the most we can discern from the archaeological and anthropological evidence is that the Maya believed these great cycles of time to be important for all sorts of reasons from agricultural to spiritual, but that they never expressed concern for an end of the world like the modern 2012ers do.

Probably the best lesson we can learn from it is the focus on cyclical time being fundamental to existence and a more natural way of viewing the world than a mere linear view.


Not taken that way sac beh, my wife comes from the guerrero area of Mexico and is very proud of her heritage.
Sac beh theze are just thoughts eye put together from my mind' this was inspired from tha "does time exist" thread
you ask why theze' well they make tha most sense to me and eye like to put logic in all equations

eye would have to say yes to tha first one existential state because at any given space in time that your alive things are constantly happening that need reason and understanding and without uzing logic or tha dimensions of logic accordingly you might make tha wrong choices which would be caused by your mental state at that very time' if that makes sense

worst spelling and grammar of the year award goes to BrainSellz! obviously somebody is lacking plenty of them.. brain CELLS that is. every post of yours ruins this thread more.

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
Okay man....sounds like a shut case, I will go smoke now...peace and long life.


Active member
worst spelling and grammar of the year award goes to BrainSellz! obviously somebody is lacking plenty of them.. brain CELLS that is. every post of yours ruins this thread more.
KushBanana I agree after i went back and read a few things (bad habit) and you are the 3rd person to say something so you got it. Spelling check for now on:tiphat:

is cannabis occult?
i know i can interpit/ find it in the Bible aswell.
funny you say this, somewhere in tha bible is this guy named "Nimrod" and he was tha son of a guy named "Cush" along with another guy that had a name that sounded like a cough or something wierd like that. When i read that, weed was tha first thing that came to mind, wonder if tha fine herb was being passed around around that time


KushBanana I agree after i went back and read a few things and you are the 3rd person to say something so you got it. Spelling check for now on:tiphat:

funny you say this, somewhere in tha bible is this guy named "Nimrod" and he was tha son of a guy named "Cush" along with another guy that had a name that sounded like a cough or something wierd like that. When i read that, weed was tha first thing that came to mind, wonder if tha fine herb was being passed around around that time

ha, i gave kush banana bad rep for that too.
i dont like the grammar police.
Albert Einstien couldnt spell either so i hear.

Alistar crowley rekoned that cannabis was the holly sacramet
for all religions.

anyway what did this thread start with i forget,he,he.
ah the dimesions.
seems like we are going off the charts into new teritory now.
but its hard not to discuss these things,so intresting
i like what i have heard from everyone.


Active member
ha, i gave kush banana bad rep for that too.
i dont like the grammar police.
Albert Einstien couldnt spell either so i hear.

Alistar crowley rekoned that cannabis was the holly sacramet
for all religions.

anyway what did this thread start with i forget,he,he.
ah the dimesions.
seems like we are going off the charts into new teritory now.
but its hard not to discuss these things,so intresting
i like what i have heard from everyone.

Lol ^ good post. Some very intellectual people round here with lots of interesting knowledge to share
The thread has been very dimensional in itlself.
ha, i gave kush banana bad rep for that too.
i dont like the grammar police.
Albert Einstien couldnt spell either so i hear.

Alistar crowley rekoned that cannabis was the holly sacramet
for all religions.

anyway what did this thread start with i forget,he,he.
ah the dimesions.
seems like we are going off the charts into new teritory now.
but its hard not to discuss these things,so intresting
i like what i have heard from everyone.

oh my god, no you didn't! seriously I could care less, but how can you defend someone's grammar, who composes his sentences like: " eye thinkz mez got a epinone, eye haz lotz os smartz".... I feel his opinions were valid although he needs to work on conveying his idea's with a tad more clarity ;) . glad you went through the trouble to -rep me though, AYE, ALL HAIL SCOTLAND! :tiphat:


oh my god, no you didn't! seriously I could care less, but how can you defend someone's grammar, who composes his sentences like: " eye thinkz mez got a epinone, eye haz lotz os smartz".... I feel his opinions were valid although he needs to work on conveying his idea's with a tad more clarity ;) . glad you went through the trouble to -rep me though, AYE, ALL HAIL SCOTLAND! :tiphat:

maybee a peronal thing?
i have had people jump all over me for my grammar
before,not on this site though.
better things to do than pull some one up for the way they write.

no hard feelings mate.

i did send you a explination in the rep box
it went like this- sorry mate,i hate the grammar police.
have a look an see.

sac beh

Dimensions vanish in quantum gravity
FORGET Flatland, the two-dimensional world imagined in the 1884 novella by Edwin Abbott. On tiny scales, 3D space may give way to mere lines.

So say researchers working on theories of quantum gravity, which aim to unite quantum mechanics with general relativity. They have recently noticed that several different quantum gravity theories all predict the same strange behaviour at small scales: fields and particles start to behave as if space is one-dimensional.

The observation could help unite these disparate ideas. "There are some strange coincidences here that might be pointing toward something important," says Steven Carlip at the University of California, Davis.

He has noted that the theories yield similar results and has come up with an explanation for how dimensions might vanish (arxiv.org/abs/1009.1136v1). "The hope is that we could use that to figure out what quantum gravity really is," he says.



Interesting read on the face of it, sac.
I glanced at the article just now, but am cooking my dinner. I'll give it more consideration after dinner.



Active member
They have recently noticed that several different quantum gravity theories all predict the same strange behaviour at small scales: fields and particles start to behave as if space is one-dimensional.

It would seem that space is one dimensional, it couldnt be seen any other way if space were just space we would have nothing to judge depth width etc. etc. with., there are no sides to space, space is always just space, so it would seem logical that space has to be one dimensional. I think

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