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11 logical dimensions that seem to make sense.... well maybe


Active member
1st dimension Space
2nd dimension Time
3rd dimension Alive
4th dimension REASON (there isnt much reasoning out here theze days so it would make sense that people were struggling with tha 4th dimension)
5th dimension Understanding
6th dimension Sense
7th dimension Equality
8th dimension Eternity
9th dimension One
10th dimension Now

With needing a place to put time' there had to be space for it
say tha 1st dimension is "SPACE" that would make way for tha 2nd dimenstion "TIME" Now we have a space and time for tha 3rd dimension to be "ALIVE"(3D) once were alive we need "REASON" for being alive giving reason to tha 4th dimension' Once we have reason we can then gain an "UNDERSTANDING" making that tha 5th dimension' Through reason and understanding we can get a 6th dimensional sense to sense things' giving tha 6th dimenstion to "SENSE" With Reason Understanding and some sense we will see that there IS an "EQUALITY" out here (we all have a free Will to think) giving that to tha 7th dimension' When this is realized we will understand that this is how it is for eternity giving tha 8th dimension to "ETERNITY" Once realizing this we come to our senses that we all are "ONE" in life and with that being tha 9th dimension then tha 10th dimension must be tha "NOW" with a possible 11th dimension being "All the Above" used in perfect sequence to make a logical decision' Look at tha eleven its 2 perfect ones"11" standing for a person and his/her inner self representing one as two' could be symbolic in gesture
This is just philosophical

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
1st dimension Space
2nd dimension Time
3rd dimension Alive
4th dimension REASON (there isnt much reasoning out here theze dayz so it would make sense that people were struggling with tha 4th dimension)
5th dimension Understanding
6th dimension Sense
7th dimension Equality
8th dimension Eternity
9th dimension One
10th dimension Now

With needing a place to put time' there had to be space for it
say tha 1st dimension iz "SPACE" that would make way for tha 2nd dimenstion "TIME" Now we have a space and time for tha 3rd dimension to be "ALIVE"(3D) once were alive we need "REASON" for being alive giving reason to tha 4th dimension' Once we have reason we can then gain an "UNDERSTANDING" making that tha 5th dimension' Through reason and understanding we can get a 6th dimensional sense to sense things' giving tha 6th dimenstion to "SENSE" With Reason Understanding and some sense we will see that there IZ an "EQUALITY" out here (we all have a free Will to think) giving that to tha 7th dimension' When this iz real'eyezed we will understand that this iz how it iz for eternity giving tha 8th dimension to "ETERNITY" Once realizing this we come to our senses that we all are "ONE" in life and with that being tha 9th dimension then tha 10th dimension must be tha "NOW" with a possible 11th dimension being "All the Above" uzed in perfect sequence to make a logical decision' Look at tha eleven its 2 perfect onez"11" standing for a person and hiz/her inner self representing one az two' could be symbolic in gesture
This is just philosophical

Where does death fit in to all that?

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Mmm, may be I should roll one up soon for a better perspective. We are not dead if we don't exist. Life starts with cell division, sperm to eggs, pollen to flowers. It's a little bit of a mystery isn't it?


Active member
Mmm, may be I should roll one up soon for a better perspective. We are not dead if we don't exist. Life starts with cell division, sperm to eggs, pollen to flowers. It's a little bit of a mystery isn't it?
Hey man thanks for tha thought' you are right "we are not dead if we dont exist" that made me realize that "death" iz just a man made word with a man made definition':tiphat:
I have never met a dead person have you :dunno:
so there is no way that someone could say they know it exists' hmmmmmm


this what your on about?
i was thinking you start with a dot for the first
then draw 3 lines trough it,each line being another dimesion
then join the out side edges up a line at a time untill you
end up with a heagon or 3d cube depening on how you look
at it,then you can open it up like a flower and then my
brain really starts hurting.

by the way all this stuff is well over my head,but intresting
none the less.

life and death are in the first pic.


Active member

life and death are in the first pic.
interesting I have not seen this' I was looking at the life death one and if you read the words around the bottom one that say "Seed/Desolation" "Grace/Ugliness" "Poverty/wealth" I believe it shows that there is choice to live or a choice to live out that word death' because if you choose Seed- Wealth- Grace etc. etc. than that sounds like logical choices which all come to flourish in ones mind' its a balancing act for sure with so many things to keep in line to stay in line'


interesting eye have not seen this' eye waz looking at tha life death one and if you read tha words around tha bottom one that say "Seed/Desolation" "Grace/Ugliness" "Poverty/wealth" eye believe it shows that there iz choice to live or a choice to live out that word death' because if you choose Seed- Wealth- Grace etc. etc. than that sounds like logical choices which all come to flourish in onez mind' its a balancing act for sure with so many things to keep in line to stay in line'

yeah i get stoned sometimes and go esoteric/exoteric
journeys,dont know what im trying to find out and get lost
but im thinking geomitry and the seed of life tree of life
is what makes up the building blocks of life,the shapes are alogories-(dont know if its the right terminology) to help understand things that are hard to convey with words.

basicly discovering yourself and controlling emotions.

agh,i dont know im getting lost again,it makes sense in my head.
i try not to delve to deep into all that yet till i can get a basic understanding first.
and im not sure we are supposed to look into all that in Gods
eye,s maybee,you know you may eat from any tree appart from that one.

think im getting the tree,s mixed up,tree of knowledge is the other one.

sorry for rambling on a bit.

here is a pic on my favourite bands album that turned me onto it.


High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I think death is definitely a man made definition of the end of life. The physical body can still exist but it is not alive, no cells are functioning, no cell division and the flesh rots. That would be a sign of the definition of death. But some religions think something else happens after this phase of "death", afterlife, now I've really opened a can of worms, so to speak. I'd better roll another one.


Active member
I think death is definitely a man made definition of the end of life. The physical body can still exist but it is not alive, no cells are functioning, no cell division and the flesh rots. That would be a sign of the definition of death. But some religions think something else happens after this phase of "death", afterlife, now I've really opened a can of worms, so to speak. I'd better roll another one.

Lol i will roll one with'ya, see there is a reason to be alive' its to enlighten and be enlightened through some type of art or something of tha sort' whether it be music, painting, writing etc etc etc
and once you have lived your meaningful life then tha body can go on, however you can still play Bob Marley records therefor meaning that life is eternal once you find purpous for your life to exist now and when tha body/car is gone you will always be around' Bob Marley will always exist through us' its how we exist after life' imo
And one might exist forever in ones own mind but that is personal for us all to find out when tha time comes' that is one question that cannot be answered


Active member
you guys may wanna check out the bardo thodol.the tibetan book of the dead,it goes into this typ of thought in depth.

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor


...but im thinking geomitry and the seed of life tree of life...
I just finished doing a thread on this subject, and was about to ponder the 12 dimensions of Existence!

Okay, I see there are 11 posted herein, but the 12 I speak of has to do with the pyramid locations helping humans to reach above the 3rd, which they are presently 'confined' to, as some call earth today(esbe calls it hell).

So, waveforms/dimensions go back to the idea that humans are trying to "return" to a higher dimension(home).

I'm not ready to go home yet, but Sirius shares the same gravity as Earth, but is a dimension higher(the 4th)....and is purported to be where Cannabis originated/lived/or elvolved, before it arrived to our Earth.

I was looking at 19.5 as a sacred latitude this morning, and found out alot about inter-dimensional travel theory.

Great Thread:)


I just finished doing a thread on this subject, and was about to ponder the 12 dimensions of Existence!

Okay, I see there are 11 posted herein, but the 12 I speak of has to do with the pyramid locations helping humans to reach above the 3rd, which they are presently 'confined' to, as some call earth today(esbe calls it hell).

So, waveforms/dimensions go back to the idea that humans are trying to "return" to a higher dimension(home).

I'm not ready to go home yet, but Sirius shares the same gravity as Earth, but is a dimension higher(the 4th)....and is purported to be where Cannabis originated/lived/or elvolved, before it arrived to our Earth.

I was looking at 19.5 as a sacred latitude this morning, and found out alot about inter-dimensional travel theory.

Great Thread:)

thanks for the pics, yep its really intresting i have looked at
the 19.5 degree thing aswell,isnt that where the heart is
in the body and each planet has something crazy going on
at this location.
as i say i just skim the surface of all this the now,as i dont
know what im doing and it is a bit over whelming.
so would it be the tree of life the kabbala is? and we are not
supposed to be eating from that/
or is this just scare tactics to keep you away?
i definatly need to discuss this more with people.
some times you feel like your chasing your tail though,never get to the end of it.


The Voice of Reason
1st dimension Length (x axis)
2nd dimension Height (y axis)
3rd dimension Depth (z axis)
4th dimension Duration (t axis)

Then, at every point which exists in 4 dimensional space time, there is a 6-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold existing in a 7th dimension which encompasses every possibility for that point in space-time.



3rd-Eye Jedi
our thoughts as influenced by our individual perceptions add a distinct dimension to each of our beings

what and how many


Active member
so would it be the tree of life the kabbala is? and we are not
supposed to be eating from that/
or is this just scare tactics to keep you away?
i definatly need to discuss this more with people.
some times you feel like your chasing your tail though,never get to the end of it.

I dont know much about tha tree of life or tha tree of knowledge though I hear that a bible of some sort sayz that tha tree of life waz taken in tha beginning' however I do believe through tha tree of knowledge you can gain tha tree of life back' all on how you wanna think

1st dimension Length (x axis)
2nd dimension Height (y axis)
3rd dimension Depth (z axis)
4th dimension Duration (t axis)

Then, at every point which exists in 4 dimensional space time, there is a 6-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold existing in a 7th dimension which encompasses every possibility for that point in space-time.

it looks like tha 4 dimensions you posted are all defining space with length height and depth and defining time with duration'
when you speak of 6 dimensional Calabi I wonder if that could be tha six dimensional sense giving us tha ability to enter tha 7th dimension knowing there is an equality here cause there is' its in tha mind' I would say in order to enter each dimension you must know and understand each dimension before it or your gonna be stuck in tha 3rd dimension with no reason or understanding'


The Voice of Reason
A dimension is not something you would enter.

You could no more enter the 7th dimension than you could enter 'length'.
With dimensions it is not a so much a problem of being able to enter, as it is a problem with inability to perceive.

You seem to be confusing dimensions with planes of existence.

Plane (esotericism)
In esoteric cosmology, a plane, other than the physical plane is conceived as a subtle state of consciousness that transcends the known physical universe.

dimension |diˈmen ch ən|
1 an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing
2 (usu. dimensions) a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height

The other dimensions are spatial dimensions just like the four we perceive, just a type of space of which we can barely conceive... each dimension consisting of two directions and each higher dimension intersecting all lower dimensions at a unique right angle to all the other dimensions.



Active member
A dimension is not something you would enter.

You could no more enter the 7th dimension than you could enter 'length'.
With dimensions it is not a so much a problem of being able to enter, as it is a problem with inability to perceive.
thats not what I mean' its just a figure of speech'
a way of thinking' I enter different parts of my mind all tha time
didnt mean to confuse you

dimensions are all part of tha mind imo