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11 blades on fan leafs

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
moses224 said:
Straight from seed it sprouted with dual stems?

Most likely a mutant characteristic, I get plants now and then, that grow differently that they are supposed to, just stops one shoot, and concentrates on another growth shoot

As long as they are shooting pistils and resin, the bud will, or should be fine.

Bear in mind any offspring could share these mutant traits


I think the amount of blades on a leaf tell you alot about the plant,ie,enough light proper nutes,etc. :joint:
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hopefully what igrohydro say's is true, lol. cuz that means im gonna have some nice proper buds! lol
too bad i can't make her a mother, since she's alerady in 12/12.... maybe reveg after harvest?


Yea i was lucky enough to get a handfull of cloans of the ones showing 11 blades. Only problem is one clone after it rooted i put it into soil (no water for 3 days) and the leafs are folded upward like a venus fly trap. Im hoping the new growth wont look like this I wonder if its because the miracle grow is to strong for young roots,that said 5 are in same soil but dont have issue so who knows.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
igrohydro said:
I think the amount of blades on a leaf tell you alot about the plant,ie,enough light proper nutes,etc. :joint:


The amount of blades on the leaves is purely genetic

You cannot grow another leg by getting proper food and light, nor can your plant. Even in the worse conditions, you would still have the 11 fingers, they would just not be very happy


Its obvisouly genitic Dr,Im under the impression others know this too.
You can take clones in bloom ganja,I find 10 days in to be the best.
What im saying Dr is the plant will show its full genitic trait when feed in the optimum conditions.Treat it without care improper ph etc,and you will see fewer blades.Its been my expierance anyway!
We all know about the third leg,lol.
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I think it's environmental more than genetic.

Here's 3 weeks ago:

Here's yesterday:

That's from seeds that came from a Purple Kush that showed only 5-bladed fan leaves when grown under fluoros in 1.5 gallon containers. That plant in the picture started with 5, then 7, then 9, now 11.

Also, clones taken from the same strain have shown 7-bladed fan leaves already and I'm expecting even more. However, the 7-bladed leaves did not show until it was put in a larger pot. I expect even larger numbers of fingers when it is put in the HPS.

I could be wrong, but so far it's been an environmental thing of light quality and container size more than genetics.

Indeed, I'm very open to the option that it could be both.

-Q :rasta:
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I can see where you guys are coming from with the environmental thing

but again, you cant have what they plant was not going to have. Sure it could have increased your food flow through the plant, thus creating growth, but the plant was destined to have these traits anyways


Hrm. Maybe a safer statement would be that the genetics determine the destiny of the ability for a plant to show a certain number of fingers; while environment determines ability for the expression of that genetic trait.

Just a thought. I'm no botanist, but it sounds more plausible than either/or.

-Q :rasta:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Agree 9 11 20 blades is all genetics. Nutes lights has nothing to do with how many blades you will get. Excellent care will do may things but wont increase the blades. Improper care will cause low yield and or potency and many more issues. Ive only seen a decrease in blade count and that was from many years of cloning
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Well no pic yet i ut the leaves Apologize but they dont sell replacement charger so i order online and still waiting but my plants all still have 11 blades per leaf ecept they are now getting alot skinnier. I asume this is because they are in week 6 of flowering and nutes are going to flowers not fan leafs


Lights and nutes have plenty to do with it,without the correct lamp and care the plant is unable to show its full genetic traits,unless its outside in a good enviournment.
The blades on a plant can be an indication of its health and vigour,which is what I originally meant.
Ive noticed when working with fem'd seed I see the odd mutant leaves from apex etc,less so with regular seeds.

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New member
Hi, I'm a newby to the cultivation of this wonderful plant and i too agree it's in the genetics, reason being i've 5 plants (chronic from serious seeds) currently 3 weeks in flower and all in great condition and 3 out of the 5 all have from 7 to 11 fingers on the leaves whereas the other 2 only have 7.


That fact the other two only have 7 proves what I am saying,ofcourse genetics has someting to do with it,no ones saying differant.
You will get variation,strain dependant.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
And what im saying is it's 100% genes. There is no way I would get 9 or more from my BOG LSD no matter how well I grow it or how many Lumens it gets what type of Nutes I use. I have had 4 crops from them it's just not in the GENES.


Yea so here's a pic of my lowryder with 12 blades... i know it's the genes, so now im asking, does this mean my environment is optimum?! also my afghans have 11 - 13 blades aswell. Hopefully this means im doing something right!

looks kinda funny
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New member
Hammerhead said:
And what im saying is it's 100% genes. There is no way I would get 9 or more from my BOG LSD no matter how well I grow it or how many Lumens it gets what type of Nutes I use. I have had 4 crops from them it's just not in the GENES.

What I think he is saying is if it was grown in worse conditions you may only have 7 fan blades and think that was the best it was gonna get when obviously as you say it can have 9.

Its may be 100% genes saying what the max number of fan blades is. Its up to the environment to be able to support that number.

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