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100x70 feet grow

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Congrat's On The Harvest!!~Look's Tasty!!!

The Grow Room Look's Good As Well,,Best Of Luck!!~~Later~~Hatch~~


ok well its getting close to flowering time, and I am wondering when to switch it over, some plants are on their 7 node and are 1 and half feet tall from top of the pot.

I was thinking of flipping 70 of the biggest girls into flower in a week from today, and vegging the rest for another month in the veg room. How much yield can I expect from 4x1000watt HPS and 70p?

After having the remaining girls in the veg room for a month or so I will flip them into flower in the veg room while the 70 girls finish flowering. After the 70 finish flowering I will move the remaining plus some more vegged clones into the flower room and continue the cycle. During the flipping into flowering process I will be taking clones continously.


full time daddy
i would expect 2 pounds (1/2 oz each) and be happy when/if you get 4+ (1 oz each)
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was hoping/aiming for 5+ would be dissapointing anything less then 4

should I veg longer?
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your too funny guy. efficient dialed in growers pull 1-2 lbs per light i think or something like that. with what you got going id say 00420 is spot on with his estimate but let us know if it turns out different

more veg time is just gunna take more space from you and waste more cash running those lights longer


full time daddy
Evgeni_Malkin said:
was hoping/aiming for 5+ would be dissapointing anything less then 4

should I veg longer?

70/4 = 17.5 plant's per 1k

ppl do 16-32 plants per 1k and reach 1gpw 50% get .5gpw 32+plants in same area = sog and more like 75-90% reach the 1gpw your plant #'s are so high all ready id go smaller bag's n cram em n ther!!!!!!! veg'n will cost you more in power ( witch you dont have ) and waste time unless your going to scrog but it looks crowded allready and your hand watering it will be a pita....

expect 5+ & getting 2,3-4 would be "disappointing"
expecting 2-3 & getting 4-5+ would be rewording dont count your egg's befor there hatched....

take a cut off each and stick them into flower veg the others out a week longer and take 2 cut's off each and put them into flower ..... report back to us witch one yeilded more....
small plants

turn into big one's fast......... ( 5 days after 12/12) no your PK wont do this.... but you get my drift


5# off 4000W = .56 GPW. Possible if everything goes OK. It takes a while to get these big grows dialed in

I am hoping for ya


omg u serous

omg u serous

no offense buddy but wow man.. i created a profile and waited two days just so i can post on this thread....ha the only thing i have in advise or now hindsight is that you would of actually learned how to grow weed in an aro-garden or soil pots Befor you decided to start a commercial or "try to" start a commercial operation ..and Did you do any planing... Yr carbon can looks like it came out of one of my 2 by 4 hydro huts that i use for mums...One Week surfing the net going to any forums ...this one..rui,cannabis ect , would of told you to not of gone the way you did..and dont expect what your looking for...for a first timer..it will take a few runs to get anything set..and i hope you have the time to wait...its take 2 months..per each at the minimum and by the end of the first it if goes bad or even the second..thats where people "loose interest" and quite cus your out of money...
Poor planing equals poor yield... Just by your title tells that your a newbe.. 70 by 100.... thats 7000 SF... even at ten by ten coverage with 1000 hps thats 70 1000s lights covering that... thats over 840 KWH a day in just flowering you would be using..that enough to power a small wallmart...

...if you were going to be doing something that large ...you have no business being on the net...for safety reasons for one...ip addys tracked... and you should already ready know what the fuck your doing if you have any idea or inclination of doing something that big...pic up a high times and look at some pictures... don't waste peoples times with simple questions your get get from any cannabis growing page on the net...some of your questions are down right hysterical.. I sent a link of this thread to a buddy of mine out in BC... he almost died laughing when he was reading this ....

well now for the good side of this post... if you want to grow big...u need to get your self a halfway decent hybrid that will not need to much vegging..a week max..and then ... 1000 watt hps's with vertical growstar light shades and 20 plants per light...very simple... throw in a 4 ton ac unit and 36 burner propane CO gen,, and your good to go.. .doing a grow like that needs over 100k.. in cash just to start up...soo i hope you know what what your doing...and that's for your ass not mine... cus i know what im doing and maybe your should of read northernfarmers post on stadiums on this forum before you had this idea of making it rich :bashhead: :bashhead: :bashhead:


Omenman......Don`t hate....Relate......2 ozs. per sq. ft. is what skilled table growers pull consistently once they dial their strain to make it perform accordingly after the proper trim, whack and side shaping it takes for each plant to receive equal airflow and lumen penetration thru full flower till choptime..........

I pull 5 lbs. every 31-35 days each cycle with ease in 6x9 rooms under 3-600`s and 31-35 day pre-vegged cuts so rotations stay constant.......

This shit`s all relative......It`s all about how much each grower can tweak each strain after growing it repeatedly to pull all you can get out of her.....

Evgeni Malkin.....I assure you that lil steps are easier than jumpin in this shit head first and losin yer ass.......

You obviously need guidance but are bound and determined ta fuck up like all us old heads did till we got it right.......Nobody`s perfect but it`s all good ......You can get through this as long as you don`t spread yourself too thin........

I offer nothing but respect for the effort with the money invested and if I can help yas just pm cuz there`s whole lotta haters here in Kiddieville........Yamaha`s the ultimate hands on experience learning as he grows so heed his words......

You take care and Peace........DHF....... :joint: ........
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I started to grow a single plant a few years back did a few vegs and never got a chance to flower because I would over fert. Then I started a smaller cabinet grow with 5 plants or so which I got to flower but never got them to fully mature bebcasue they would die due to sever reasons. Then I did a basement grow with 30 plants from which only 10 turned out female. I flowered the ten under two 1k HPS and got a decent lbs out of it. After I turned back to a cabinet grow but bigger 4x10. DId the 4x10 for a few harvests and began experiementing with different ferts and meters. Finnaly after a few good crops bot yield and potency decided to try it bigger. Anyways. Thats the story, I figure whether it be 1 plant or 100 it is the same process just takes longer


ahh i gotcha man..well im glad you have some stuff unde ryour belt...it sounded like you didnt have a clue what your doing and that you were just some kid off the street that woke up and decided to grow a shit load of ganja.. cuz theres a lot more to it then that.... the best bet for anything is start small. then work your way up..and it will take some time..my first run with one of my Gi grows ha...dont even ask what i pulled...maybe like 8 oz... the shit got fucked cuz a buddy of mine put in the wrong feed and it shot the ppm to 3000 when at max the strain can only take 1000 ppm.. i was pulling dead plants out left and right,,soo yea but now im rocking in rolling..and if you have the space and money..i would suggest you switch over to Rotational gardens... my gi grow is run to waste and there is little to no maintenance and it grows itself.. Just ad more res water every week ...good luck


omenman whut u mean by Rotational garden?
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rotational gardens are ones that rotate around a light source and there is no reflector...the best way to max out your light... theirs tons of different ones...omega gardens, roto grows, bonzi gardens, Gi grows....but what separates a GI grow from everything else is is that its a run to waste drip feed..no need to recheck your nutes or worry about having things mess up...as long as you have a big enough res you can leave it for a week or even 2...



me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
Evgeni_Malkin said:
I started to grow a single plant a few years back did a few vegs and never got a chance to flower because I would over fert. Then I started a smaller cabinet grow with 5 plants or so which I got to flower but never got them to fully mature bebcasue they would die due to sever reasons. Then I did a basement grow with 30 plants from which only 10 turned out female. I flowered the ten under two 1k HPS and got a decent lbs out of it. After I turned back to a cabinet grow but bigger 4x10. DId the 4x10 for a few harvests and began experiementing with different ferts and meters. Finnaly after a few good crops bot yield and potency decided to try it bigger. Anyways. Thats the story, I figure whether it be 1 plant or 100 it is the same process just takes longer
well after reading this, then the only way for you is up!! lol. your grow will be fine. i have a freind who has large grow dreams aswell so its not unheard of even for a newer grower, or new to the idea of a larger grow.

once you've had a couple fuck ups, and than a couple of success' , then its all relative , grow hard or go home!!!


omenman said:
i would suggest you switch over to Rotational gardens... m

what r those like 10-15grand apiece .they have to be right up there with aero in difficulty , the timing an the clones you use all have to be dead on cant grow no streachers ethier and allthough the plants look good in veg the buds grown in rotational gardens allways seem to look kinda funny.

Stick with soil .


Don't let the haters get you down.

For watering have you thought about drippers hooked up to a large rez? This would be simple and automatic if you wanted or just turn the pump on and all the plant get water. You could even go soiless and use COCO if you wanted but that might complicate things more then you want. There are only two ways to get yeild in my view. More plants or more veg. Pick which ever will work for you, sounds like SOG will be more cost effective.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I have to say I have read this entire thread from beginning to end and I have to give you credit for sticking around this long with all the negative comments. Your still here and people are starting to help a little more than critisize. It did seem strange in the beginning and things just didn't add up - I too thought you were full of crap. I appolize. I forget when I first started growing I always wanted to go larger than was capable of. You seem to be doing very well, yet you still have lots to learn (like all of us) but are asking questions and taking the advice unlike some people who think they know it all. I have enjoyed this thread and I wish you the best of luck.

The only thing I am concerned with is safety. It is of the highest importance to keep the grow as safe as possible. In a residential area you are not the only one that can get hurt, so please make sure everything is as safe as can be. Too many growers throw stuff together and don't account for safety. When a house burns down because of faulty wiring it makes all us growers look bad, not to mention the people and families it can hurt or even kill. I am not saying you are doing things unsafe, but your lack of experience doing something of this size leads too many safety issues that it is hard for a novice to see. So please just be safe and if you have any questions on safety no matter how silly they seem, please ask. I soon hope to see many pounds of primo bud in some of your pictures! Good work so far and good luck!



dr kong i respectfully disagree with you on the coco issue. coco will bring the simplicity to his grow. soil sucks on every level compared to coco. but ya regardless ev you're gonna have to get a res in there, drippers and some kind of tables. next run do yourself a favor and go coco run to waste top feed. if ya gotta alota clones do 1gall bags. you can watch your yeild go up, your plants will be healthy and you can :bongsmi: one with me later to thank me.
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