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1000W DWC 3x3 ScROG


"easy growing type"


Sorry guys and gals. I know I haven't been around but I've been quietly and privately praying for a nice outcome. It appears my worst fear has come. My 3ft wide Haze bush is 100% male. Where I would normally see the first ovule - I am instead seeing tiny groups of sacks. 2 and 3 at a time but too small to really make out. I'm so sad today. I'll go ahead and amp up the reveg with 24/0 light in order to get my other two plants whom did turn female back in building mode.

My beast ;-(

"You took two months of my life - though I'll never forget those two months spent."


NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awwwww man so gutted for you SDG.


"easy growing type"
I'll grab a few closeups of the sack. Plant will be put to rest later today. I still can't beleive how bad this plant smelled... Wow I really thought I had a pedigree here. Well I can't cry now. I have two plants that have proven their sex and they are my top priority now. I'll keep up with the posting once I get these guys back in shape. Good luck guys and don't give up. The hills ahead of us will give us great thigh muscles to jump great lengths ;-)


"easy growing type"
NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awwwww man so gutted for you SDG.

Thanks BCity,
Yeah man.. my heart is torn right now. I can't even speak. Feels like I just got dumped. I'll keep my head high and DO THIS SHIT AGAIN! I'm still in - don't count me out yet...


ARGH!! A sad day indeed my friend. That is the finest indoor plant i've ever seen. Just know that you CAN DO IT! and your next plant will be EVEN BETTER! (and female :bis:)

I learned A LOT about training from this tragic tale. Keep your head up and we'll see you again soon with another enormous bush.



"easy growing type"
You guys are great... Thanks for the support and all the visits. Just know that I'm not closing this thread. I'll keep it on as a perpetual thread just to finish off what was started.

Oh and yes. When I flick the flower - the tiny balls fall right off like all males do. Well once all is cleaned up I'll present the new star attractions as well as converting a smaller unknown soil plant into hydro. Might kill her but hey... She's in veg right.. ;-)


dont know if this will make you feel better but I popped 10 ak 47 serious seeds smuggled them back after my big OE , lost 7 of the little ones being lazy and then the last 3 that survived MALES !!!

But dont kill him I saved the biggest and I'm eventually going to try and breed it with the blue mystic I'm growing.

Oh and another funny story that wasnt so funny at the time.

My wife managed to throw out my afghany , white widow, ice and nothern Lights seeds!!!!!


My 3ft wide Haze bush is 100% male.

Sorry to hear the bad news bro, I bet there is nothin' worse then wining and dining a girl for 2 months and just when she goes to show you her stuff, BAM she pulls out a dick and balls....Yeeesh, just gave me a cold chill down my spine... All I can say bro is keep your head up, keep movin' onward....Props my friend...



New member
Bad male!!

Bad male!!

When I grow a while back and was sexing,we wait for root to show and bang we budded it found out real quick what you got,you know within 5 days M/F.


Damn sorry to hear about the male, I've kind of been lurking in the background reading this thread for a while and I definitely was expecting top notch results. Good luck on the next one, at least you caught it now rather than later.
Sad for you man.

I know you will phoenix this one, and blast us with a great grow soon :)

Keep up the good work mate!

P.S Cloning to bubble cloner tonight.


Damn, Im so sorry to hear that. Iv had that happen to me once or twice. I started to take like 4 clones when I first can amd throw one in 12/12 but the other ones in veg. Youll know the sex before the clone even has much of a root network. Its a good idea if your going to veg for long that way youll know if the sucker has nuts or not. Il sorry for your loss , but on the other hand you did a awsome job growing that boy, you have the green thunb for growing. PLease dont give you. Some where here theres a thread on ways to increase the chances of having a female. Its been quite some time sence I read it but theres a few good ideas. There is also a hormone that you can buy that wil stop the hormone from being produced and only female hormones. Thats one way that they Fem seeds.
Peace and keep it growing!!!!!!


"easy growing type"

BCity thanks man but the deed is done. He was laid to rest yesterday evening. He's still on my table. I killed all the clones except 2 which came from 1 little rugrat on the bottom you cant see it cause it's so tiny in a gallon container with soil and the other from my skunk.

Now the good news. Skunk is female and the rugrat is female. I've set the light back to 24/0 after 8 days of flowering but at least I'm sure of who's who now. When I was pulling the clones out they had white bumps on the end where I cut. From what I've read this is a good sign that they were almost there. It's a little bubbler I rigged with a 10gal fishtank.

That skunk is gonna hate me now because I'm gonna go crazy on that little fucker. But it's in soil so I have to step it back a notch. The other one is in a half gallon of soil even less. I plan on washing off all the roots of soil and transplanting to bucket within the next few days.

Lesson learned - Let's do this... "Now I'm pissed"


I know you'll do right by the Rugrat, after hand washing her dirty feet...
letting her soak all day in the spa...
giving her a good pedicure & manicure... She's gonna love you...
Then wine and dine her like a glutton, fatten her up for a couple months...
She'll let you know how much she appreciated your TLC...

I know I'll be tuned in for the show....Props Mayne


"easy growing type"
Sorry to hear the bad news bro, I bet there is nothin' worse then wining and dining a girl for 2 months and just when she goes to show you her stuff, BAM she pulls out a dick and balls....Yeeesh, just gave me a cold chill down my spine... All I can say bro is keep your head up, keep movin' onward....Props my friend...


So so so true.... Very well said man... LoL you made me laught so hard with the 2 months...


SumDum, no worrles mate, don't look at lt as a loss, but a learnlng curve, that was just a tester to see what you capable of, and now, you can put all that practlce to good use!

We need to make these cockups to learn for the future, l was wlshlng a female for you to see the outcome, at least youv'e found a sysem that your happy wlth, grow two thls tlme to make up for your loss. good luck, readln the prevlous posts, youv'e taught afew lessons to some of us on here. nlce one.

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