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100 push-up a day challenge


Active member
Just a tip..

Its good to focus on breathing when you are doing push-ups, and not so much the speed. I find it is best to exhale through the hard part when lifting (or pushing), so I exhale when i push up and inhale when I go down. Try it out.


Active member
Just a tip..

Its good to focus on breathing when you are doing push-ups, and not so much the speed. I find it is best to exhale through the hard part when lifting (or pushing), so I exhale when i push up and inhale when I go down. Try it out.

Speed is everything for me, if I don't go fast, lactic acid builds up.

Here's what I do: Go as fast as I can.
Proper form, my shoulder blades drop below my elbows
I stretch my pectorals, I do not warm up..although I jump around a little to get blood flowing.
I do close arm pushups (arms to the side) and wider stance pushups...once my wider stance pushups run out, my close arms will get me a few more because at first I was using my pectorals mostly, now when I put my arms closer to my body it is more triceps.

oh heh heh, I exhale pushing myself up and inhale on the way down, if you practice like this it is called breath cultivation....oh yes it is! :2cents:

EDIT: I'm up to 78 in 2 minutes.


i'm on the wagon. I went from chiseled to flab in a year, doing nothing but smoking and gorging. Running is what I need to start doing too. Start a half mile, then work up to a mile a day b4 bed.


ICMag Donor
I started doing some warm up push-ups a bit before trying to increase my max each day.

Did 38 today
Damn, glad to see so many ppl sticking to this challenge. Hands up for yourselves. Especially since some have been sedentary for awhile. I'm going for 200 a day by mid June myself. Devilgoob 78 in 2 mins is great! You'll actually build less lactic acid if you slow down just a tad, that way you won't be depleting the muscles of oxygen as quickly. A good tip for anyone who wants to try(if you aren't already naturally doing it) is to inhale through your nose then exhale through the mouth. You body is able to absorb more fresh oxygen though your nose than your mouth. Keep up the good work ppl! Some of you are already fastly approaching 100. Peace



alright, I got out there and ran a half-mile today. Spitting up phlegm and garbage. But I LOVE the feeling of when I'm all in shape and stretchy. Day 1 - check! Lean me again by September. I COULD do it ghetto style and be anorexic AND jacked, but I'm doing it right htis time. HAve to start thinking about my heart and stuff.


european ganja growers
still going strong over hear guys..takeing today of though as ive had some more ink done and felling abit sore.back at it tomorrow ...keep up the good work people

keep it green


Registered Pothead
Damn push ups you guys are nuts man. I think i would pass out. I tried to do a burpy the other day and man that rocked me. Burpys are the way to go though for full body exercises.
Warmup: on first exercise. must involve all muscle groups to be worked. Set of 12 (warm up), set of 10 (warm up), set of 6 (weight acclimation/warm up), set of 3(weight acclimation – about normal set weight), set of 1 (weight acclimation – heavier than normal sets)

Shoulders and Triceps:

Military press (front)
upright rows (cable, free or smith machine)
dumbbell press
lateral raises

cable extensions
skull crushers
dumbbell kickbacks

(additional or removed)
shoulder press machine
dumbbell front presses
front plate raises
skull crusher / bench press superset
tricep extension machine
dips (roman chair)
bench dips
Troxel Arm Kills

Leg press machine
hip flexor machine, in and out
leg curl machine
glute machine
quad extension machine
calf machine – light weight (do 60s or yore a nancy)
calf machine – heavy
squats (smith machine)

(additional or removed)

Biceps and Back
chest row machine
low rows
pulldown machine (close grip, palms facing you)
pullups (palms away, arms fully extended at bottom)
lat pushdowns (cable machine)
hammer curls
curl bar curls

(additional or removed)
peak cable curls / bar curl superset
negative curls on preacher machine
high row
straight bar curls
delt flys
reverse pushups (smith machine)
dumbbell delt rows (on bench)
isolated preacher curls

incline bench
flat dumbbell press
incline dumbbell press
high cables
mid cables
3x chest machines

(additional or removed)
flat bench
wide dips
decline bench
low cables
dumbbell pullovers
pullover machine

crunch machine, legs straight, seat low
crunch machine, legs straight, seat mid
crunch machine, legs left, seat low
crunch machine, legs left, seat mid
crunch machine, legs right, seat low
crunch machine, legs right, seat mid
rotary torso machine
weighted leg lifts
weighted side extensions (right and left)
clean & jerk

(additional or removed)
weighted back extension
leg pushdowns
cable crunches
cable rotations
leg splay/kick (on mats)

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Squats, flat bench press, and dead lifts, will build a solid foundation and more muscle mass than any other exercises. Basic, compound movements are of much greater value than smith machines (machines of any kind really) and cables, when it comes to building strength and muscle mass.

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Not saying that this is all that's needed. But it should be the foundation of a program.

P.S. I know squats aren't for everyone. Bad knees have a way of making folks never want to step under a barbell!


I did 150 today. For those of you that think protein is the answer it isnt. just like Vitamin C or thing of that nature you jus release out your back side into the toliet. After you had a certain amount it isnt goning to do you no good unless you spend well over an hour a day at the gym.


I did p90x for 90 days and got shredded. Of course i had my diet in check, but p90x is alot of pushups and pullups in different forms. their is also some weight training using dumbbells. I don't do the yoga or xstretch though. You'll also build a solid core with this program.

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