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100 push-up a day challenge


Alright so a bunch of us stoners are lazy its true, but lol I figured this might be fun especially if people get into it then they can motivate each other.

The Goal to reach 100 pushups a day. I'm sure some of you can do 100 right now so good for you thats awesome. But the goal is 100 if you don't reach it who the hell cares right? This is for fun.

Anywho, you can do like as many as you want throughout the day but the goal is to hit 100. so think 10 pushups 10 times a day bam! you done doesn't seem too hard. The thing is I'm curious to see if it will make much of a difference in toning my arms but hey doing anything vs. nothing is still something. I used to have a manual labor job so now I'm feelin kinda soft.

****So after you do it for the day even if you don't hit 100 just put your # down you hit, starting tomorrow March 2nd 2009. Lets see how big of a difference we see after a month who knows it might be kinda cool.

Who's in?
Dont stretch your workout into an all day thing, eat, start, finish, eat. Do your repititions in sets of 10 or 20 if you can't break it into four groups of 25. Look up how to properly do a push up online for pictures and focus on breathing in as you lower yourself and out as you exert. Don't do push ups the next day. If you've properly eaten you will be stronger and capable of more 2 days later. E.g. Monday-Weds-Fri-Sun. Focus on your technique and controlling your motion so that every repition is smooth and the same. Everyone had to start somewhere.
Stay free


What muscle in your arms are you specifically trying to tone up?
Well for me its mainly my shoulder I want to strengthen up car accident, but whatevers its a challenge.

lol and to Toronto yeah, I agree thats the best way to do it but this is just for fun after all :D Just nobody hurt yourselves


cant stop wont stop
i just did 9,387 today.
long as you count beer curls and bong rips..

no but on the real man not a bad idea, ive been lifting the past couple months but lately been in this rutt where i do abso-lutely-fucking-nothing.
would be nice to get back at it..
goood luck man
If your shoulder's injured from a car accident the worse thing you can do is unsupervised training, especially repeatedly day after day after day. Your muscles are stretched and damaged by exercise and need time to heal so that they can recover and be stronger. You should see a trainer if you're going to do this but if not finish what you start within 20 minutes and don't do the same exercises day after day after day unless you're on some kind of creatine regimen.


greyskull is in.

i am 290+lbs and have long ass arms (34.5" from the top of the shoulder to finger tips)....
gonna go for 5x20

AND I AM GONNA DO 5x20 SITUPS, TOO..... little extra credit if you will...

when I finish a set its bong rip time.
this is gonna be fun! good call, megas.


Freedom Fighter
Well for me its mainly my shoulder I want to strengthen up car accident, but whatevers its a challenge.

lol and to Toronto yeah, I agree thats the best way to do it but this is just for fun after all :D Just nobody hurt yourselves

Push ups are not really an arm exorcise-- But, if you hold your elbows in, it can be good for back arm--
It is a chest thing-- If you do them flat, with your hands at shoulder width...it will help the width of your chest--
If you elevate your feet, and put the momentum to the top of your chest, it will build the upper hood--
Push ups are great, as they do not tear down the tissue like weight training..therefore, you can do them daily, with rapid muscle regeneration--
When I was locked up, I was doing 1000 in under 40 mins-- I swear by them..cardiovascular and also muscle training-- Can't beat it!!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kB1lHbEeek Proper push-up, so nobody can get mad if they hurt themselves.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X72LtRcXR6g Here's some pushup techniques for people who want to try something different.

I'm also going to be doing a 4minute tabata workout along with this for some solid cardio. Lemme know if anyone is interested in this. Crazy workout takes 4 minutes and u feel like you just ran a mile.

I keep somehow pulling a muscle or what a doctor tells me is a muscle and my chiropractor thinks I keep pulling (hoping not my gall bladder or something) keeps getting hurt, the irony being I hurt it stretching and it keeps bothering me randomly but I keep hurting it again. Anywho my chiro seems to think if I workout it will somehow help it or strenthen it so I'll be doing sit-ups with a ball, and doing bruce lea type situps too where you raise your legs up above your head kinda. I figure this might make for an interesting month. Good luck to everyone. I invite you all to come back here and post if you want some more motivation.


Haha! Great thread :D

I'm thinkin back to being locked up, and eyes gone fuzzy from reading the bible, nothing to do but push ups and drink water. Still, I haven't done sh1t in a while.

Elevate your feet to make em a lil tougher. You get the shoulders a lil bit more. Push ups pull ups, and dips. Best free upperbody workout there is. And mixing 30 gallons of soil that "isn't that wet".

I'm in. Looking to do 3 sets of each 2moro.

Don't forget to stretch more than you think, and drink more water than you think, or you are gonna be SOOOOORRE.....
i used to do a shitload of pushups every other day.. been in a rut where i stopped. maybe this will get me going again, im in
If your shoulder's injured from a car accident the worse thing you can do is unsupervised training, especially repeatedly day after day after day. Your muscles are stretched and damaged by exercise and need time to heal so that they can recover and be stronger. You should see a trainer if you're going to do this but if not finish what you start within 20 minutes and don't do the same exercises day after day after day unless you're on some kind of creatine regimen.

:yeahthats quoted for the trueth, 416 allday... :yeahthats
you can count me in, 2 sets of 50 in the morning right before a shower and breakfast... but thats after getting lifted ---> :joint::abduct:


Active member
that's freakin easy that's 10 sets of 10 pushups in one day? that's not hard even for me who never exercises.

now I can't do more than 20 pushups at once. I wouldn't be able to do 100 pushups at once if that is what you mean.


pushups on their own are pretty useless. go for a nice walk/jog for 2-5 miles for 3 times a week continously. running is the best excercise there is.


Active member
hmm. the only exercise I get it walking to my car. I park far sometimes so i have to walk more lol.

I hate running. I like swimming though, swimming is realy good exercise also.

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