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GH SuperSilverHaze under 650W



sack - Welcome and thanks for the kind words. I'm sure the "beautiful" was reserved for nuggetshiner, but I'll gladly accept the garden props.

SuperBudz - Hello and welcome to my grow. I hope i can live up to those buds that nugshiner grew.


nuggetshiner - I find it funny that I don't know what oily turpentine smells like and you don't know what cat piss smell like. typical. As far as ferts go, hygrozyme is the shit, flora nova grow and bloom, sugar daddy, some FF ferts, MagCal, adn that's about it. For simplcity sake, lets just say i use flora nova nutes.

For CMH : http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=72215

**Can somebody help us out here??? does cat piss = oily turp?**

kitty - welcome to the IC community. I'm glad to have you on board for the grow.

Take it easy.

N dubbya


**Can somebody help us out here??? does cat piss = oily turpentine?**

In terms of smell

- NW


nuggetshiner said:
Funny when pepl see the buds, they seem to quit reading and get mixed up on who
posted them, chuckle, chuckle.

haha i noticed the same thing, but its all good. I hope to envoke similiar respones when my time comes. regardless thanks for posting pics, i always like to see some fresh trees!

I can definitely see myself adding some worm castings to the next mix, never hurt.

I can't wait for the coming weeks, it only gets more interesting from here on out. Space permitting, i should have some nice plants in 7-9 weeks. (haha i'm 3 week in and i still have 7-9 weeks -- 7-9 would normally do it for most strains i grow) im sure its worth the wait.

until then, take it easy. i know i will.

- n dubbya


FarOut - thanks for stopping by again. its good to see a return viewer. now when you say EZ is that a brand of worm castings or are you suggesting that i don't overdo it with worm castings (i.e. take it easy on the worm castings)?

- N.W.


nuggetshiner said:
Pretty sure he means, "go easy with the castings". Good Idea, it was just a suggestion.
New suggestion: Do only one plant so you don't have to be cursing nuggetshiner for
killing your whole grow, lol. Their was a definite improvement in my soil plants when I
finally bought some after reading so much about the benefits. I make worm casting tea
bags and hang them in my DWC control buckets. The plants luv it. I'm gonna top dress
a plant with wc at around 5 wks in flower and compare that against one without. See
what happens. :) NS

Anutha good suggestion from nuggetshiner :rasta:

I just thought 15% could be high, especially if adding more organics when you water, it could get hot. Some strains will handel more than others so better to go EZ until you and your plants know what to expect :rasta:

FarOut :rasta:


alright, alright its all coming together. thanks for clarifing. and I do try out new things on smaller scales until they are tried and true. then the whole garden gets the advantage of the R&D plants. take it easy, end of week 4 updates coming soon....

n dubbya OUT
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forget any doubts, I BELIEVE! Greenhouse SSH is great bud, haters look below. (nuggestshiner's pic GH SHH)

- n dubbya


New member
Are actual worms such "European nightcrawlers" or "Red Worms" work for soil. I've been doing some research and have not found anything negative. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge using real worms to enhance the soil's quality?


kittysecrets4u said:
Are actual worms such "European nightcrawlers" or "Red Worms" work for soil. I've been doing some research and have not found anything negative. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge using real worms to enhance the soil's quality?

You don't want to use live earthworms in a grow. There's just no point. Besides they are messy, and you'll likely kill them watering if not careful. Others on these forums who have tried it have said it is a PAIN. I can believe it.


I chopped my Mr Nice SSH Sunday after 93 days of flowering, 138 days overall :sasmokin:

She gave me 275 grams GREEN weight. will be Be maybe 50 dry. VERY frosty and from the sample I smoked(<.1 gram GREEN which would be almost nothing dry), it'll be very potent. This is a haze dominant pheno. My pics are not great, but the calyx structure is certainly VERY sativa if you look closely. She always smelled good. A mild piney/spicey scent for the most part. Nothing offensive like cat piss at all.

More pics over on my thread

Hope yours makes you some really GOOD smoke!!!!!!!!!!! Your pic just above this post ....those calyxes look much like mine. your pic is soooo much better though.

I have 6 more SSH babies coming along heheehehehehehe Ilove it!




pedro - its been awhile, friend. Your girl looks spectular, great smoke, im sure. 93 days?!?! that is going to be some trippy buds. I'm shooting for 10 weeks on the more indica and 12 weeks for the hazy stuff. The fun is just starting over here. week 4 update tomorrow. get excited.

RealSupreme - thanks for the kind words. i will most certainly keep at it. thanks for stopping by.

- n dubbya


hello all!

yeah the stretch is still going, but there is also space avaiable also. so it all works out.

Now when i said indica, i used that to express the ones that are more indica than others, but all are hybrids leaning towards the sativa. it should have been, the ones with more indica influence than the others.... anyways, those are staying shorter, about 12-18 inches shorter than the really hazy phenos. The bud formation is a lot tighter too and an overall more compact plant. And they've stopped the streching.

I am kicking myself for not cloning #6 which has already begun the frost, midway into week three (its should be going 12 weeks total). it also is looking to be the best yielder too. i hate to reveg, but its too late to clone. damn.

Nugshiner, the rose color was caused by the HPS yellow. I adjust my pictures in photo shop to elimate the yellow, resulting in a rose background. but you can see the buds better, so hey. i'll make sure to leave the HPS off tonight for the photo shoot, nothing but pure white from the CMH.

****PICS TONIGHT****, sorry for the wait, i just like to have a weekly update so that progress can be evenly assessed week to week.

take it easy.

N dubbya


End of Week 4 Flowering - 12/12

End of Week 4 Flowering - 12/12

As promised...


-------------------------------END OF WEEK 4 (Present)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

stretchin' into the light

"indica" looking SSH shorter, denser, fat colas

budz, budz, and more budz...

the frosty one i forgot to clone (GRRRRR!!). SSH #6, sativa dominate, smells like catpiss, frost set in at 24 days into 12/12 flowering :muahaha:

Happy growing to all and to all a good night. take it easy.

- n dubbya

Thick trunk from 3 ft plant in 5 gallon bucket
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Nothing too fancy in the camera department. im sure its quite outdated, but it had its day. I'm currently using a Cannon 5.0 megapixel digital camera with a canon 6.4mm lens (1:2.8). [Cannon IXUS i5] The camera has a "macro" setting that is making those close ups easy to take and look pretty cool IMHO. 6.5x digital zoom, and funny enough the marco setting's icon is a flower. :) take it easy.


Active member
I am Growing some SSHxG13 at the Moment and I am just now sexing them.
they look alot like yours at the start of this thread
. Nice looking plants will keep an Eye on this thread :)
Great job on your Garden
