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10 Commandments of smoking MJ


The first time I ever smoked, I was taken by two older kids to the golf course at night and was given an oz and a fresh pack of rolling papers. I was instructed to roll the whole bag. I was told that I should never do any other recreational drug other than smoking pot and that that was the first rule. Thanks to them, I learned two great lessons right from the start.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Commandment 9 PARAGRAPH 2 section b.

Thou shall not enter the house of a smoker and use anything other than the ashtray provided for ash and butts so help you god.

Addendum to Commandment 9 PARAGRAPGH 2 section b-1a :

Provided the toker of the house is in fact a butt smoker, otherwise shitty-ass tobacco smokers are quarantined to the back yard.....designated ashtray still applies...NO BUTTS IN THE YARD. :D

Tony Danza

If you break someone's piece YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY APOLOGIZE PROFUSELY, many times and immediately offer to take them to the head shop and replace it.

No ifs, ands or butts about this if you want to maintain a friendship. I've had both scenarios happen to me and the people who argue it was half your fault or whatever will never get the full bro treatment again. There is sentimental value to many pieces, aside from the monetary value. Many good hearted toker's who have cash may even excuse it as I've done on several occasions, but on some I demanded full payback because the person was trying to say I passed them the piece, so it was somehow my fault because I took the risk of letting them use it (Fucked up shit). That really pisses me off, take my kindness for weakness, yeah right!

While it is true that the breaker should offer to replace, unless the dude was juggling with it or doing something assinine (or he's on a trust fund), the owner must REFUSE the gesture. You bought it knowing it would break someday, putting the screws to your buddy over it just isn't worth it. Glass is always a temporary investment, no matter what the blower says.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Broken Glass is just spilled milk. no need to cry, you can get more later. Even if is really really good cambodian breast milk. No need to shut down the studio

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Good ones guys. Another important one is to not speak about transactions and Cannabis on the phone while talking to people who grow or your friendly caregiver (dealer). Many people get very irritatated, and while you think its "no biggie", your source may get very annoyed and decide not to answer your calls after a while.
A good way to do this is find a code word for it, like cd's or DVDs or whatever...don't say "hey can I come over and buy a half ounce of pot?" on the phone...maybe he has a sneaky mom or someone listening in on the other line etc..


New member
People who get up to check the windows every five minutes because they thought they heard a car door or helicopter.

(ok that was me)

Moldy Dreads

Active member
People who get up to check the windows every five minutes because they thought they heard a car door or helicopter.

(ok that was me)
Were you smoking crack? LOL No really, the problem with paranoia, is that it's not a natural feeling that Cannabis produces, it's the reaction you get because society has made people feel this way due to prohibition. By Cannabis being illegal, us users tend to get scared that someone will get us in trouble for using it. Very sad, because it can be a total buzzkill. Once I got my medical card years ago and am in a state that is more compassionate on personal users, I don't tend to feel paranoid. Actually being paranoid and acting it, is a giveaway also, if you're in a public place and look around alot it's a bust, because it's obvious you're trying to hide when you're smoking. A week ago I was getting in my car and I look over and 4 people were staring at me from the car parked beside mine. They saw I was not really staring at them and was with a group of children etc, so they continued smoking. When I saw the joint I smiled at them and waved, but at first they seemed very suspicious, like they were doing something wrong...like a deer in the headlights.

The less you look around and act suspicious, the better it is IMO, just be aware of what's around you, and I like the one where you can't open the windows until the session's over..that is always good.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Were you smoking crack? LOL No really, the problem with paranoia, is that it's not a natural feeling that Cannabis produces, it's the reaction you get because society has made people feel this way due to prohibition. By Cannabis being illegal, us users tend to get scared that someone will get us in trouble for using it. Very sad, because it can be a total buzzkill. Once I got my medical card years ago and am in a state that is more compassionate on personal users, I don't tend to feel paranoid. Actually being paranoid and acting it, is a giveaway also, if you're in a public place and look around alot it's a bust, because it's obvious you're trying to hide when you're smoking. A week ago I was getting in my car and I look over and 4 people were staring at me from the car parked beside mine. They saw I was not really staring at them and was with a group of children etc, so they continued smoking. When I saw the joint I smiled at them and waved, but at first they seemed very suspicious, like they were doing something wrong...like a deer in the headlights.

The less you look around and act suspicious, the better it is IMO, just be aware of what's around you, and I like the one where you can't open the windows until the session's over..that is always good.

Absolutely MD.....I just do my thing and be myself.....Nothing to fear but fear itself.


pffpffpass :woohoo:

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Another lame ass move is when you're matching bowls with someone and they match with some commercial bud that is not that great, then they produce a canister with some nice herb, show it to everyone, brag about how good it is, then tell people thay are not going to burn you out with it because it's "headies".
WTF is that?

WHy even show it and brag about it? Keep it in your pocket and don't be a douchebag. If you're going to brag about bud, at least load up a snap for everyone matching bowls.

That is so lame in my book, and a reason to never call that person over again..I see the younger crowd do this alot and could never understand it.


Moldy Dreads

Active member
Broken and lost (or confinscated) glass is a fact of life.

We lost Gingus Kong the Bong to a pig one time in the mid 70s. I will still never forget seeing that pig pull that out of Glen's 64 Impala.

I had 1 $200 bubbler and a quarter of the Bubba Kush returned to me by a CHP about 2 years ago, that was one of the best feelings (and session afterwards) in the world...thank goodness for Medical MJ!

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
"...don't, Bogart that joint; my friend"....and try not to think, too much!...:pimp3:


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New member
Were you smoking crack? LOL No really, the problem with paranoia, is that it's not a natural feeling that Cannabis produces, it's the reaction you get because society has made people feel this way due to prohibition. By Cannabis being illegal, us users tend to get scared that someone will get us in trouble for using it. Very sad, because it can be a total buzzkill. Once I got my medical card years ago and am in a state that is more compassionate on personal users, I don't tend to feel paranoid. Actually being paranoid and acting it, is a giveaway also, if you're in a public place and look around alot it's a bust, because it's obvious you're trying to hide when you're smoking. A week ago I was getting in my car and I look over and 4 people were staring at me from the car parked beside mine. They saw I was not really staring at them and was with a group of children etc, so they continued smoking. When I saw the joint I smiled at them and waved, but at first they seemed very suspicious, like they were doing something wrong...like a deer in the headlights.

The less you look around and act suspicious, the better it is IMO, just be aware of what's around you, and I like the one where you can't open the windows until the session's over..that is always good.

Nah man, never tried crack.

I don't know, I think you're right to a point. But I imagine the paranoia or state of alertness that weed can produce would have been pretty helpful a thousand odd years ago. Hunting our own food, keeping watch over a settlement or flock of sheep with a few pipes of stimulating dope. Just these days we have nothing better to worry about than the local paid thugs.


Well-known member
OPERA......oh man that's a tough one!

Is there any rule or etiquete concerning how long you have to stay with the three tenors blasting from the jbl's after you've indulged? I wouldn't be impolite but, I probably wouldn't be stayin' for sup either...

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I knew a vegetarian who would refuse to smoke a glass piece or joint with people who were eating meat at a BBQ. I thought that was a bit over the top, but then the other day a cigarrette smoker wanted me to light a joint/roach on his lit cigarrette, and I felt the same way...

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