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10 Commandments of smoking MJ

Moldy Dreads

Active member
The Ten Commandments of Pot
& You Never Break The 10 Commandments

The Golden Rule works for pot:
If a friend has nothing to smoke and you do, smoke them up.
If you've got munchies and drink and he doesn't, let him have a bit of yours.

Left-Hand Rule: Always pass to the left.
That way if your driving in a car, The Driver never has to reach behind him to grab the joint. Not that we would ever drive & do drugs at the same time. Heaven Forbid!

He who rolls a joint gains automatic sparking privileges.
If he rolls a nice joint, tell him so.
If he does not wish to spark, he may pass the privilege to someone else.

Never complain about somebody else's weed.
They didn't have to include you...
Don't knock it, free pot is good pot.

Never turn down a toke, unless you are too stoned (hay it happens).
Pity he who is too stoned.

Valid Medical Patients
A Valid Medical Patient Does Have The Right To Smoke Alone
If They Feel They Do Not Have Enough To Share.
Remember Its Their Medicine!

A match is a match:
Try to never match pinners to anything bigger, it's just impolite.
Come to think of it, never roll a pinner.
If you absolutely must roll a pinner due to lack of pot, apologize profusely.

Declare a bowl cashed if you think it is.

The person who brought the bud picks the music.

The little things that kill:
Never miss 4:20.
Thou shalt not triple toke.
Save all your roaches for a "rainy day"
Never Clean Anyone Else's Bowl Without Permission..

Anyone else have a rule while smoking?

One we had in highschool was "You cough, you're off."

Which meant that if we were smoking behind a bush or up a tree, and you coughed, you were off, and had to leave because you would reveal the whereabouts of the kids and were basically a bust..LOL any more?

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Another one is to not slobber all over a joint, that's disgusting..


If someone passes you a "party" bowl where multiple people smoke, you don't char the entire bowl, you light just the edge and leave some green for the next person..


when picking up weed everyone has to put 5 on it. if you dont put in you cant smoke. Thats only if everyones out of weed.ya dig


I must propose an exception to the first commandment, "If a friend has nothing to smoke and you do, smoke them up."

There are too many people out there that take advantage of this and buy weed in the morning, smoke constantly throughout the day, run out of weed by about 10pm then go looking for the midnight toker (me) to scavenge half of their joint too. The worst is when I'm trying to roll my midnight joint and they complain it's too small to get them properly stoned because they've been smoking all day and their tolerance is up. It happens all the time to me and it's a real pain in the ass.


Active member
what about the weed whores?

you know the ones. usually women, but they never pack bowls(EVER) but it always seems there around to take hand outs(freebies) or get up in rotation. They either talk waaaaay to much or not at all.

:noway: seen to many of these fools.

I think it's pretty clear to say that just cause one 'may' smoke weed does not make them cool. Must be a mentality to just keep smokin' everyone elses stash.

Staring at her tits its the wrong waaaaay.


The Hopeful Protagonist
what about the weed whores?

you know the ones. usually women, but they never pack bowls(EVER) but it always seems there around to take hand outs(freebies) or get up in rotation.
:noway: seen to many of these fools.

I think it's pretty clear to say that just cause one 'may' smoke weed does not make them cool.

Staring at her tits its the wrong waaaaay.



A match is a match:
Try to never match pinners to anything bigger, it's just impolite.
Come to think of it, never roll a pinner.
If you absolutely must roll a pinner due to lack of pot, apologize profusely.

I get sick just thinking about this one. A 'personal' bowl for myself and many other icmaggers is probably enough to send most people on a moon mission. It's amazing how many friends will come over and let themselves get stoned into the couch while I'm trying to get high on my weed. Then you go over to their house for a...uhh.. well...a session...hah... and they load up their little .2-.3 bowl and expect you to take a tiny little corner hit off of it then chill on it for a bit. It's totally cool in isolated and infrequent events but I think it happens all too often.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Don't blow smoke in someone's face unless it's a person of the opposite sex and you both are ready to get it on...otherwise it could mean a fight. Very rude behavior..
I get sick just thinking about this one. A 'personal' bowl for myself and many other icmaggers is probably enough to send most people on a moon mission. It's amazing how many friends will come over and let themselves get stoned into the couch while I'm trying to get high on my weed. Then you go over to their house for a...uhh.. well...a session...hah... and they load up their little .2-.3 bowl and expect you to take a tiny little corner hit off of it then chill on it for a bit. It's totally cool in isolated and infrequent events but I think it happens all too often.

i don't mind... i mean.. we grow, they don't... we have tolerance, they don't...

BUT, i have a very low tolerance(or rather, can do with just a buzz when hanging out), and, honestly, if i'm going to get someone stoned, i'm only putting in enough for ME to get stoned, if it's too little for you, offer up some money... And if i wasn't going to smoke already or am dry, i ain't going halfsies...

Moldy Dreads

Active member
When someone is kind enough to let you pack your own rip, don't grab the biggest nug and rip the top off it and load it up. EVeryone knows the rule, you take the lower portion of the nug and work your way up to the top.


natural medicator
Don't blow smoke in someone's face unless it's a person of the opposite sex and you both are ready to get it on...otherwise it could mean a fight. Very rude behavior..

way too many people do this........tryin'a make a chill stoner get annoyed

Moldy dreads-i think I could handle smokin with you. Ya seem to have a good grasp of etiquette


Has been said already....but....

If I'm at the end of my stash and just rolled up my last bit of herb in my last J, especially if its barely enough to get me stoned, don't hang all around tryin to get a few puffs or even worse, try to smoke half of it. I'll offer if I want to share.

If its someone who trades off smoke back and forth frequently, its different, but in general.............don't mooch off the end of my stash


Active member
Right on... should also include something about bringing clips if you are smoking a joint.. fumbling with keys and other makeshift clips sucks.