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16000 BTU Portable A/C is their such a thing as too much power?


Check this bad boy out... I placed my order and should have this in about a week. http://www.air-n-water.com/product/AC-1600E.html

For right now this thing is WAY to powerful, but im thinking in the future.. Its only got 4 400w HPS Eye Hortilux's to cool down. I want to buy 4 more HPS but 600w Eye Hortilux's this time. What do you guys think? any comments are regarded as beneficial.... thanks bro's

not the room but my whole apartment is only 320 sq. ft. LOL

i guess my only concern is it sucking too much electricity...
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hate to break it to you but the general consenus is that portables suck.


Ya that sounds like a very interesting argument... Wait... you forgot the most important part... Your argument....


Get two birds stoned at once
Yes there is such a thing as too much power. You have too much power when you are never going to use all of it.


never? i admitted it was too big for my current application but i also said i was going to buy 4 600w's in about a year. bringing my total wattage to 4000 watts... but for now i only have 1600 watts in a small type room....

it shouldn't have to work hard too cool down this room so it will only use as much power as it needs. is this ignorance or am I correct in this assumption? its got a thermostat so it should keep it on the low and low

I've also got the bomb "KILL-a-WATT" meter... so i will know how much it is sucking whenever i want...

thanks for viewing my mind
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will someone explain why the general consensus is "Portable's blow" or is that guy just smoking schwag?

Last I heard portables are the shit... my thought is, I think people just bought bad models so they are using their situation as a mass assumption that all are crap. Like the sunpentown's... look at the reviews on Amazon.com... i know they were once regarded as good producers of portable a/cs but not any more

Guest 18340

yamaha 1fan is right. The general consensus IS that portables arent worth the money. Use the search button and you'll find threads as to why they arent so great.
I personally use a window unit and its 5 years old...


Tom 'Green' Thumb
The window units are better, but you can make a portable work for you just fine. Might take a little ingenuity, but you can do it. The problem with them is that they are not as efficient, especially the single hose designs. The double hose designs are much better, but both sometimes leak unscrubbed air to the outside. This can be corrected on some models, and some are much better than others. I don't think you can get that kind of info from anyone yet. Hope yours works out well for you and let us know.

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Just a Wee bit of research saves Big BUCKS-----I learned that many years ago. Life is easier now and more profitable. I guess we all go through that stage, I am referring to the "House of Hard Knocks". Dues paid at this end.

You're all right, and other than a higher electric bill due to the higher EER of the portable AC you will survive. Check exhaust air periodically to ensure no odor escapes the grow.

Peace and Big Buds 2U,


It's better to have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it.
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Active member
ive got a portable and 2window units and i find there both great fixes. but it depends on your situation. yes u can make a box for a window unit, but then your using the extra power a portable does, plus money for the housing/time etc. plus fans etc.

ty-stick does make a point about the smell, as portable take room air and cool themselves with it and expell that air.

frankly i love my 13k btu portable but the fact that its digital sucks. portable a/c also make great dehumidifyers, as they usualy have them built-in. atleast mine does.


To my Peers this is offered, " this young man has financially committed himself to a course of his own choosing. In time, He like all others, will learn the finer aspects of growing with efficiency".

Sometimes we spend dollars where they could have been better spent elsewhere. "That resembles me" (Garfield the Cat), and ME too.


ThirdEyeVision said:



"Get 'r done", any damned way you can.....................just "get r' done".

Thank You Third Eye Vision, you're good to go.

TyStik :jump:
i brought me a 17000btu window ac for 200 and then i brought me a 260cfm blower and then some peice of wood and plywood, and also 4inch flex ducts, and now i have me a portable ac that works and doesn't suck my treated air outside.

Dr. G

Active member
i just upgraded from the whirlpool portable to a 25k btu window i need a 10"can fan max to exaust it it works really nice for 3400w illbe adding another 1000 in 2 weeks
Hey Dr. G a 25k btu can handle about 6-8 lights depending on your location and outside weather. You don't need a 10" can fan thats too much, i got a 8"blower around 800cfm that handles that pretty well i even think i can go lower but the 8"blower is working wonders maybe even making the 25kbtu work better.
Thanks for posting this thread ZONGSONG. I was researching a little bit on portable a/c units because summertime is coming up and I never grew in the summer before. But I can tell you that it's going to be 90+ in my grow room.

Now, I found this:http://www.air-n-water.com/product/APC2000E.htm
Now will this room cool down a walk in closet? 6x4x8??? I have a ONE 400w Hortilux HPS/400w GE MH/HydroFarm reflector.


why go the DIY route when your growing 3400W?

Did you not get a split level AC because you dont like the idea of having something outside your house running 24/7 even throughout the winter?

(I mean if you are in cali, a split would work fine and not raise any suspicion at all really, though in the colder states it would)
green_tea i dont know if you've ever used or seen a split in action but they hardly make any noise, but they are expensive as crazy. Window ac is best they last for a lifetime without breakdowns. When a split break down you'll need someone to take a look around and thats definitely a no no.


I could never find a portable air conditioner that big 16,000 BTUs. I have a 10,000 BTU sitting in my closet used it for a 1000 watt system. In a 8ft by 8ft bathroom it worked good, but it also consumed a lot of electricity. Usually over $700 a month in the summer since then I bought a 10,000 BTU window unit put it in the adjacent room. Bought a 465 CFM Dayton to blow the cool air in their and a 465 CFM on the other side for exhaust into the flower room, and it works better than the portable and my bills were cheaper. Until I bought another light and made the bathroom my grow area and the adjacent room my flower. You now how that is, but I am sure, a unit that size would have done a more efficient job at least I like it. It is all about the BTUs