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10-12 years old seeds...


Hey all,

I got a jar of seeds that been kept for somthing like 12 years... the jar kept in room temp. for all this time, nothing like vacum or freezing for the seeds...
I wonder if there a good way to germinate those seeds ?

from 50 seeds that i tried to germinate only 3 came out and 1 died after 2 days...

any suggestions without buying new seeds ?

Ultra Current

I've been storing my seeds in the freezer since 1999. They still pop. I use the wet paper towel method but you can gently score the old seeds with fine sand paper in a matchbox before you put them into paper towels,

John Deere

Active member
Seeds lose moisture over time so give them a good 24 hour soak in plain water before whatever process you prefer. Keep them warm while germing. I'd guess I get 80+% success on my old seeds, which are stored in a mason jar in my kitchen cupboard. My seeds range from maybe mid-90's to mid-00's.

Look around a bit, too. I know this has been discussed in the past but I don't have time to search ATM. Best of luck.

joe fresh

Active member
my trick is a tupperware container...line the container with a small cloth(paper towel falls apart)

then put enough water to make sure there is left over water that does not get absorbed.

put seeds in, then fold cloth over, always making sure there is a little excess water in the tupperware container.

put the cover on it and seal it tight.

then put in on the refrigerator (for heat), then between 18 and 48 hours all or most of your seeds should be popped....

with this method i usually get 100% germ rate in less than 24 hours...

imo the reason this works so well is becaus the pressure in the container, the heat slowly evaps the water and the moisture has 0 place to go, this will create a small water pressure and the moisture will look to penetrate anywhere that is dry, including inside the dry seeds....so in a sense it "forces" the moisture in rather than wait for it to enter it like putting them in a glass of water....or other methods ppl use....

GL...let us know how it goes

Ultra Current

Because the seeds weren't stored in the freezer in airtight containers, there's no way he's getting 100% germ rates. He will be lucky if he gets 50% germ rates. If the seeds were kept in the freezer for those 12 years, you would have 80% - 90% germ rates. On my 13 year old seeds I have 90% germ rates but they were kept in the freezer the whole time in light tight / air sealed Ball Jars. The problem that he will most likely see is that the seeds will look like they popped but some may turn to mush. I have this happening to my Santa Marta Columbian Golds from 1974. It sucks but I'll get one of these to pop somehow.


I bought an old "Dawrf tree kit" or better known as the Bonsai, the box was sealed and it was from 1968, none popped. Good luck though, its cool to find old seeds like 10+ years and have them pop, its almost like a fossil..


The problem that he will most likely see is that the seeds will look like they popped but some may turn to mush. I have this happening to my Santa Marta Columbian Golds from 1974. It sucks but I'll get one of these to pop somehow.

This is what happend to me all the time... i see them cracking... but they all getting "black jelly" like...
Anyway I tryied soaking, place them in towel for 10 days and to leave them in the water for 48 hours... no luck with none of them...
I'm trying now to soak them with root juice for 24h and then to soak them in towel to see if there any luck...

Ultra Current

This is what happend to me all the time... i see them cracking... but they all getting "black jelly" like...
Anyway I tryied soaking, place them in towel for 10 days and to leave them in the water for 48 hours... no luck with none of them...
I'm trying now to soak them with root juice for 24h and then to soak them in towel to see if there any luck...

Yeah I know what your going through. Your next option would be a solution of waster and 150 ppm of gerberric acid. I dont know how to spell it. Im doing the same thing so ill let you know how it goes. You should swap out the paper towels every 3 days and try again. Let me know how it goes. Im very interested.


"gibberellic acid" it took time to find it spelled right... lol

sound intresting, let me know how you doing with it.
i'll defintly let you know how i'm doing with mine...


, The Ghost of
I think its a numbers game for you. Seeds that old that werent stored correctly will have a high no pop/mortality rate. Pop 10x as many as youd like to have and hopefully the numbers will work for you. If you find any that are vigorous, clone them. If the finished product is good, youll be glad you did. cheers and good luck


All you need are some healthy flies. Flies are a botanists dream! But lil is known and researched on these "pests". Fly vomit is gibberellic acid.


All you need are some healthy flies. Flies are a botanists dream! But lil is known and researched on these "pests". Fly vomit is gibberellic acid.

I belive you have a mistake or you ment fly vomit is LIKE gibberellic acid.
as far as i read online about the gibberellic acid it comes from mushrooms...
i dont know much about fly vomit, but it's good to search for... (But not to try)
anyway as i can see for now, the gibberellic acid is recommended everywhere for old seeds, it's all about the PPM you add, when using low PPM you get better success. high PPM gives bad results... (as far as i read)
I didnt tried the gibberellic acid yet but i'll sure do in the future (near future)
anyway still waiting to hear about any success from anyone...


OK, something very weird that i thought to share...

I tryied to place 4 seeds for this test in BOILED water. i left them for 24 hours in a cup and left the water to get the room temprature - didnt touched to cup at all.
24 hours later after i check the cup i saw the seeds still floating... :tumbleweed:
so i tryied to throw them back in boiled water again and to see if anything will change... and yes, somthing has been changed. but weird...

DSC01560.jpg DSC01561.jpg DSC01567.jpg DSC01566.jpg

look at the Purple & white "Hair" that goes out from the seeds... they were pretty long.... what is it ????????

So, i thought to leave them in the water for 12 hours more to see if any change, and yes...

DSC01570.jpg DSC01572.jpg DSC01574.jpg DSC01578.jpg

it looks like 4 out of 4 is spread out... but 2 strong and 2 jelly... i belive only 2 will survive...
did you ever saw somthing like that ??

joe fresh

Active member
that stringy stuff looks like mold....or bad bacteria...maybe you should pretreat your seeds before germing...