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finally back in colorado!!!



just got back from kentucky man does that place suck!!

just got an apt. in boulder county this place is so beautiful. anybody that hasnt been here should make it here sometime in their life.

the only bad thing i found out is ol'dude has moved so im screwed on budz :badday:

goin to see STS9 at the fillmore and the bisco also. i have 2 extras for bisco if anyone needs them.

anyways glad to be back in co and on ic.

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Always good to hear that a coloradoan has returned home. Hope you find the new pad acceptable. Peace


My little pony.. my little pony
Are you renting from the girl downstairs?




Sorry, we had the misfortune of being stationed out there and thought it was a complete hell hole. If you weren't born there, you aren't welcome, and they let you know it under no uncertain terms! Boulder is beautiful, we were stationed in Denver for 2 years. Nice concerts up in Red Rocks- we saw Gracie Slick, on the wings of a dove concert.

Glad ya made it back home, bro - good luck gettin another connection set up.
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Please make sure to convserve your water use in colorado.
IT is high plains and rockies..both are delicate ecosystems. With all the fastest growing city in america crap for 12 years, the front range and metro denver are royally fucked up with traffick, pollution and. yes drought.
kentucky blue grass belongs in kentucky! keep those golf courses zeroscaped with prairie plants, and weed all around the watering holes. 9th green anyone?
fuuuuuuck m8. glad you are back in CO too. there is about good bud 5000 all over that place. you can get stank for 50$ a zone. yes, you have to be from high school in a remote mountain town to get that, but really, any one of them has got the deal, its outdoor sensi. america rocks keep it real tho, cuz for heady prices in boulder, o SNAP you are gonna have a chance at some boulder born strains, like the boulder cough! hmmm, its that one that gets you in the lower left lung... oi. Sorry to hear your hook up passed over, its the circle man, he lives on in your heart.
Sound tribe is the wonderful stuff! they are coming out here real quick. HOB chicago, o yea! There are so many great shows in btown and down at red rocks. Kick butt man. 1 toke over the line...that is the real man. Everyone should get out there, but paradise aint big enough for eddyone

americans, please watch this video about 9-11:
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1toke, perhaps the treatment you received wasn't fair but so many people immigrate to CO that we natives tend to over react.

A+Dank, great that you know how irresponsible most home owners have been in this state. Kentucky bluegrass shouldn't be covering over 90% of the lawns in the state, but in our defense CA is actually the cause of CO water woes. The rckymtn H20 pipeline is one of the main suppliers to the L.A. water system. Oh, and for the year the majority of the state is well above average form percipitation.

Edit: On the note of good local striens, anyone know a place to get some LGS? I would love to get my hands on those genetics.

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weener said:
1toke, perhaps the treatment you received wasn't fair but so many people immigrate to CO that we natives tend to over react.

A+Dank, great that you know how irresponsible most home owners have been in this state. Kentucky bluegrass shouldn't be covering over 90% of the lawns in the state, but in our defense CA is actually the cause of CO water woes. The rckymtn H20 pipeline is one of the main suppliers to the L.A. water system. Oh, and for the year the majority of the state is well above average form percipitation.

Edit: On the note of good local striens, anyone know a place to get some LGS? I would love to get my hands on those genetics.


Word Bro. When the Dot Coms moved into Denver prices shot up and taxes along with it - then when they all went bust, locals were left holdin the bag and the taxes STILL haven't adjusted (have you ever seen anything come down once they discover they can get that kind of money?). :bat:

In defense of the misplaced Bluegrass, when everyone wanted more than scrub brush and tumbleweed intheir yards and started putting down eastern, southeastern lawn strains there was no drought - the H2O pipeline was still a California proposition. What gives another state the right to rape an ecosystem! Now the state suffers droughts and rationing. :badday:

We have a friend in Colorado Springs - I'll try to put him in touch with ya. He's a mountain med grower and hooked me up with our Neville's stock way back when. I'll give him a shout and ask him to check in on yer thread. Have a few college chums on staff at the university in Denver, too - we'll give 'em a heads up. Don't see any probs hookin up with anyone tho - as we were unpacking our grow equipment someone noticed, jumped in to help me unload, and we relaxed afterwards with some nice hydro he brought down from the upper range. Guess Old Hippies fit right in at Red Rocks! :woohoo:

Here's the Neville's mom our Rocky Mountain friends hooked us up with.


1toke, sounds like classic colorado. They see a detail that gives alot away about yourself, they feel comfortable, and they lend a helping hand :joint: You must have lived here, you are way to familiar w/ the dot.com bust and in impact on our state :badday: Oh, and for the grass, I have seen some recent setups that are quite kick a$$ when it comes to visual appeal and h20 conservation. A buddy of mine has a lawn that is entirely buffalo grass, but I think its mixed w/ kentucky, so it is almost as soft as kentucky blue but it uses +70% less water. The second setup is called "no-scape", so it uses processed mulch to cover the ground to reduce water loss and then the fuana that is used is low water consumption plants like schrubs and bushes. If people were truely think ahead they would pass laws EVERYWHERE that required a certain gallon/day consumption lawn, but se la vi I guess. Great Pic!!!! I love to get some imput from some other locals, thanks.

Peace... [size=-2]it can be ours[/size]

Optimus Prime

New member
I live in colorado and my lawn is xeriscaped to take advantage of more natural grasses, forbs, weeds and shrubs. I hate the folks who waste water on or for "appearance" sake. What a waste of our most precious local natural resource.
Sorry for the rant.......and welcome back!

A fellow Coloradoan.......Optimus Prime


Good to hear that you have a lawn that is low water consumption, they are few and far between. Any of you guys hit the mtns. lately :confused: Cuz the snow has been off the frickin hook, so much powder!

Peace :pimp3:
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"Tis a privilege..." huh?

3 ft of snow in my yard/150+ inches so far this season...and yup...(gasp) there's some bluegrass under there. Also got lotsa shade...so much so that the grass will hardly grow and I water it once a week...at most. If it rains/we get the monsoon...I can go weeks without watering. FWIW...this is the first winter since '97 that we've had this much snow...and a consitent/"normal" pattern of storms ever 2-3 days or so.

the following is kind of a rant...but not really. I hope it just makes you think a bit...

Tis a trade off, guys...really it is. While some of us use a bit of water and enjoy our lawn and local surroundings, many others (water their lawns *AND*) clog the highways and the roads coming to the mountains to ski or beat the heat *each* weekend...leaving a huge carbon footprint in their wake all along the I-70 corridor, as well as *crappy* air...just like you breathe every day down there.

Along with that footprint/pollution, is the damage done by the cinders that clog the creeks and the mag chloride that is poured on the roads to keep em clear all winter so a few zillion folks who don't live in the snow all the time can make it up here to ski. If you've noticed, that crap is killing a large # of pine trees alongside the roadway of this state...and the use of cinders for years and years is silting-in/damaging important trout habitats statewide.

semi-rant mode off....

i'm glad everyone is conscienscious about their water usage and is aware of the consequences of alternative actions...but there's a complete/overall package that needs to be looked at here, IMO, not just one peice of the puzzle.

In the end, EVERYTHING we do has an impact!

On another CO tangent.....are any of you folks "med"? I am..but need to find a new doc for my renewal. PM me if you can help, please.

Optimus Prime

New member
weener --> I get "uphill" semi-regularly....gotta love the Rocky Mtn. highs.....good luck re-adjusting.

durga --> Sorry, no horse and buggy, gotta drive when we hop over the hill. I know, I know, I should be more eco-friendly, but then it would take even longer to get to my favorite fishin-holes!



I understand the point, but what are the alternatives. Im pretty aware of my power/water usage and I carpool as much as humanly possible (especially up to the hills) but combustable fuels are the only viable option (no, hydrogen doesn't count as it still requires mass amounts of energy from somewere just to make the stuff) so until a quallity sedan/wagon w/ a better option comes alond I'm SOL. That being said, I do plan on purchasing a B8 gen audi w/ the TDi when its released in the states, biodiesel baby!

Optimus, Im not gonna need to readjust as Im not the one moving here (born and raised native) but thanks non the less.

Peace :pimp3:


So nice that so many of us coloradoans on here are aware of xeroscaping and resepct the impact that all the ski tourist are having on the fair hills.
To be honest, i have not been home since medical kicked in, nor decriminalization...back in the day, CO was just a place with tons of wacky weed, old miners, mad folks from cali invading, hippies, and ranchers...and so much more of course... and on that note... here's a lil silence for the poor and abused CO river.
back to the budz...
Something i read by sam skunkman in another thread at OG was that he noticed that clones of the same plant grown at different elevations really expressed different phenos. There is something to be said about cultivation between 1 and 2 miles in the sky, i have never found better weed consistently than back in CO.
Could you all post strains that you believe are endogenous to CO? There are a couple that i thought were bred there, but i have found confounding info... one is called wheelchair crippler, the wheel, wonderview (CO) wheelchair or just wheelchair... see this thread http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=20385
I know the boulder cough very well, and i know that there are local crosses wherever you go..but i think it would be tight to start a lil compendium of colorado classics....and hell, if someone can chime in and say, HEY! that is not from colorado! that has humbolt trainwreck as as its P1! then that would be REALLY cool.
heres my thoughts on colorado strains

Boulder cough(makes ya cough,no matter how littleyou take,kind oflike ahaze stone)
Wheel Chair crippler ( trippiest, couch lockiest, most psychedlic weed ever, 4 me)
Boulder Mint (speariment flavored fluffly indica, seen only for two seaons in 98&99

hey weener, whats LGS? like i said, i aint been home in YEARS...maybe someday when i have enough money to live in the metro there again (grrrrrrrrrr, gentrification)

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L.G.S. or LIME GREEN SHIT and its just that. It sorta glows w/ a lime green hue. Its been years since I've had the real deal but it comes around once in a blue moon. And yeah, we CO people love our cough strains for sure :canabis: I know of a farmer in the hills that has his own genetics, but I doubt I could get my nuts on it :yummy:

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Optimus Prime

New member
I hope you folks don't mind the interjection here......

For Colorado Strains, I often have fond memories of the "P" Bud that came out of the Paonia area many moons ago. It was deep green and had a distinct piney taste and aroma. Narcotic creeper stone that couldn't be beat for medicinal use. This is still around in that area, but the old growers are mostly gone now. I really miss this strain and it's medicinal properties.

The Colorado Cough makes its way around certain cirlces.....>the best im my opinion are the more astringent, pineapple-grapefruit tasting phenos. It is fun weed but it does always make you cough. The Boulder Cough comes around more frequently and is again, always fun to smoke. The Coughs are not the most potent strains in my opinion, but they have an old-school charm and bring back memories from the 70s-80s when I first got to Colorado.

LGS = interesting funky pot. I have not seen this in years. Funny thing is the bud I have seen called this isn't always Lime Green. But what I had was heady sativa dominated weed that always gave me the munchies and giggles. I have always suspected that this was a Mexican derived genetic strain similar to Oaxacan or Michoacan varietals.

I have never had the Crippler or Boulder Mint, but I have been self-sufficient for a very long time. I imagine from the descriptions that both were excellent.

A friend did recently smoke something they called "Golden Haze" with me that they got hold of in Boulder. Not sure it was a haze at all. It was a lighter, paler green with sweet overtones. I did not find it to have haze traits, but more of a stoney-couchy buzz. It did the trick whatever it was/is.

A=Dank, thanks for making this thread full of fond/fun memories for me.

Weener --> no offense friend, sorry for the mis-read. Heck you got me beat, 30 year resident here, but I am not a native. And I know how proud most true Colorado Native-born residents are. My kids are natives here too.

Best to You Fellow Coloradoans.....Optimus Prime


It was never a comptition, I just have a distaste for the californians that move here then complain about it while bragging about Cali. Im all about immigrated natives, as its not a place but rather a state of mind :pimp3:

EDIT:but unfortunately this reality also demands that it be a place, and for that I am gratefull, cuz I loves my skiin'

EDIT dos: Figured I add a local hotties pic :yummy:

the smoke was awesome and so was the high, mellow w/ out a retarded set back. No pheno though
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