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Wonderview Wheelchair



I would like to know about "Wonderview Wheelchair".

I saw that someone listed this to be added to an elite clones list or something like that. I once knew a guy who knew a guy who supposedly grew this clone called "wheelchair”, but I can not remember a good enough description for it to be worth typing. I do know that it is on my personal top ten list, so it might actually have been the same strain.

If I had a description of the original "Wonderview Wheelchair" I would remember well enough to know if what I had was the same stuff.

Many thanks
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Are you serious?

That is your response.

Why would you post something like that on my thread?

Obviously I am going to look around. That’s how you find what you are looking for.

This is another source used for finding information.

I don't need unnecessary posts on my thread.

Thank you for your cynical remark



Wonderview Wheelchair is a pure afghani.....could be related to the old Garlic line.....

I dont see it around much anymore since there are much better strains gifted to the local community.....not much flavor but a super creeper high that leaves you TIRED.....couchlock and extremely passive.....all the folks that had the wheelchair are now growin A-G13 or The G13xHP, similar highs but much better flavors.....

Wonderview is a small Mtn Community near Rollinsville CO......Ive also heard it called "WindowView Wheelchair"....so it may not have been created there just got the clever nick....


I've tried the A13 gorrilla arm pheno MSM, that stuff will put ya right to sleep, very very relaxing.


The "Wheel" that we saw here high in the hills circa 91-2003 was originally from Boulder...so my guess is that it may be the same thing.

The version we had was extremely flavorful...and oh, so couchey. The first time I smoked it, I sat back and closed my eyes and saw lots of colorful patterns bouncin in my head. I smoked this almost exclusively (along with Al Walker) for about 10 years!
Not a huge yielder....but what ya got was always top notch and if you were selling it, you were always out and the phone was always ringin'!

definitely good pot.


This is my first post.... :woohoo: OG and CW refugee, i am. Dont hate! this site is wonderful and so much better content and discussiong than kiddies and crippy over at OG,
and wow, what a cool thread!
i have been looking for info about the wheelchair for a LONG time.
In boulder, in 2001, we got this stuff called "Wheel Chair Crippler" and it was singledhandedly the most couch effect, parlyzing weed i ever smoked. i passed out on it, and that has never happened to me (mad strains all from boulder, cali, holland...nothing has touched my wheelchair experience). it was not particularly relaxing, more like f*cking intense. it just paralyzed me and sent me into this weird hallucnigenic passed out dream state.
Is this a clone only strain? Does anyone know where in the world it is being cultivated? Is it endogenous to colorado? pleeeeez, anyone with more info chime in!
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the wheelchair I had matches pretty fair with the descriptions I have read here...

and mine came from down south.


Well(come) A+...you know how stories are...

The guy I got mine from in '91 is a life-long friend. He told me that he got it from some guys in Boulder...who got it from a Prof. on campus. Word that came along with this info was that it was/was derived from M-39. Of course, these days, such a tag is the curse of death...cus the kids all know that M-39 is the 'beasters' and ain't no good...blahdiblahdiblah. ;-)

I'm sure someone still has it goin' in the original form...but the buddy I got it from has since moved...and the only other person I gave it to doesn't have it anymore. (it came with the BORG, so I didn't share it cus I could never rid it of em completely)

I shut down for a few years to take a break/get rid of the BORG once and for all, but seeded the clone (and Al) with a Mango Indica to try to preserve it as best I could. I recently grew out 2 seeds...got 2 females..one was Al (came through nicely)...the other was a weaker Mango/Wheel...so more playing is required/more seeds need to be popped (I have about 35 seeds of this and that's it) to try to find some sort of representation of her again.

time will tell....


I was lucky enough to get airborn g13 a few years ago and it is a knock out stone....

Never heard of wheelchair but then again there are so many crosses being made by peeps like us it's so hard to keep up !!! I remeber searching for ages for something called death bud I got while in san fran never found it :badday:

On the up side I was given some texas mystic trainwreck x sweet tooth 3 which is my fave smoke at the mo.. I think they were from marksurfs.. :chin:


"weird hallucnigenic passed out dream state"

I like the sound of this!


growit1234 said:
Are you serious?

That is your response.

Why would you post something like that on my thread?

Obviously I am going to look around. That’s how you find what you are looking for.

This is another source used for finding information.

I don't need unnecessary posts on my thread.

Thank you for your cynical remark


relax man

the wheelchair grows so wild in honeydew

thats the spot to go to if you want it..make a trek and meet some folks.


happy hipster said:
relax man

the wheelchair grows so wild in honeydew

thats the spot to go to if you want it..make a trek and meet some folks.

If honeydew is a place then if you had added a near by city, state, or region it have been more understandable.

I appologize for being hostile.

Thank you for your advise.

Mojave Dave



I too am now very interested in acquiring some of these beans. I will keep a close eye on this thread!

I'm always looking for a true "knockout stone" that would be the most effective in squelching the bright white sort of pain I suffer that the morphine can't touch. If anyone knows of such a strain, or hears of a source for this Wheelchair strain, would you kindly keep me in mind and maybe give me a heads up in case I don't catch it here for some reason?

Thanks in adavance for any guidance you folks can provide. All the best!


thank you happy hipster!
maybe some day i can trek out there again and get myself some salmon creek and wheelchair and anything else i am chamred to come across.
you want to know something funny? i posted questions about wheelchair on OG for 3 years and never got boo about its genetic make up or anyones expereince with breeding it. Thank you! knowledge is power,

billy bob

happy hipster; wheelchair sounds likesome armagedon i tryed a few years back in austin tx . was driveen will not do that ever again . got lost coming from a dudes house. when i finally figuired out wich way was home, and was almost home... guess who i saw in the rear view mirror? u guessed it the law. i was shitting my self. any way he followed me for what seemed forever . you live and you learn...



the salmon creek, imho is just a good outdoor $2000 a lb throwaway strain...the quality for me isnt up to par, the wheelchair ive seen has been great.

all i know is that its seen a bunch in the southern county area ...kind of one of those area staples...
Fascinating Thread!!

Fascinating Thread!!

Fascinating Thread!!
It's easily agreed that "Wondervu Wheelchair" might just be the famed wholly grale of smoke for those experiencing 'off the chart' pain circumstance. Then again, maybe not? After two days & nights of writhing in pain, who wouldn't want to just be able to pass out and sleep?

Is it just me or has the dyke burst in the Rockys with recent tastings including AK47, Alaskan ThunderF*ck, Amsterdam Bubble Berry, & Bubble Gum. Then, Maui Wowie and hashish, making a beginning of 2006 arrival with positive moments in the local spotlight. Smokers who've developed quite discriminating tastes are accessing some phenomenal smoke.

Thinking back in the years to Michigan, and the redbuds, panama reds & acapolco gold's of the world. Totally pales in comparison.//COmidnightrider46

Wow...memories...I had this strain once about a year ago and I've wondered since what the hell it was. Kinda forgot about it lol...