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Dutch May FORBID Cannabis Sales to Foreigners!


Active member
The Dutch authorities are planning to forbid soft drug sales, including marijuana to foreigners. Apparently they have decided to take the course that Maastricht did, to restrict cannabis sales to private members only clubs, or something similar.

Last March the beach cities of Roosendaal and Bergen-op-Zoom closed all eight of their coffee shops which serviced 25,000 tourists a week.

The official announcement will take place in the autumn.


Supporters say the lax laws have increased crime. Critics say this will only increase crime as tourist seek cannabis on the street.


What do you think this will do to Dutch tourism?


Back to selling wooden shoes.


When pot is taken from the people, only the people will have pot. Er...or something.


Devil's Advocate
I can't imagine them doing that, because like dongle69 said, back to the wooden shoes.
Wouldn't that have too large of an effect on their economy in the short run for them to go through with it? I mean it's not like people really look long term anymore. They're takin our joooobs


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
anytime you try and ban a widely used substance it creates a black market which bring nothing but bad things.... I wish people could understand this....


My little pony.. my little pony
.. Critics say this will only increase crime as tourist seek cannabis on the street.

What tourists? They dont come to the dam for the tulips.

Can a coffee shop even survive if it only sells to Dutch people?


Sheeat, I just got my passport too... never been to Europe...Oh well, have to take my dinero somewhere else. I hear the tulips and wooden shoes are great, but....

Can they really afford to miss out on taxation/revenue stream while increasing the black market, thereby further increasing social costs? This would be very sad.

On a side note: Hooray for Oaksterdam!!!!
yep I always looked forward to eventually going there but seeing as to how they could be pullin all this stuff then ill sit here on this site until i learn to grow the best weed in the world so i dont have to go there.... pffttt...good day to them I Say! O yea and a few words for them...econimical recession and US Economical shape...they would doom themselves to such jobless and moneyless demises


Registered Non-Conformist
Of course, in this situation, "It" will still be widely available, regardless... I can;t imagine a "Hej you, pot smoker, show me your passport...!" Except in a Shop, of course...

It is almost as if the Belgian border just got moved to the other side of Roosendaal...! All shops closed >? Whoa....

One thing the "Dutch Chamber of Commerce" - the tourist board, and the VVV needs to keep in mind is that the weather is really crappy in The Netherlands for a good part of the year... A good reason to go elsewhere.

Too bad the pot is so crappy in Mex... haha, talk about weather.... And the surf in the Netherlands is brown and non-existent. lol..

This would spell the end of the Cannabis Cup, I guess.

I am really surprised, in general. We are discussing a nationality that - with all due respect - DEFINITELY knows the value of money ...


What tourists? They dont come to the dam for the tulips.

Can a coffee shop even survive if it only sells to Dutch people?

probably the point of it all, to get them all to close down.


That's interesting..

Maybe Mexico is a bigger shock then we thought.

I guess then I can move there and sell weed on the side and live the great life..

That would be alright with me!

I'd get a crappy little place and party 4 days a week.. Plus holidays..



Active member
This keeps up, looks like the High Times Cannabis Cup may soon be relocating to Vancouver or Toronto.

That's okay. Our beer is better and there is no Ann Frank House to feel obligated to visit. More hookers here too, although the Red Light District is on the Internet, not behind plate glass with cheesey black lights. Strippers? Way better here. In that column, it's a solid win.

As for the dope? We're working on it. :) Our bud is great, though the hash here is more than a little iffy...

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
"Mexico ain't bad lord/and people there they treat you kind" :D But seriously, that's fucked up shit, hope they come to their senses and think twice on this.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I won't ever go to the Netherlands....for a lot of reasons. Nice one, good luck on tourist money now. Americans should just stay here and spend our money anyways...:2cents:


"Can a coffee shop even survive if it only sells to Dutch people?"

Of course not, but that's the whole point. The right wing control freaks know they can't shove home a total ban so they are going about it bit by bit.

Isn't it ironic, the one country that promoted the world wide prohibition of cannabis, the USA, is now opening up and becoming freer while other countries like Holland and Canada are clamping down...lets hope Holland and Canada attempt to become stricter will last about as long as these right wing controllers stay in power (hopefully that will be when they lose the next election)


The right wing of the Dutch government has this plan in mind, but they have to wait untill there is an answer of a lawsuit about this.The question is if it is possible to deny foreigners according due some EU regulations.

You have more chance that you have the High Times Cannabis Cup in Cali than in Vancouver or Toronto, since the Mr.Harper has the same thoughts about Cannabis as the Dutch prime-minister Balkenellende.

For the Americans, there is still good quality marijuana & hash available here in the Netherlands, but not in the tourist area.You have to know where to go.:D

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:
