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10 Common Indicators for Highway Drug Interdiction


They're called "whisper" stops. (originating from 3rd party/agency intel), and, a "large amount"?.

I would say there is zero supporting anything more than a mere fraction.

Where would they get the time for 1,500+/- random stops a month in some cases if they already had a full schedule.

Automatic license plate readers are becoming the norm for almost all across the country, the first priority being stolen and felony warrants on registered owner.

I'm not sure if your referring to EPIC, which is not even necessarily traffickers and/or associates, but compiled data of all vehicles and individuals reported into the system by various agencies.

It is also the norm for city, county, state and task forces to report interactions with "major violators" to the DEA immediately.

That being said, I wouldn't necessarily agree 100% with any of the above.

I would welcome any documentation relating to the above, as I am sure all would.

Most of the time YOU wouldnt know whether a stop was from a "whisper" or just random profiling, they want it to look random so they put it like that it in the report. For example..

They get a call saying "An older white man will be driving through in a black tahoe with drugs" so when they see the car, they pull him over for a bullshit reason like failure to maintain lane and they get the drugs, then when you read it in these news article, the article says a man was stopped for a a traffic violation and drugs were found. So like i said, YOU dont know which of these cases you read from the internet were the result of random stops or tips. I would say 20% of the BIG busts come from tips.

and no, I was not talking about EPIC, DEA has a compiled list of drug traffickers and associates in a system that some interdiction teams use. It is mainly used in the border areas.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
But it's revealed in case files. It's not 20% of cases found. Interdiction officers readily state publicly also no where near such a figure, (Not even close to 5%), and case files show a much lower figure than 5%.

Additions to DEA compiled list is mentioned above, as well as of course agency to agency intel and arising from efforts such as below, and on and on. Already addressed.

It's not a "call" saying white guy in Tahoe, "tips" received are agency to agency shared case files on the target subject(s). They don't give credibility to "random anonymous" tips btw in case anyone is wondering. (This leads to registered agency informants who have established credibility, and provided enough detailed information, and provided enough previous information to warrant a further look into the matter, which in some cases do not provide enough lead time.) Such also arises from intel (audio/visual surveillance) received during the course of ongoing investigations and pursued over the course of time, making (creating) the stop to fold into a larger , ongoing investigation, and used as leverage to penetrate organizations targeted.

Anonymous Tips and Investigatory Stops btw....(And a great site for one to explore, starting with links at bottom and work their way through site...Bus Traveler checks, roadblocks, consent searches, GPS vehicle surveillance, and on and on.......)
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Barry cooper did his videos and a lot of this was discussed.

If you are going to transport large amounts of drugs, here are some DOs and DONTs, summed up.

- Don't drive a rental unless absolutely necessary (if your car is too suspicious, or has been involved before in drug arrests)

- Do not put any stickers on your car referring to DARE, law enforcement, and even religious symbols. Bumper stickers in general are "opinions", and if a cop sees even a bumper sticker that says "NObama" he may be a liberal and want to pull you over anyway.

- All vehicle parts in working order (all lights, tires, inspection, etc)

ONE OF THE MOST OVERLOOKED tricks of the trade:

- Transport the product during a storm, severe rain or snow. Cops are on record (in video clips, ones i've talked to, even barry cooper i think mentioned it) of saying they hate pulling people over when it's pouring down rain...think about it, does a cop REALLY want to stand outside and get soaked/freeze his ass off over a blinker or something?

- Transport during rush hour. Much less of a chance of getting busted when your car is mixed in with 1,000 other cars.

- Obey all traffic laws, go with the FLOW of the traffic...if the speed limit is 55 and people are going 70, go 65 or 70. Stay in the right hand lane, 3 car distances back. Use cruise control.


boa that was a long read ......

realy nice thread .... and keep it clean...

some know the passive sniffing dogs?
they are used manly at airports around here...


Active member
I like growing the best.....there is no more lucrative endeavor along those lines.....lb. for lb....dollar for dollar?.......I would never even hint at anyone doing such.......it's fuckin stupid...

(But, you know...this, and that, and this, and that.......yeah,yeah,yeah....

Best point yet!!!!
Do not.. i repeat do not follow this guy's advice if you are riding dirty.. they will bring the dogs out on you and make them false alert if they have to and you will be sitting in a jail cell... the best thing i can say is to try and have your story ready if you get stopped and dont act nervous, thats what they look for.

NONSENSE!! Any ATTORNEY worth a damn will say the same thing I am. Who would you trust, an attorney or this guy who claims we SHOULD play THEIR game and just hope to win? I say that if you begin the answering of questions, it will lead to your downfall. You have to let the cops KNOW that you are not to be fucked with. HOW do you do that? By doing what the guy criticizing me says? No way.

If you have all your papers in order and NO obvious signs of anything, it is INSANE to think that you can: 1. Come up with a story that the cop will accept. 2. Keep cool and not show stress. 3. Have all your passengers on the exact same page with their stories. 4. Be content sitting on a street discussing your private business with a scumbag cop. etc, etc.

You are giving BAD advice. PLEASE link us to ONE defense attorney or constitutional scholar that advises YOUR way....you cannot. Lawyers ALWAYS say to NEVER answer any questions put to them by a cop, because cops twist and lie and change what is said to suit them.

Here is a perfect example : Lets say a cop stops you and says:

" Do you have any guns or drugs in your car? If not you would not mind me looking, would you?".

If you answer, NO MATTER HOW, you have just given the cop permission. Why? Because it is a 2 part question, which expects either of 2 answers...yes or no. If you say NO to the part about having guns or drugs, , the cop will say " The driver said NO to my question about minding if I searched, so I did". If you say YES about minding if he searches, he will say " The driver said YES when I asked if he had any guns or drugs, so after this admission, I searched".

You are fucked either way, because you played THEIR game. you will NEVER win their game because their game has rules that change according to the cops willingness to lie, and we all know that cops are notorious liars. Cops love to ask convoluted 2 part questions because it gives them an opening to use your own words against you.

Every attorney I have ever spoken to agrees with ME...and disagrees with the guy above who thinks we can all be clever and win their game...and he is wrong. He thinks that demanding your rights be respected will bring down the wrath of the pigs... well, if they do, that can be dealt with later.

Would you rather be facing a charge from a cop that had violated your rights and searched you without consent, or one that could quote you ( truthfully or not ) and use your own words as justification? Guess what? Your attorney will tell you that if you engaged in any question and answer with a cop you are STUPID and deservfe what you get.

If you do what I said, what can happen? At worst the cops will have to violate rights to search and lose the evidence later in court. At best they realize that you are not to be fucked with lest they get sued, and go away. Under the OTHER guys way, you have to not only win the game the cops play all day, but be perfect in what you say and give the pig no reason to suspect you. not many people win that game, but MANY people win my game.

I listen to lawyers, not guys on a forum that think they can bluff their way thru a confrontation with pigs by beating them at their own game....YOu are the one giving bad advice.

UNLESS of course you can link us to lawyers that advise answering cops questions and exposing yourself to the tricks...can't find even one, can you? We know who to believe, and it ain't you pal. Quit being afraid of pissing a cop off and grow a pair...you are NOT slick enough to win the cops game.

I AM slick enough to make sure that if a cop gets anything from me, it is because he illegally got it and will lose it in court...I will never give them a way to screw me , and that is what will happen if you try and engage the scum and answer their questions. Next time you accuse me of giving bad advice, get some professional in your corner....for now all you have is a bad idea and NO support from any lawyer on earth with a brain.
The story about the 73 year old guy with the 1/2 ton of weed goes on to say this...

Kent Keeshan, deputy director of the Quad-City Metropolitan Enforcement Group, or MEG, agreed with Taseff that many drivers are willing to take the risk for the lure of easy money. On average, carriers are paid $100 per gram of marijuana and $1,000 per gram of cocaine.

Wow! What's it sell for, then, 1,000/gram for the green? Rough!

BTW... Great thread.


The story about the 73 year old guy with the 1/2 ton of weed goes on to say this...

Kent Keeshan, deputy director of the Quad-City Metropolitan Enforcement Group, or MEG, agreed with Taseff that many drivers are willing to take the risk for the lure of easy money. On average, carriers are paid $100 per gram of marijuana and $1,000 per gram of cocaine.

Wow! What's it sell for, then, 1,000/gram for the green? Rough!

BTW... Great thread.

LOL? My guess is reporting error by the journalist. Maybe it was supposed to be 100/oz. I mean shit a gram of green is what $20 pretty much across the country and coke is $30 - 60? No way those figures are accurate.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
You must either be a pig, or work for a lawyer. Ofcourse your lawyer says to say nothing and call him. Long court battle, not his ass on the line. $$$$$$$$ out of your pocket and into his, with no risk to him ('cept maybe you killing him when you find out he fucked you).

Ever watch Barry Cooper? In the traffic stops section he talks about "TELLS" (just like in poker), scratching your head, clearing your throat, studdering...
What do you think the L word is? A big fucking tell!

I wonder how many REAL traffickers say "I want my lawyer", as soon as the cop gets them to roll down the window. Obviously not many still in business.

A battle is won or lost before it begins.

Try watching "Swallow" by Frank E. Flowers. A great little flick talking about coke mules from the Carribean to Florida.

Let us get one thing straight here.
Lawyers are not for dettering LEO, they are for dealing with the aftermath of your dumbass actions!

For the real players it is a numbers game! Like a game of Stratego. If you are reading this, then you probably aren't one of them.

You got pulled over in the first place because the officer say your vehicle and created a story about you. That story told him Drug Trafficker. Saying "I want my Lawyer", is not going to make him say "Gee whiz, I guess I was wrong about that one."

Obviously you lack the creativity to come up with a believable story, or anticipate the questions that LEO will ask you to trip you up.
Please, please.
Don't think that everyone else on this thread lacks that ability.

Remember, cops study PEOPLE (not fucking Chemistry, Botany, Mechanics, Astrophysics), PEOPLE! Interdicition officers are cops that are especially good at studying people, otherwise their ass would get put in another role. If interdiction officers don't get busts, they don't stay in interdiction very long.

This is an old (Cold War) training manual, but it is a very entertaining read.
The Kubark Manual for Counter Intelligence. Kubark is a cryptonym for the CIA.
Some stuff is blacked out and omitted, but it does give a primer on studying PEOPLE.